Opinions on this man?

Opinions on this man?

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Really gay

It's also entertaining to read when he shits on Disneyshit.

He's too predictable. He always goes against the grain every single time. Which means he gives god awful movies high ratings just because nobody on earth would actually consider it good.

Is that the guy from Blackish?

Do you post this in every Armond thread or are there really that many anons who think he just says the opposite of what most people think for the sake of it? Do you even take anything from his reviews outside of whether he liked it or not? You can hardly even tell half the time. Have you ever even read a review by the man? He doesn't stick a fucking star rating at the top of his column, he writes a whole bunch of words where he makes a series of points about the movie. And he's generally right and I think posterity will be kind to him. In 2040 when Pain & Gain is a cult classic we'll all remember Armond.

>“I think Jennifer Jason Leigh is the best actress in America,” White said. “He thinks I hate his mother, but I really love his wife. That seems not to matter. I’m on record calling her the best actress in the ’90s, but that seems not to matter. So, where is the grudge? You look at my reviews of Jennifer Jason Leigh and I’m praising her to the skies.”

Looks good to me.

>And he's generally right

>Our critic was never a Star Wars fan. This time he laughed, cried and cheered at a breathtaking sequel by JJ Abrams with genuine heart and soul

Is this the man you trust? This Star Wars review is short as hell and says practically nothing. And what's actually there is so banal and shallow it might as well just be a three second advertisement for all its substance and informative value.

Here's White's review: nationalreview.com/article/428730/star-wars-demystified
Kermode bought into the ridiculous meme-worship of the OT while White cracks it open for what it is.

One of the nine black people I like.

I could give a shit about Kermode.

I think it's painfully obvious that White is just fishing for attention. Meet Dave and Norbit are better representations of the black community than Precious? Fuck off with that contrarian bull shit.

Why even bring up Star Wars?


Embellishes every sentance, usually ends up saying nothing, talks in circles.

Redundant and self congratulatory...a common trap amongst critics.

Hating Force Awakens is just a meme you know.

Professional shitposter

he was good in man on fire

I like him and I think he's the most entertaining critic out there.
I don't think he tries to be a contrarian every single time but he clearly does do it sometimes.

The great thing is, when he's shitting on something considered good most of his arguments are pretty solid and I always have a good time reading his article.

Something something Obama something something 9/11 something something black america.

He doesn't critique movies but rather rants about the same 3 subjects over and over again. Good guy to use if you want to find absolutely nothing out about whatever film he's reviewing.

I think that there's some real substance to that if you think about it. Meet Dave and Norbit both deal with stereotypes and interracial relationships in interesting and funny ways while Precious just seems to be pushing you think 'oh look how bad these poor people have it, I sure am great for sympathising.'

And why bring up Star Wars? Because it's a great example of the differences between the critics. It was a fucking massive event in movies and look how they handled it. Kermode went auto-pilot shill-mode while White analysed the cultural phenomena while presenting an alternative view on the movie. That's what I choose to judge their integrity on, not two reviews which I haven't read.

But it's so lame.

>usually ends up saying nothing
>talks in circles
>redundant and self congratulatory
thank you for this substantive and helpful post

I think we like Armond for the same reasons. I don't have to agree with everything a critic says to want to know what they think. Armond is an interesting cultural critic, and an extremely knowledgeable film critic. He's got great insights every now and then, and he also is funny as hell. He's the only critic I check in with every week.

>while presenting an alternative view on the movie
Yeah, just like he does every time? When it's not one sided he picks the easy route. His review for Hateful Eight just endlessly talks about racism. I like some of his reviews, but I don't take him seriously.

>the easy route
Are you seriously suggesting that all the other critics are the true thinkers and Armond is the one doing a half-assed job? And I think that Hateful Eight is most certainly about race, more importantly though it's that Armond is a kind of cultural critic, he acknowledges the context in which movies are made. And race is the context of our time. Everything political is about race and in our politicised world everything cultural is also political to some extent. So of course he writes about race, he couldn't do his job properly if he didn't acknowledge it.

He loves his /Dunkaccino/.
I have nothing but respect for a man like that.

/Dunkaccino/ is one of the most kino things I've ever seen in a comedy. It works on so many levels. Al Pacino playing a caricature of himself doing an absurdly shit job for money within a trashy half-assed movie that he's almost certainly in just for the money. And it's so damn long. It's like if Robert De Niro was in The Pest.

i was saying that i felt like the movie pulled so many punches the minute i walked out of the theater, also noted how many times they made little jokes out of references to the ot

one person in my group said they really wanted their money back
whenever it comes up this person always brings up how nothing happened, and eventually, after some leading questions, realized it was the 'same movie' as a new hope