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I just got a bj from my girlfriend a few minutes ago. Feeling pretty good right now.

yes please

by the way what happened to calling it baw?

can we get a music edition?

Baw makes it sound like we're a bunch of dad hating Linkin Park kids, when we're actually dad hating Linkin Park teenagers.






Holy fucking facebook batman. Get that stupid shit outta here.





Fuck girls mane. Or don't ye kno, if you cant.

Fucking girls doesn't bring happiness.
Sure it'll feel good, you'll feel great for a couple of minutes/hours. But after that it's back to depression.

le depression meme haha

its my life.


Is music okay? I posted this in the other thread, music I wrote for my autistic story, specifically when one of the characters dies in a firefight.









You know what I miss, guys ? Feeling a girl laying against me on my bed, her hands on my torso, and the warm, relaxed breath of her sleep in my neck, and knowing that she's the most precious being to me on that goddamned earth. It's not a huge problem, but fuck those drunken feels at 1:30 am.

I know what you mean, it was 4 years ago for me. Had some girlfriends in the last two year, never felt love like before..

Is it weird that I never understood the reaction to this? I mean it's good writing, but nothing I didn't already know. Losers congregating on the internet to enjoy each other's company and share / make random shit. It's eloquent but nothing particularly earth-shaking.

You were in love ? Lucky you, I don't even know how that stuff feels. Broke up woth gf of 2 years 4 months ago but I wasn't really in love. We were each other's first everything and she was an amazing girl, but I wasn't really in love. Maybe I'm an emotionally stunted retard but fuck do I wanna feel real love. Or rather not, seeing how it destroys people.


go back home edgelord

edgy af

just kidding, i know that feel. kinda.

so it's gonna be one of those days...

How am I an edgelord ? It's a well known fact that most love stories (and relationships) don't end well and leave people miserable, and I don't know how love feels, that's all.

"Or rather not, seeing how it destroys people." dude gtfo

anyone bored?

I just made a youtube


baw thread?

"Tis' better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all" or something like that. And most of the time I see user quoting that shit, he wishes to kick the ass of the dude who wrote that. It's a shared feeling.

fuckin snipers man.

Autismal as fuck but slightly funny. Also the girl in grey is kinda hot.


Thanks mate, I like it. Could you tell us more about the story you're talking about ?

This. Solid 8/10

It's really good. Pls tell more about the story.

' When a marksman operates he aims to peel and phscologicaly battle his opponent hoping somone will displace themselves to aid another sacraficing their cover. Thus when a sniper hits a comrade you think about you more than them, a marksman's bullet is only as powerful as your tacticle judgement'
IDF Colonel-unknown-

It's something I've been imagining in my head since I was in the second grade, I'm 22 now. I started playing with twigs imagining they were flying battleships at recess, and trees and rocks were giant cities, the school was a huge fortress the size of a mountain range, etc.. I named the good guys "whos" and the bad guys "lice" cause of Dr. Seuss and a headlice examination, and as I went between schools I imagined the who armies destroying each "superfortress" they waged war against. I never imagined it at home until I was 13 or so, because it felt "dirty," maybe because of the bits of paper I always threw away after tearing them up for spaceship explosions. I just continued the story in my head from then on, with a tree outside my house as the main city of the whos, called Sarengarth. The son of the original main characters (who had died in the "escape" from my middle school) overthrew the corrupt prince and prepared the city for war. So when winter came I imagined the snowfall as millions of paratroopers and attack ships. Vacations became these epic quests. A couple years ago I went out to volunteer at a college across the country for a few days and imagined a battle I'd been building up to for months.

Shit this nigga's going all the way to Scripps with that command of the English language.....

Good quote though, even if the last ten-or-so words make no fucking sense to me in context.

Hebrew->English =aids translation







That's kinda strange but it seems cool.
>when winter came I imagined the snowfall as millions of paratroopers and attack ships
This is so fucking awesome and poetic. Death coming from the sky in the form of little, frail snowflakes.

Doesn't look like complete shit at all mate, and i suppose you're having fun doing those. I too have some fictionnal stuff going on in my head since some years now, but not as long as second grade tho.


Tried unusually hard today to just see anyone with a familiar face. No bites but that's okay I'll just go back to sleep and wait until some one loves me

You've got friends in us, user.