Was this a good movie?

Was this a good movie?

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No, but the directors cut is.


pls respond

pls respond



It's more of an ok kino.

can we stop with this meme?

what did he mean by that?

pls respond

Based Norton

Dont care what anyone says; as far as medieval flicks go, its probably the best. Great actors, characters and a solid story... almost like typical rpg shit. Start at level 1, travel and level up, build a town and then become a hero. You even get the girl at the end. Plus its one of the few movies that actually humanizes muslims. It may seem like pandering in this movie, but as a histoey fag, it portrays well the advancement and tolerance of the muslims of that day versus the catholic church. In all respects, this was the muslim golden age.

Watch the director's cut, if you can. It's great.

So when did you officially became a cuck user? when did your gf / wife took their first bbc?

Islam, rather.

without a doubt yes

it's the kind of movie you can't watch with your girlfriend because she will get a text 10min into the movie and then miss a crucial part and then fall asleep because she has literally no idea what's going on and the only reason she agreed to watching it was legolas

>its a Sup Forumsfag gets triggered by the mention of muslims in a good light episode

I don't follow.



Muslims of that time were literally far more progressive and tolerant than muslims of today.

I watched it with my gf and she liked it alright.

Checked those hamildubs btw

You get the watch Jamie Lannister get cucked by manly CIA Liam Neeson.

>we never get to trully see viking bro and nigger bro in action


>he will take his son back, and there's nothing you can do about it.

guy who played jamie lannister gets killed by liam neeson at the very beginning of the movie... his nephew, basically.

I miss the daily KoH, Master and Commander, and Gladiator threads


This is one of the true few that I know for a fact women cant understand. They will get bored and get back to their cellphones.

Because the big wigs at the studio didn't think anyone would want to see a 3 hour movie, so they cut out over a hour to make it palatable for the plebs thus ruining everything.

Watch the director's cut.

I already did.

I just asked why.

the directors was great but the main character was way too much of a gary stu

This post. Wow.


directors cut is still too fucking long

It's entirely inaccurate.