Rate my girlfriends tits

Rate my girlfriends tits

8 out of ten. Moar?
Rate mine

Pretty nice 7/10
Wheres her areolas?
Its like the boob goes straight into the nipple

Does she have pectus excavatum by anychance or is it just the camera angle?
Also 6/10 only cause i like big boobies

Solid 8

Just a bad camera angle

would motorboat

No idea what that is.


I'd say so. What about her?

Nah just the angle i guess them haha.
Its a conditiom where the sternum forms incorrectly and forms a dent in the chest, which also makes the lower rips protrude a bit. Your girls ribs seem to be doing it there which is why i asked but the second pic says otherwise.

My gf has it.

10/10 would suck on

More of her

nice pink nips gr8 m8 8/8





R8 my gf


Op here can some one spread these pics on Internet then post her where you posted them


Would suck

I compute a Squeezability Index of 8.9 for your girlfriend's tits.

A more resplendent brace of Bristols was never countenanced by man.

Cute muff too.

woahh moar


Have you got more?

