Let's get gay and anal. What's your gayest story?

Let's get gay and anal. What's your gayest story?

oh fuck off

What's wrong little coon?

U maud whauite boiii??? xD

one time I played league of legends with a gay dude, it was pretty gay.

Did you do a lot of sword fighting?

ive put a giantic candle in my ass and sucked my own dick off with swallow


Were you guys sitting there around in whitey tighteys?

I went over to a guy's house and he fucked me.


I showed my cock to my friend in 4th grade, I think he liked it

Jesus louises you're a silly one

Greentext maybe?

this is fucking creepy

no, but those are some nice dubs

I held hands with my friend once when we were drunk.

Did you jerk off with that hand right afterwards?

Nice tripsies

What do you think I am?
Some kind of faggot?




Hoho looks like we got a wise guy here.

Unfortunately vitligo around my asshole prevents me from pursuing the comfort from a male partner as I personally find it disgusting.