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Superman is Jewish doe

What did Jerry mean by this?

Jesus Christ was also jewish.

Just sayin.

Who would win, Goku or Jesus?

therefore neither of them are goyim

>Mr. Kent, I'm Seinfield

If he was christian he would be worshiping himself.

He was born Jewish but never really practiced it according to the Bible. Just saying.

The jews had Jesus crucified.

Dude! American express!

Superman was actually created by the Jews to influence the youth to join the army and "serve their country".

Same goes for Captain America.

It's amazing how delusional Sup Forums is

He was born on Krypton and isn't even human.

He's just memeing dude. Don't act like an autist and deliberately fail to understand humor.

Superman (and most DC+Marvel heroes) was created by Jewish artists.

Hell, even STAN LEE is Jewish.

Yeah, him too

>That horizon jew

Each Ben Garrison pic is easily worth a thousand keks.

would the Jews kill superman if he was real? their goal is the complete subjugation and humiliation of the white race, and superman existing would seriously endanger their plans simply because of the possibility he found out about them.

You will have your answer if they kill Trump

Superman was created by Jews.


That has nothing to do with the fact that Superman is a Kryptonian.

>he cares about fake planets

He's a convert
the circumcision was a bit difficult tho

I need this with Lex Luthor and Superman.

You know I just realized something. In that pic Gadot has a similar body shape to Lucy Lawless when she played Xena.

Who is Gadot?

It's just that everyone was sperging out over how athletic she looked when she looks about as athletic as Xena did, from what I remember.

He denounced jews.

Jesus was a Galilean, not a Jew/Judeam, the region of Galilee is where the word Goy comes from, the Pharisee Judeans eventually killed Jesus whe he was in Jerusalem.

Super-Hero comics are a jewish power fantasy, Captain American was created by two jews to start a anti-German hysteria in the US.

nope. Galil was a region within the Kingdom of Israel and Judea.

>" Most scholars agree that Jesus was a Galilean, Jewish rabbiJesus was a Jewish rabbi. "

He denounced a corrupt religious system, not all Jews. That's like saying people against Catholic priests diddling kids are against all Christianity.

Please. Let's not split hairs about all the different groups Jews of the time. Yeah, he wasn't a part of the elite class in the system the Jews had, but he was still Jewish. He was raised in the Hebrew tradition and was even called rabbi by his followers. Nevermind the Pharisees were selling out their fellow Jews to the Romans occupying the land. It's a complex socio political system, but you can't say Jesus wasn't Jewish because he was a lesser class of them.

Jesus was ethnically Jewish
Jesus was not religiously Jewish as an adult, that doesn't make sense.


At the point he decided he was the Son of God, his views were irreconcilable with the rest of the Jewish community; he'd started a new off-branching religion.