ITT: Shit movies Sup Forums tricked you into watching

ITT: Shit movies Sup Forums tricked you into watching.

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hi pleb


Green Room and It Follows

Sup Forums has a absolute red-dit tier shit taste.

I just watched all two of those movies today.

I also saw people talking about Hardcore Henry, that movie was shit also.

It's like Sup Forums is really filled with underage redditors and Sup Forums posters.

What didn't you like about it?

Which one?

Neon Demon.

Literally worst movie I've ever seen.

Green Room

Tree of Life
Only God Forgives

The plot was just stupid

Indie Band taking jobs at performing at random places.

Drive to some shady Neo-Nazi campsite

They witness a dead girl

The band gets locked inside the room until they decide to kill them

The setting stays the same for the entire movie

If they were going to kill them anyways, why didn't Patrick Stewart have the fat guys with the gun open the door and let the kill them right there in that Green Room.

It's just stupid teenage pandering shit.

Adam? Is that you?

I plan to see this. Tell me why it's bad.

I was thinking he was gonna let fatty get killed so it would look like they were killing the band in self-defense. Then they switch plans to the gas siphoning setup and I was confused.

Maybe they though Fatty would be overwhelmed if they charged so he ran that retarded plan instead.

The hall full of people getting fucked up and waiting for the next set to start and if they started pumping rounds off in the green room 20 feet from the stage it probably would have been noticed.

If they just decided to open the door and have a 12 person brawl to the death immediately inside the entrance of the green room the people in the crowd would DEFINITELY have noticed.

Pointless movie

Why didn't they just shoot the gun when everybody was at the concert?

Welcome to 2016. Where 6.5/10 movies are now "masterpieces."

half the theater left in the middle of the movie, yet pedos in this board won't stop praising it

It's a good movie, it was just marketed wrong


You're wrong

Shut up you dumbass


Fucking this, movie was complete shit