And don't forget that a movie isn't just a story.
And don't forget that a movie isn't just a story
Other urls found in this thread:
Future earth set in 2021
Anyways I haven't really come up with anything else but the point is Natalie Dormer just takes cock in every orifice for 120 minutes.
The end.
Film about the New Life Church shootings.
Focus both on the lives of the shooter and the woman who killed her before the incident. The kid who did it was utterly fucked in the head and and the woman is a deeply religious aging ex-cop with no kids. It would be a kind of moody drama with an intense as fuck finale in the church
I'd pay to see that.
its a matrix reboot called Gender Binary
I chose to play myself because I want unsimulated sex scenes.
>Love Interest:
>Best friend:
Nathan Jones. He's massive, muscly and I want scenes where he's working out and being cool and shit. I hope this movie would help his career.
Ray Liotta. I love him and want to do brotherly stuff with him.
>Worst Enemy:
Fucking faggot. At least three scenes where I beat him up. Nathan Jones can do shit like dunk him through a hoop while I makeout with KStew. (Most scenes call for me and KStew being sexually active)
>Directed by:
I think they'd best help show my vision but I wouldn't be past replacing him.
>Music by:
Boney M. Obvious.
So, Rob Schneider pla
A jew from current year wakes up in a cryo chamber in the year 2500 discovering he is the last of his kind in an all white world. He finds the last negro and they work together to steal nuclear authentication codes and holocaust all of mankind.
The Third Holocaust: Stirnman's Revenge
Throw in a talking pie and ill fund it
>autistic neckbeard on Sup Forums goes to shoot up a school
>alien invasion happens
>he fucks them up
What do I do when I have a story, but can't come up with a plot?
smart people take over the world and force eugenics on all the dumb people
soon all the moderately-intelligent people become seen as dumb (think bell curve) and then they're next for being killed etc etc.
Tell it anyway
A story has a plot; the plot isn't the story.
An angrier version of Gattaca
It's about a killer-robot driving instructor that travels back in time for some reason. He's got a heartbreaking decision to make about whether his best friend lives or dies. His best friend's a talking pie.
>television show about a group of characters trying to exterminate reptillian aliens who they have discovered infiltrated and took over the media and governments of the world
>the turning point in the plot is when they realize that the reptillians were actually jews and they're all just schizo
Nice try, exec!
FUCK I shoulda known this idea would've been done before
Story following a man cursed to live forever and how he reacts to the changing of ideals and values in nations and himself. Most likely would be a trilogy with the first being Charlamagne to the middle ages, the second being the renaissance to the industrial revolution, and the last one being world wars to the near future
Sold. Ron jeremy you've done it again.
If your story is interesting enough a plot won't be hard to come up with. Just pick up Robert McKee's Story or Field's Screenplay to help you formulate the plot.
A 70s slasher-movie murderer gets stuck in a frozen prune-ice cream machine at a summer camp. Nobody touches it for 40 years. In the modern day, a kid accidentally turns it on and gets a serving of prune ice cream, releasing the murderer, who still thinks it's the 70s, onto the camp. Super campy, self aware, think Sleepaway Camp + Cabin in the Woods.
a slapstick version of schindlers list (renamed to schneiders list starring rob schneider)
Pretty sure that guy has no interest in actually writing a screenplay you autistic idiot.
I like it. It should star Richard Dean Anderson for some reason.
A terroist leader has stumbled on to time travel magic and going back from the middle ages to fund his organization with riches stolen from there. Navy seal team has to go back in time and stop him. Unlike other pussy time travel movies they would have their full assortment of guns and tech they would bring back to use. There would be magic and knights and dragons and shit. Movie ends with fighter jet squadron taking on the dragons.
Nick Stanton is a actor who peaked early. His first major role was in a critically-acclaimed movie that earned him an Oscar nomination for best supporting actor, when he was just 21. He mishandled that fame, signing up for two failed franchise-builder action movies and then making an ever worse comeback attempt with a melodramatic movie that comes to be considered one of worst ever made. As his career declines, he loses everything. Money, fame and the interest of his peers, and, just four years later, is a washed-up has-been doing low-budget straight-to-video movies in New Mexico.
One day, he is approached by a representative of a prestigious and excentric movie director, Lionel Hawthorne, a Terrence Malick-esque brilliant recluse who wants Nick to star in his next movie, a self-funded adaptation of the controversial 19th century diaries of Lord Malcolm Ashbay, a disgraced nobleman and occultist who committed atrocities in rituals in which he aspired to obtain supernatural powers.
Lord Ashbay's diaries are a often disputed literary piece, and have been adapted twice before. In both adaptations, the lead actor died shortly afterwards. The first committed suicide and the second died in a bizarre car accident. Suspicious circumstances have led to the movies never being released, the first being destroyed in a fire at the studio lot and the second being misplaced and becoming an urban legend, reportedly circulating in the black market and being so terrifying people refuse to speak of what they saw.
Nick is reluctant, but believes taking on the seemingly "cursed" role with such a prestigious director is his once-in-a-lifetime chance to get back into show business, so he accepts. Arriving at the set, the derelict mansion once belonging to the real Lord Ashbay, things slowly begin unraveling, and as Nick's commitment to the role drives him to the brink of insanity, he realizes the truth behind the role he was chosen for are much sinister than it appears.
Thanks I've been playing around with a couple of themes like how as time goes on it gets harder to hide who he is, is violence permissible when its religious, should you follow the popular beliefs or your own. Not very original stuff but some ideas I like
But books cost money.
I'm interested in writing several actually.
Harrison Bergeron extended to 2 hours
A romantic comedy where a divorced single father falls for a Nigerian email scammer who actually turns out to be a beautiful African woman forced to scam lonely men. She genuinely falls for him through the kind emails and he eventually goes to Nigeria to track her and be with her as her disapproving father sends mobster thugs to stop him. Eventually the father sees the error of his ways and decides it's important to let his daughter be happy. Would literally be the perfect role for John Cusack.
This sounds fucking great! I'll be sure to tell the execs about this one!
a guy who has social anxiety disorder and clinical depression who spends his entire life shitposting and posting memes on an imageboard
Sup Forums the movie
You've got a lot of ideas going through that, I think it would work better as a one season TV mini-series or something.
Ya I originally had the idea of having each season be a major time period and it being an almost entirely new cast every season, but its never going to happen
a movie about making a movie
On Christmas' Eve, an employee at a small-town radio who has no family to visit and no Holiday spirit to speak of volunteers for an all-night shift alone at the radio while his co-workers go enjoy the holidays.
While alone and caught by a thunderstorm, the radio begins finding strange patterns in abnormal frequencies he has been picking up, patterns that appear to be connected to strange climatic shifts and blackouts happening on the region. As he obssessivey attempts to crack down the transmissions, he is forced to face the reality he might have accidentally stumbled on the final preparations for an extraterrestrial assault on Earth.
He attempts to contact for help, but all of his calls are intercepted. He eventually establishes communication with a shadowy government agent (never seen, only heard), who alerts him he has become a target of the aliens. The man then prepares to defend himself against the invaders coming to kill him in the labyrinthic empty station, all while questioning whether the situation is real or some sort of elaborate prank or hallucination.
It has already been made - it was called Click
Hail Cesar
i think this idea is pretty fedora and would be extremely plebby
Big-budget action adventure
Michael Fassbender is an alcoholic Irish mercenary, down on his luck, who gets hired by a mysterious contact to track down a lost shipment of Nazi gold in North Africa. He clashes with Cockney treasure hunters, Native American ghosts, mysterious government agents, and genetically-enhanced undead Nazis. The locations range from the deserts of North Africa to the Illuminati Headquarters in Jerusalem to the ancient alien ruins on mars.
His partner-in-crime/love interest is journalist and former cop Brie Larson.
Danny Devito plays a talking cat.
The climax is a fight on top of a war zeppelin with mecha-zombie Hitler
American Cuckold
You can have your dreams, user. Even if it would perhaps never be made, just know that it is a great idea and that I would definitely watch it.
I'm writing a script about this now. It's about a bunch of shitty film students making a movie about making a movie. They think they're on the verge of something mindblowing but in the end they realize they just made an Inland Empire rip off.
That's the frame at least, it's really a backdrop to a story that showcases how much of a group of losers these kids are. Think RLM minus 10 years and more ironically pretentious. It's fun.
Putin bio movie staring Jason Statham and directed by MichaelBay
Fine. Maybe you people would be able to help.
The movie is about how in the future, prisons are abolished in the United States and instead law enforcement just kills people. And this new system spurs a huge resurgence for the KKK. The main character is a former gang member and one of the new police officers, he's assigned with hunting down and killing a dangerous criminal who turns out to be a teenage girl (and current gang member) who was experimented on by the US government in order to create a super soldier.
So basically everyone in TGWTG
revitalisation of the Slasher genre with a serial killer that possess people. Each movie is a slasher/whodunit
>In a dystopian future, an everyman caught by the government engaging in minor hacking is arrested and sent to The Board, a massive structure housing the world's internet-releated undesirables. He must navigate the complex environment in search of his own homeboard, all while struggling to adjust to the image-based language, the intrincate culture of every board, the persecution of other boards and the eventual raids, hackings and crashes.
Yeah except more just stoner burnouts who think they're too good for film school whilst being enrolled in it.
A story contains the plot - the plot is an element of the story; the plot isn't the story istelf.
It's the future. Technology has advanced by a shit ton. The technology to be completely immersed in virtual reality is there, but the general public have a strong ingrained culture of not enjoying total immersion in virtual reality outside of neets.
Anyway, a disease beyond the capabilities of medical technologies created by some aliens or whatever kills off humanity except for the neets and losers that were locked away in virtual reality.
Now, neets and neckbeards take the mantle of humanity and do retarded shit with their newfound power.
TV series based on Fallout New Vegas.
A time travel movie about a man who goes back in time to kill Hitler only to find that Hitler is actually just in his cause. He also learns the holocaust never happened. He ends up telling Hitler details about D-day and Russia and helps him win the war. They show the time traveler as an old man at the end, looking at the stars that man has started to conquer, all diseases are cured and world hunger is a thing of the past. He weeps knowing how others in a different time line are fucked and were depraved of the existence mankind deserved. It ends on a bitter sweet note. Mel Gibson can direct and star in it.
So you're saying I have a plot and no story, correct?
>big bucks
Does the asylum really make big bucks?
Moscow Has Fallen, with a very Putin-esque lead villain who actually wants to restart the Soviet Union and stages terrorist shit to make people scared or something.
I don't care. I just want more Gerard Butler making hilarious quips while stabbing people
In theory, yes, but the result will be shit.
>but the result will be shit.
Why do you say that? What's wrong with my plot?
It's the plot of california man but with hitler instead of a caveman.
I want to make a movie where all the events happen in real time.
That is - the story only takes place over ~120 minutes.
It'll be about a developing hostage situation on a skyjacked plane. Maybe a botched train robbery.
Has this been done before?
About a superheroe, beerman, no real powers, he just really good at throwing beer to people
24 did it for like 7 seasons
A movie about a talking pie that doesn't realize it's a talking pie. It can be like Forrest Gump that shows the American dream in action as the pie accomplishes a lot. The movie ends with a nigger eating the talking pie representing how the modern black man has ruined the concept of the American dream.
Average Joe gets superpowers and kills all muslims.
Real time thriller have been done
A musical about the life and times of Alexander Hamilton, first Secretary to the Treasury. the catch being all the actors being white.
I don't know your plot, but in theory a plot-only film wouldn't contain the elements that make it 'shine'. It would just be an empty procession of events if you don't have features that adorn the plot in order to have a story.
Did they cheat, though? Did they show events that were concurrent to other events already shown.
>Real-time thriller on a skyjacked plane
United 93, directed by Paul Greengrass
Political thriller where a KGB trained naturalized American citizen becomes president. Only one man who went to West Point with him suspects he is compromised and has to stop him while convincing the world that the president is a Soviet plant.
There are already 2 trailers for the Sup Forums movie
I want another movie like the game or the Spanish prisoner. Has anything come out recently that is like them?
Fund it!
I know that, I'm still trying to come up with a story. My plot is here:
Go on
You don't seem to really know what you're talking about. In the simplest terms story is the "who" and "where", and the plot is the "what". When you talk about story you're talking about the main character (who the story is about) and the world he inhabits (where the story takes place). The plot is the narrative, in other words what actually happens, the actions the character takes to reach his goal.
When someone begins with "the story is about..." they are talking about story, there is no mention of plot in most of these posts ITT. Plot would be something like "X happens, then Y happens, then Z".
Story and Plot are two sides of the same coin. You can have films that have little to no plot, but it's impossible to have no story (unless you're making an experimental film).
It's the future and humanity has achieved time travel, but fully understanding the troubles of messing with time, it's only used for research purposes.
A french revolution historian is sent to document, photograph, archive and film everything relating to the most violent years in France. But he finds all the senseless murder too much.
He reaches his breaking point when a random beautiful french girl is about to be beheaded to the cheering crowd. He saves her by shooting the executers and running away with her.
This triggers all out war as the Research HQ sends men after men to kill both of them.
But they keep escaping, eventually falling in love. In that moment they decide to run to another period in history.
The climax is them running through a bunch of different periods, WW1, WW2, the Renaissance, etc...
In the end they notice that the soliders have stopped coming for them, and they go back to the present.
Everything's different, nazi flags everywhere, people are mutated and augmented, it's a nightmare of alternative history.
The man starts to fade away, kissing her one last time.
The girl is left confused and alone, as Nazi soldiers pick her up.
Slasher movie where the hero is the dog and most of the movie is from its pov
I want to make a movie like Look whose back but rather than be a comedy make it a war movie where Hitler comes back and assumes control of the German military and leads the country into WW 3 and ends up winning saving humanity and the white man.
Superheroes exist and are treated as celebrities, with sponsorship deals, movie roles, music careers and etc. The World's Finest are the A-listers of the superhero world, but one day they mysteriously disappear, leaving the world unprotected to an army of villains.
Captain Justice, the retired ex-mentor of World's Finest, decides to get back in action and assemble a new team to save the day, but is saddled with only a group of D-list superheroes whose abilities and careers are so unimpressive nobody even bothered to abduct them.
>CITIZEN X - Batman-esque urban crimefighter that relies on gadgets. His mentor, the original Citizen X, is seen as one of the greatest heroes of all times, but the new one lacks his good-looks, his charm and his money, although he is very resourceful.
>MIND MAIDEN - A shy assistant librarian who discovers herself to have minor telepathic powers. She can read and control the minds of small animals, little children and old folks, and that's as far as it goes.
>THE PREDICTER - Can foresee events that won't happen in the future. A glorified con man who might not even have actual superpowers, he agrees to join the group in exchange for money to pay off a loan shark.
>KNUCKLEHEAT - A rowdy drunk who can set his own hand on fire and punch people with it. He claims this is an ancient martial art taught to him by magic monks, others tend to think he's just really, really drunk.
>DOUBLE DUDE - a slacker with zero athletic prowess or intelligence who can make one, and only one, exact copy of himself.
The team is labeled "The Leftovers" by the media and, against all odds, must prove they have what it takes to save the world.
Guy takes a 90 minute walk through his suburban community. Vaporwave soundtrack
What is Mystery Men for 100 Alex.
So, Mystery Men?
Sounds like OPM
>not downtown miami
>Absolutely subversive
>yuri gloating.jpg
Hillary and Sanders are bigger communists than Stalin was, on the other hand.
Hardcore Henry POV movie from the point of view of a line cook of an upscale 3 Michelin Star NYC restaurant. It will kick-start a new genre called chef-core.
With a hint of Jason X
You've established what the main character does, but what is he like? What are strengths and weaknesses?
Also, why and how were the prisons were abolished, and why and how does this system make the KKK popular again? It all may seem quite pedantic, but you know how much a film can be picked apart and scrutinised, especially on this Panaman luthiering bulletin board. You've got the skeleton, and it's a very interesting skeleton, you just need the organs and skin.
>A lowly accountat falls in love with the estranged daughter of a small-time mobster, and decides to compete against her father in a karaoke competition, with tragic results
>A gay porn star seeking to break into mainstream acting becomes an unlikely hero when Hollywood is seized by a sect of vengeful Kazakhstani commandos bent on turning the world into a giant taco
>A man born with two penises races against time to evade a shadowy organization that wants to turn one of his members into a bomb to kill a political candidate
>A serial rapist is backed against the wall when one of his victims locates him and demands to become his apprentice, while a tough-as-nails police detective is hot on their trails
>A madman is destroying the world's supply of chairs, and it rests on the shoulders of the closeted homesexual President of the United States and his estranged lover, a reformed chairosexual anarchist, to stop him
>A group of introverted teenagers attend a party hoping to lose their virginities, unaware a local cult is targeting them for virgin sacrifices to revive an ancient sex deity
>A male-to-female transexual is left with only one breast after a surgery gone wrong, and embarks on a road trip to Mexico with her best friend to become whole, which puts them on the crosshairs of a single dad training a ragtag bunch of misfit Little League baseball players for the big game, a bumbling FBI agent investigating trafficking of body parts, and a deranged scientist trying to create a modern-day Frankenstein
>Short on money, Jeff Goldblum agrees to star in a low-budget remake of Jurassic Park playing everyone, including the dinosaurs
>Parallel dimensions begin collapsing into eachother due to an ancient multiversal alignment, and only a young woman harboring ancient cosmic powers can save creation. She is rescued by a gruff hero-for-hire, who must protect her from his doppelganger from another universe, a dangerous assassin hired by a shadowy organization to ensure the end of the world
>The plot of "MacBeth" unfolds through the eyes of a group of amnesiac crewmen of a malfunctioning spaceship drifting through Space
>A young man raised by sentient falcons is deployed to sabotage a nuclear submarine, but things go haywire when its crew stumbles upon a society of humanoid amphibians created by the radiation of a forgotten meteor sunken in the pacific ocean, and the Falcon spy falls in love with their princess.
>A young reporter joins forces with a renegade priest to uncover a secret code in "Oliver Twist" that leads to a secret treasure build in a maze-like underground city beneath Paris, which also harbors the only weapon that can destroy a monster that roams the sewers and targets the innocent. In their way stands the President of France, who covets the treasure to fund his experimental hair transplant surgery.
>A young man named Gaylord Faggotstein by his abusive father as a mean-spirited joke sets to become the town's casanova, but soon begins campaigning for the plight of a secret community of homosexual sentient bears that live in the woods, putting him at odds with his conservative brother and the entire community.
>The crew of a spaceship on an dangerous voyage to Space to establish first contact with extraterrestrial lifeforms is targeted by a serial killer known as "Rocket Man", who murders people with a space axe, which is a regular axe, but used in space.
A man finds that he can shapeshift into other people's identities but only if he eats their poop first. Our protagonist wants to shapeshift into the president because he believes by stealing the president's identity he can save the world. The entire movie is just him trying to find and eat the president's poop.
Nah. Japan suburb is where it's gotta be
We'll make a prequel where he walks through miami with retrowave playing