Have you ever had to drop a movie because you didn't like the actor?
Have you ever had to drop a movie because you didn't like the actor?
I'm australian and I own 5 guns, what's his point?
He wants to ban it but it will never happen.
>Mass-murdering action star wants murder to be illegal
>Guy who played Hitler in Downfall doesn't want to exterminate all the slavic and jewish people
Hypocrites, all of them
Yes. Absolutely.
I do not go support any actor or directors work who is public about hating our constitution
Will Matt Damon expect his security guards to also be unarmed? Will he help fund the kind of walls and surveillance his home has for people who have lost their firearms?
his movies glamorizes guns though, he is a disgusting hypocrite
Shia Labeouf ruins any and all movies he is in for me. Just don't care for him at all.
Post em
How is it hypocritical to play a character who uses guns in a movie and advocate for gun bans in real life? There's a difference between movies and real life you fucking autist
They do know that the films in which he uses guns are works of fiction?
Are they confusing the fictional works he appears in and his statements in reality?
This would then qualify them as psychotics.
He was pretty good in Fury
They also glamorize murder and theft, is he a hypocrite for wanting to ban those things too?
but are they semiautomatic rifles?
can you go to starbucks with them?
can you follow muslims around with them?
Oh my God, that's Matt Damon!
Didn't Australia have some mass cafe shooting a few years ago?
>it's another autistic Sup Forums users cant distinguish between movies and reality thread
An actor's political beliefs is no more relevant than someone yours or mine. Many of them are uneducated and live very sheltered lives in nice gated communities.
If you want to ban guns, you have to repeal the second amendment. If you can't appeal the second amendment, then that means the rest of the country doesn't agree with you.
Welcome to democracy.
>They also glamorize murder and theft
Which are already illegal so your point is mute.
>An actor's political beliefs is no more relevant than someone yours or mine
It's relevant when they give sizable donations to politicians.
LOL Australia thinking they have "freedom"
>morons vote in a literal weasel in 1995
>ausfags get cuckolded by two special forces soldiers pretending to be a "schizophrenic surfer" in 1996
>"hey, let's hand over our guns!" later that year
>strayans are now becoming increasingly powerless due to their stupid fucking gullibility
>"lil' johnny" proceeds to bend them over and give them a big old fucking over the next 11 years
>the public education system becomes a mess
>the aged care system becomes a mess
>the mental health system becomes a mess
>many farmers who faced the worst drought in Australia's history, commit suicide because the government withdrew subsidies needed to help get them through it
>opposition government is voted in
>they're no better
>2013, the most hilariously-inept "leader" in the history of the world is voted in
>he's an ex-boxer
>he stutters in public
>his programming is often glitchy
>he's broken promise after promise
>there are still strayans who defend him
>he's now been replaced by literally GOLDMAN SACHS: THE Prime Minister
>the mining exports will eventually make Australia a "third world" nation within 50 years
>mfw all Australians are absolutely fucking retarded and deserve to go the way of another totalitarian state, that being England
Stupid fucking Australians, you all deserve to be fucking shot
Is that Jason Bourne???
No because I'm not immature
>his movies glamorizes guns though
If you're a child maybe
>be an A-list celebrity
>can have any woman you want
>settle down with a 6/10 mexican
wewo lad
Well take away my guns and rape me with your drones, is that Jason Bourne?
Most will donate the max (5k or something like that?) and call it a day.
The George Clooneys of Hollywood are a minority.
This from the faggot who blinded a homeless Vietnam fucking shit?
>mass cafe shooting
It's not a mass shooting if only one person died. two if you count the Mudslime.
nice pasta
They didnt ban assault muslims
That's Marky Mark, user.
SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED MATT DAMON!! ill still watch some of your movies though, because i can deal with people having different points of view then me
Funny how gun-grabbers always seem to live in all-white gated communities with a heavy presence of police.
Talk to some white people that live in Detroit or Chicago and tell them "they don't need guns" and that banning them is "for their own good".
>assault muslims
same thing
Yeah but can you shoot and kill the 10 muslim rapists who are pouring in through your daughters bedroom before it's too late without fear of legal repercussion?
Can you shoot a man point blank in the back of the head because he's trying to kill someone?
Impossible! Massacres only happen in backwards Capitalist countries with civil liberties!
It was two aussies as well as the mudslime.
not that it really matters.
>Americans literally murder each other on a daily basis
>one school shooting after the other
>literally every day thousands of people are shot to death
>when anyone questions gun ownership they go "BUT I NEED A GUN BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE HAS A GUN" like that is some kind of rational argument
>when anyone questions gun ownership they go BUT I NEED A GUN BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE HAS A GUN" like that is some kind of rational argument
How the fuck is that not a rational argument?
Matt Damon is a project mockingbird-type actor for the CIA, and excluding George Clooney he is about as obvious as they come.
>t.Euro Refugee Zone inhabitant
This will trigger rednecks.
That's still not a mass shooting. Not only that, but it was the only closest thing we had to a shooting in two decades, but the Americucks didn't hesistae to jump on it and say "LOL HOWS THAT GUN CONTROL WORKING FOR U AUSTRALIA". Meanwhile you burgerholics have a mass shooting every week.
>the reason everyone needs to own guns is because everyone owns guns
>literally "dude it's just the way we do things around here"
>implying that's not fucking retarded
come on now
wtf i hate guns now
>literally every day thousands of people are shot to death
Nigs and Mexican gangbangers are "people" now?
Let them blow each other away.
that literally is how things are around here.
there are more guns than people here. A ban wont do shit except take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens while doing fuck all to criminals
That sounds kind of rational, criminals will find illegal ways to get guns.
>Gun ban scheme that verifiably failed to accomplish anything other than screwing law-abiding people
>"We should copy this!"
Every fucking time. The gun control meme needs to die
Take your ass back to Sup Forums you fucking bigot.
White people are the real non-humans, you people are evil monsters who use everyone just to satisfy your sadism.
Kill all whites.
>>Americans literally murder each other on a daily basis
Thats niggers not "americans"
>he unironically visits fagbart
>Europeans literally get raped and murderd by refugees on a daily basis
>one mass-shooting/suicide-bombing perpetrated by Muslims after another
>Look at all these 'youth' gang shootings and murderers with illegal fire arms or autistic kids who steal their parents guns
>The only way to stop this, is by disarming the law abiding population
One thing I do think they should copy from Australia. Is that fire arm license holders get random checks by police to make sure they still have their registered firearms and haven't sold them off or are in a place their kids (if they have any) can get them easily.
But most criminals are non-white so banning guns would be pretty much affirmative action but improved. It would make white "people" criminals and give the government an excuse to eradicate those monsters for once and for all.
>implying criminals don't follow the law
Come on. Everyone knows a ban will make hundreds of millions of guns cease to exist. Just like with drugs.
News flash: Movies are fiction.
I'm a pro-gun guy, but I'm also a pro-fiction / freedom of speech guy.
So sick of gun nets bitching about movies being the problem and saying Hollywood glorifies gun violence. Hell, those violent movies probably drive up gun sales.
Triggered cause that chart is true? Heh stay mad Nigger
>Say it with me
If you don't like the way we do things in America stay the fuck out of our country.
>he post-ironically call kikebart by any other name
Are we playing "Spot The Jew"?
>That's still not a mass shooting.
When Shitpostralians make the claim "lel America has a mass-shooting every week!", it's because they classify every time a nig shoots another 2 nigs over drugs as a "mass-shooting".
But a Muslim with a gun walks into a cafe and starts blowing people away left and right?
Totally not a "mass-shooting"!
The US murder rate is comparable to any other comparable western nation if you subtract black criminals shooting other black criminals, hell you just exclude a couple shithole cities like Chicago and Detroit and suddenly it's fine
Yeah but he's like 4 feet tall
It's Bourne
i like the actor so ill prolly see this movie
also, OP is a paranoid faggot that got beat up by parental figures as a child
Mate, I'm aussie and agree with you. I'm just correcting the fact it was two people, not one person.
>this thread
kikebart is played-out
But it's the other way around. In our shooting only one or two people died, and that was the only shooting we've had in decades.
You just a few weeks ago had what, 30 people gunned down?
>criminals will find illegal ways to get guns.
The only reason criminals have guns in the first place is because of the legal market for guns. Sure organised criminals can still import them, but do you really think that's going to be anywhere near the level of legal importing and manufacturing of guns?
>he is unironically an SJW faggot
Police being able to randomly search you with no warrant is a violation of the concept of freedom from unreasonable search and seizure.
Moreover, we have the same thing in Canada: since I have several firearms, specifically handguns, police claim the right to search my house whenever with no warrant. It's a meaningless law because they virtually never do it. They don't have the manpower to waste on inspecting gunowners constantly, so you can pretty safely ignore it
t. schlomo weinstein
Americans don't have police or anything, every town just has one Sherrif and that guy can't possibly stop all the banditos from bringing their own colts to the saloon
When you have an open border, yes.
Guns just give the criminals more power.
The word is "moot." And you didn't address his point.
Give me one reason you need a gun and can't put the full trust of the safety of yourself and your family in governmental institutions which have proven fallible time and time again. Give me one reason that you can't trust a police force with a poor reaction time that will only arrive in time to find your family and/or yourself either assaulted, raped, or murdered. Give me one reason.
Or you can admit you're just paranoid and have mental issues and agree to give up your guns for the benefit of the human race and globalist interest.
If guns being legal are the problem, how do gun-grabbers justify the fact that Liberal shitholes like Detroit and DC and Chicago and LA have the highest murder-rates AND the most extreme laws relating to guns, but in the capitals of gun-nut USA like Plano, Texas the murder rate and crime rate, both with guns and without, is excruciatingly low?
If guns being legal and readily available are the problem, why is it that when my Dad went to highschool and college in the 60's and 70's, the woodshop student could literally walk into a public school with loaded gun, take it to the woodshop and work on it, but "school-shootings" were basically completely un-fucking-heard of?
It's been two decades of listening to inane liberals prattle on about how guns are the problem and "gun control"/gun bans are the solution, but they've never been able to explain facts like these.
People are so far removed from struggle that they can't grasp the intent of the second amendment. These people honestly believe that their government is just and will respond to parliamentary reform. They have no understanding of history or real world politics. It's all quite disturbing.
Why do Americans pretend they still live in the wild west?
>You just a few weeks ago had what, 30 people gunned down?
And France, a nation that has banned guns, has even more.
What does that tell you?
>The only reason criminals have guns in the first place is because of the legal market for guns.
Well you can just go outside city limits to purchase a firearm and bring it back into the city.
>no guns commie scared of cowboys
>Every day, 297 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, unintentional shootings, and police intervention.
el oh el
You are so 2015.
In an age where a European Superstate is going to be founded by the EU and the forces of globalism are working to destroy national sovereignty and make the populace of the planet lose faith in religion while undermining familial values and ethnic purity can't you see we must remove forcefully any right or will of the people and kill those who will not obey the government?
Global communism is the future and those who resist will be purged for our benefit goy.
>Look at all these 'youth' gang shootings and murderers with illegal fire arms or autistic kids who steal their parents guns
>The only way to stop this, is by making the police state even stronger until it's 1984 up in this bitch
>Stanis wouldn't even do that dumb ass,he would get rid of the real problem,niggers and spics.
The Martian
>nigs and chollos shooting each other over drugs is the same as armed militants walking into a crowded concert and mowing people down
>but in the capitals of gun-nut USA like Plano, Texas the murder rate and crime rate, both with guns and without, is excruciatingly low?
Hmm? What was that?