Grey's Anatomy Fans Petition For Jesse Williams To Get Fired Over His 'Racist' BET Awards Speech

>According to the petition, Smith believes that Williams' dialogue was "hate speech" against law enforcement and white people. "If this was a white person making the same speech about an African American, they would have been fired and globally chastised, as they should be, but there has been no consequences to Williams’ actions," Smith wrote.
>"There’s been no companies making a stand against his racist remarks and no swift action condemning his negative attitude," she continued. "Why was Burke’s character fired from Grey’s Anatomy after his inappropriate homophobic slur, but nothing for Jesse Williams? Why the one-way street? Why the support for a hater? Why the hypocrisy?"
>As of Tuesday, Smith's petition has received more than 3,955 signatures.

It's over, Grey's Anatomy is finished.

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I highly doubt it's over.

what did he say?

also please note it's always the half-breeds who get uppity

can I say I'm black now?

Wait, was Grey's Anatomy not already over? Like, years ago?


Huh. Didn't know Burke got shitcanned for that.

Petitions to keep him on have way more votes. On top of that the show's creator is way more racist than he is, so I doubt anything is happening.

Why is always the most cornball niggas that whine about this shit?

Shaun KANGZ isn't even black at all and this guy is a quadroon at best

Someone tell this fool nobody will think of him as anymore black by spouting this shit with his spf 95 tan and blue fucking eyes

t. Angry black man

>with his spf 95 tan

The main reason this made me kek was because I thought he was a white guy with a spray on tan from the thumbnail

> greys anatomy is still airing.


what a fucking idiot. he has his whole career thanks to him having the black minority card while having attractive white features.

He'd be nothing without his white heritage.

>“We’ve been floating this country on credit for centuries and we’re done watching and waiting while this invention called whiteness uses and abuses us, burying black people — out of sight and out of mind — while extracting our culture, our dollars, our entertainment like oil, black gold, ghettoizing and demeaning our creations then stealing them, gentrifying our genius and then trying us on like costumes before discarding our bodies like rinds of strained fruit. The thing is that just because we’re magic doesn’t mean we’re not real.”

Also it's because they want to prove they're really black

>this is what passes for black in America

>get called out by Tomi
>SJWs strike back using white guilt

There's a reason the entertainment industry generally thinks of actors as dumb.

So, he's what, 25 or 12.5% black then? He looks like one of those people with the fake orange tans and nothing about him looks black. He has straight hair and blue eyes. How is he black again?

Wow, that's some serious melodramatic inferiority complex from a guy that like 99% white

>How is he black again?

His pompous pride and sub-average intelligence apparently.

Shit's hard for mulattos, they're not going to be considered white and they're often not really considered black either, so they overcompensate because they need to prove themselves to their group

What's he even on about? Rap music that's all about killing other black people?

Because you keep voting for politicians that give you welfare.

Interesting that no half asians seem to have identity crises or be ridiculed. Maybe it's because he's quarter or eighth black and they're the meme vocal minority or because people like asians?

> this guy
> """""black"""""

I look blacker than this guy when I get sunburned

>ghettoizing and demeaning our creations
Fucking LOL

Purest irony

top kek my nigga

>Interesting that no half asians seem to have identity crises or be ridiculed

Kek, go to any online hapa forum and listen to them bitch. Has Sup Forums already forgotten Elliot Rodger's autistic knife rampage?

Who gives a shit about Gay's Anatomy?
Only faggots watch that show

>Interesting that no half asians seem to have identity crises or be ridiculed.

No, they just hold it in and let it fester to the point they become mass shooters.

>invention called whiteness
>burying black people
love this stuff

>no half asians seem to have identity crises or be ridiculed

That's not quite true, but I'd imagine it's easier to be white/Asian than white/black anyway, just because at least Asian's don't have a totally shit reputation, similar to what you say.

This nigga looks like he's fucking white. What the hell?

the white man is keeping him down

It's always half breed nigs. There is something deeply wrong with them on a genetic level. They also tend to mentally unstable as well.

>Shit's hard for mulattos, they're not going to be considered white and they're often not really considered black either, so they overcompensate because they need to prove themselves to their group


See: Halle Berry, Barack Obama, Alicia Keyes

no he doesn't

There it is fucking liberals making melanin the basis for racial legitimacy

This is definitely an American problem, unsurprising considering how racially backwards it is, fucking place is like a whole other planet. I've literally never had any issues being mixed-race. We also don't have wierd as fuck alien sounding terms like "mulatto" or "quadroon".

Why is it whenever a black person gets uppity about "racism" and white privilege that it's always a mulatto/octoroon?

So, what is racist about this? I heard it live on the BET Awards and I thought it was a decent speech.
BTW, it's not "strained" fruit; it's STRANGE fruit. If you can't even understand a reference to a black poem how can you hope to understand what else he was saying?

who is this cop apologist?

Spotted the reddit

This nigger is literally white.

more eloquent than 90% of Sup Forums

>I've literally never had any issues being mixed-race

Posts like this offer nothing of value and simply signify another redditor that managed to slip between the cracks

This is hate speech? This doesn't even deny white people any humanity like saying gays are unnatural or whatever, it's saying that white people have been denying black humanity.

Dude, that's a white guy with a tan.

BET, the network that gave him the award, is owned by white people. Literally only basic white bitches and old people watch Grey's Anatomy, and he's less than half black Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

It is always the mixed race ones that kick up the most fuss and get African Studies degrees and shit like that

Easy to be eloquent when the content is fully disconnected from reality

i'm not from reddit i'm just not fucking dumb

>Posts like this offer nothing of value

but yours does?

I've never seen a blacker man in my life. Wow

If he's black, then I'm native american.

Yes, I was bringing attention to your bankrupt post and letting people know that your blind faith in that spray tanned man was a product of Reddit indoctrination

how funny is it that BLM faggots are literally creating an uprising in white power?

>more eloquent than 90% of Sup Forums

Well he is mostly white after all. A pure nig we'd need quantum computer to decipher is his bix noods

really makes u think

that doesn't make any sense. eloquence has nothing to do with disconnection from reality. quite the opposite really -- it's easier to be eloquent when you're referring to a truth

>literally white


He's a shade of dolezal so he understands her struggle.

by making another bankrupt post. i don't even know who this guy is but i thought the speech was eloquent. it's not blind faith and again i'm not from reddit. tired of making shit up?

would my post have more substance if i told you to go back to Sup Forums? you fucking fraud

>the young retards
Funny 22 white people killed with toy guns by cops since 2015. How many of those have TYT talked about? 0.

Well, in a manner of speaking, yes I suppose it would

blind assertions aren't eloquent, either

He's parroting the poisonous anti-white narrative. To deny that talented black entertainers aren't worshipped in mainstream culture these days is delusional.

Imagine getting more mad at being called out by a negro than the white project of self-aggrandizement at the cost of social unity. How busted would your priorities have to be?

if that was just some random guy walking down the street you would definitely think he was white

ok i get that you don't agree with what he said but you're not saying much else

>people like asians?
Speak for yourself. They're more or less on the same level as niggers, pakis and spics in my eyes

>They're more or less on the same level as niggers, pakis and spics in my eyes

They really are not. You can reason with Asians

No I wouldn't, because white people don't look like that.

That isn't racist, it's just a delusional inferiority complex. Guy looks like he could be Paul Walker with a tan btw.

He's white, deal with it

Not really.

Throwing in reference after reference to people who truly are eloquent does not make you eloquent yourself.

Imagine being his mom and having to listen to your son shit on your race and by extension you. If I had a half breed kid and he did something similar, I'd beat the shit out of him.


Sup Forums's culture isn't about eloquence on most boards. That's what we have /lit/ for. If you haven't learned that by now, well then, hello newfriend.

White people are white, not brown.


Replace Blacks with Germans and Whites with Jews and you've got a pretty good Hitler speech.

>He's parroting the poisonous anti-white narrative

still he managed to use less buzzwords in a paragraph than you did in this one sentence. he's not "parroting" anything. there's no mindless repetition of phrases -- it's all fresh and personal insight, which is why i say it's eloquent.

let's look at your post

>poisonous (toxic)
>mainstream culture

not to mention


seen this shit countless times

White people can stay out in the sun and get even darker than he is.
He's white as fuck.


what? where are the references?

>spics on the same level as niggers
at least beaners have jobs(unless you're on commiefornia)

> posted by a tripfag


What did she mean by this?

>b-but at least beaners have jobs
>b-but at least asians are smart
Non-white = trash

it means she fetishises a race which is really what jesse williams is talking about

if you get called out by a tripfag, you should reevaluate your life
>posts a mixed person whilst defending his speech

What kind of black guy has hair like that?


>"Jesse! dinner's ready! Would you come hel--"
>"Ugggh meat loaf!? IF you haven't been critical of our structural oppressors then you should sit down and shut up, mom. We'll eat when we're ready."

Black: stop killing us!
White: How racist and uppity he is to make such a demand.

Black gold (common reference in black literature, central aspect of black power movements)

strange fruit (reference to a poem about southern lynchings)

out of sight out of mind (common cliche phrase)

just because we're magic doesn't mean we're not real (there's actually at least 3 things this is referencing)

floating this country on credit (reference to reparations, phrase previously used by black poets as far back as the Harlem Renaissance)

And that's just what I immediately notice. I'm pretty sure invention called whiteness is a reference to something as well, but I'm not quite sure what.

And if he stayed out in the sun he would get even darker. Tan white people doesn't make a black person white.

If he was around during slavery he would still be a slave, he would work in the house, but still be a slave. He is a nigger.

don't argue with the half breed uppity nigger
correct, they get the lonewolf marked gene from their black ancestor hence why they are uppity.

anyone can google this and read a journal about blacks and their uppity behaviour.

but i guess they dont teach that to liberal schools, kek

>he managed to use less buzzwords in a paragraph

>abuses (we wuz slaves n sheit)
>black people
>extracting our culture (appropriation)
>our dollars (we wuz finances n sheit)
>black gold
>demeaning our creations then stealing them (appropriation)
>gentrifying (appropriation)
>genius (we wuz Einstein n sheit)
>trying us on like costumes (appropriation)
>we’re magic (we wuz Houdini n sheit)