What are your favorite Broadway musicals, Sup Forums?

What are your favorite Broadway musicals, Sup Forums?

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Was Rocky Horror on Broadway?

>Was Rocky Horror on Broadway

JCS, Godspell, Miss Saigon

oliver! and les mis

Musicals are cheesy af

Chess, sunset boulevard.

Musicals are shit though. The worst of both music and theatre.

I wonder why Miss Saigon has yet to be turned into a movie. Les Mis made a fuckton of money.

It was

Thoughts on the movie?

>Hamilton and Matilda aren't switched
>Book Of Mormon that low

dat hamilton rap was pretty good lol

Book Of Mormon had amazing songs and comedy, but I didn't remember all that much from it after watching it.

inb4 someone says that avant-garde field recordings of people pissing on a wall with nu-metal playing on laptop speakers in the background is a higher form of art than musicals (which are for normies).


Haven't really heard any except the ones that have been made into movies but I like Les Mis and Chicago.

>heard good things about Fun Home
>came to my area for one week a few months ago
Did I miss out, Sup Forums?

Beautiful was great.

There are some that did it right like Book Of Mormon

west side story / on the town


>Les Miserables, the only musical I can stand, is matched up to the exact same case my PC has, and is relatively high up
I'm alright with this.

Les Mis is overrated as heck. So is Wicked.

I really want to get more into musicals but it seems boring just listening to the soundtrack without seeing it and there's nowhere near me to watch them.

Avenue Q is the best musical on your image though.

There's always bootlegs.

musicals aren't music

Not compared to the other 3

I really liked Next to Nothing in high school. Anyone else see it?

>tfw non-native English speaker
>can't understand 70% of the lyrics in musicals unless their enunciation is perfect and I have a good seat
>Matilda has child actors just to make it harder

If I don't get subtitles for musicals I might as well give up on the entire medium.

Fun home was beautiful user

Ya goofed

I like Joseph and the technicolor dreamcoat because it tells the story of my people and their hardship

Anyone here got achance to catch dear evan hansen yet?

One of the best things to come out of 2016.

Link to the best song in the show:
