So guys I've been thinking

So guys I've been thinking.
What happens when the outside lava on the sun solidifies like it has on earth?
Isn't it going to be dark all day and we'll only have a bit of moonlight at night?

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smoke better pot

yes that's why it is important to keep nuking the sun everyday

Sun nukes itself, dumbass

The Sun does not "burn", like we think of logs in a fire or paper burning. The Sun glows because it is a very big ball of gas, and a process called nuclear fusion is taking place in its core. Nuclear fusion occurs when one proton smashes into another proton so hard that they stick together...and release some energy as well. This energy then heats up the other materials (other protons and electrons and such) nearby. This heating eventually grows out from the center (or core) of the star to the outside, finally leaving the surface and radiating out into space to be the heat and light we know stars emit.

People, including scientists, sometimes say that the Sun "burns hydrogen" to make it glow. But that is just a figure of speech. Hydrogen really doesn't burn, it fuses, into helium. So no oxygen is required!

I don't think that will work. The sun is so big and our nukes are just not big enough.


This is probably bait but I wouldnt be suprised if you're actually retarded

Yes moon makes its own light
2/10 bait

That makes no sense at all. How did the fire start in the first place?

There was never a fire. So it did not need to start.


Well, it burns doesn't it?

well it dos not.

Then how come it's on fire?

Yes, we will be plunged into darkness when the sun finally cools off. This may happen within 50 years at the soonest, perhaps 5000 years at the latest. We don't know how long the sun's active volcano will last because of course it's far too hot for our probes to withstand.

Intellectual checkmate.



What is that?

your eyes are faulty. The sun is oviously not on Fire. If you can not see that you should go and get your eyes checket out,

Sun bucket.
Could be used as alternative energy source in 20 years

Someone was trying to cook up a mini sun for sustainable warmth. They didn't follow the directions properly and it just burnt out.

first try at reproducing a miniature sun on the earth, The process wasnt stable enough thou.

Uhm the sun is a star (made from gasses and stuf)
so that wouldn't be possible...

Well, it burns. I think we can all agree it's on fire.

Sun doesn't have lava, idiot. Sun uses magic to create heat.

new levels of retardation.. Sup Forums used to be full of smart people what happened... and the replies to this are even worse

It's what a smoker's lung looks like (according to tumblr)

Is this nigga serious?

Its now full of smart people pretending to be retarded obviously.
If you can no see that i assume that you are the butt of the joke ;^)

Never been any smart people here. You just proved that.

let's see how many layers of trolling we reach

You good sir are destroying the fun.