Who aspergers here? It sucks desu

Who aspergers here? It sucks desu

not if it's highly functional cx

probably going to die alone d e s u

Nah I'm going to get married

Highly functional or not it's still a bitch to deal with everytim im in a social situation

>tfw an aspies only friend
he may drive me to suicide

Why does it suck for you?

Learn about microdosing, do it and never again have trouble with social situations.

no i meant im probably going to die alone...

Everybody dies alone, duh.


LSD? Best way to purchase?

Work with a guy who has it, came into work last week told us how he stuck a kumara/sweet potato up his ass and had to get it removed at hospital, great morning banter

mom thinks I have it my doctor was being a dick so I didn't get tested for it. I spend my days at my computer. I have my one friend over every once in while and we play vidya.


take someone out with you :^)

>literally an autism thread

Yeah, right.

I spent my entire childhood wondering why I was different or if people were just asshole.

Turns out I'm autistic.

Now I'm just some bitter adult with severe depression.

Fuck I hate autism. "Next step in human evolution" my ass.

How old are you? What do you do to heal your depression?

>What do you do to heal your depression?
not him but I don't think you heal it, you just distract yourself from it


>It sucks desu
You're just not high functioning enough.
Git gud, faggot.

Same difference. Avoiding things that exacerbates your depression helps to cope with it. A good diet helps a lot, too.

I'm high functioning and it still sucks

Can you be more specific?

autism isn't real, user

I have Schizoptypal Personality Disorder and Avoidant Personality Disorder. It's not exactly the same. I mean I actually crave and long for social interaction, and when I'm able to force myself to do it it always makes me feel very happy. It's just a matter of forcing myself into social situations, which can feel impossible sometimes. Even when it's with family or close friends that I really care about.

I wish I had an inner desire to spend time with family. You should be happy to have at least that.

Tomorrow's ssi day though, what are you on about? Get a beer, get a bag and wait for death.

He has a record for public nudity and decent exposure for being caught trying to insert some other veges in his ass in a supermarket car park

20. I don't heal my depression. It comes when it wants. And leaves when I can keep my mine distracted. Usually involves vidja or spending time with loved ones.

But I'm lucky. I have extreme mood swings and terrible forgetfulness. So when I'm down it only takes me an hour to get back to a smile. At most it could be a week. Even taking into consideration my dozen or so other issues.

I know most people with our issues are depressed their wholes lives, or god forbid don't even understand what's happening around them.

Of you're ever feeling down, just remember...
>it could always be worse.

Don't believe me? Take a few days and visit a mental health hospital. Those people remind me how truly lucky I am.

>sorry for taking so long to respond.

Really? Which peer reviewed psychological and or medical journal(s) may one read of your groundbreaking research?

>Take a few days and visit a mental health hospital. Those people remind me how truly lucky I am.

the best thing about going to the hospital was all the food I got, I never really talked to many people there

"Decent exposure" - I don't think so. You're not 'merican, are you?

this thread is making me wonder if i have high functioning something because i am just horrible dealing with people socially when i first meet them but i can make friends eventually and maintain them

Oh, and they have some crazy chicks there.

Im on the otherside of the world mate, im a kiwi

Maybe it was just good for me because there was no judgemental cunts. And I knew the doctors and techs were there for me. Even made a few friends.

I'm sorry to hear that. Mind telling me your story?

Curious about autism in people here.

What symptoms do yall have if you don't mind me asking? How did you find out?

It's the other way around for me. It's all good until NTs realise I'm different and start avoiding me.

I am an aspie and I just need some book recommendations for getting better and being social.

there wasn't any "crazy" chicks when I was there just one annoying ass crackhead, and a lot of 40 year old moms. there was one cute girl who was from some other country who had a bf

have u ever tried not being a faggot and getting a job, maby if u got your faggot ass off your mommas titty and the video games ud fuckin normal up.

I don't understand human stuff. That's basically the most of it. And my strange addiction to musical instruments.

Your delivery is a bit crude, but I agree, work and a hobby help to feel better/useful. At least I have that going for me.

prety sure ur just a lazy dumb faggot and need to grow up and stop being a pussy.

its not easy the first few times, ur just being a pussy and not getting over the hump.

Fuck you. You don't even try to understand. You think you know us but you don't know jack shit.

Sit down and shut up, little one. No one has time for your b8 and retardation.

what happens in social situations?

I've actually tried many careers. I just fuck up everything and make myself feel worse.

i fuckin beat autism by not being a pussy, u kids need to get with the program.

u think its so easy, it is if u fkin try harder. it only gets easier, u just gatta grow some dick hair.

im fucking serious, u be a mean salty ass nigger and develop yourself in a contradicting and learn to deal with it all thru some grit and boom it all gets easier an easier and you become something different than an autist and normal.

Don't do this

LSD doesn't cure autism

Do they have "self checkout" where you life? It's awesome when you have social anxiety.


i think i do know you, u need to be a tough little fuck thats what i think.

thats the only thing that will fuckin help you, and theres too many ppl that act like they have autism when they are just a faggot, and im not talking about you or ppl with legit autism, they are even weaker ass fags and thats good for you , you know that? thats because if 90% of these normal faggots are worse than you, gayer and dumber than you and dont even have a probelm, that means ur doin pretty decent.

No, user, I don't think anyone here has Assburgers.

I don't wanna self diagnose buut sounds like me. I think about other people and when I'm with them we have fun and everyone's at ease and I genuinely laugh a lot but when I'm alone all I can think about is how horrible next time is going to be. It almost never is, but if someone's shitty or isn't having fun I blame myself and cover it up by pretending to blame them which can backfire and lead to them getting sad and clingy
Maybe I'm autistic

life aint easy for most people ya shit head, and being tough is the only god damn thing that will truely help ppl, past all the god damn bullshit and blah blah otherwise.

its being tough that gets you thru and gives you the opportunity to change things.

life can fucking suck for alot of ppl, autism or not.

I'm an electrical engineer and my "condition" helps a lot when working on technical issues. I just have troubles tolerating loud, unintelligent coworkers. They are so aggravating with their NT-bullshit. At least my office buddy is smart and a bit on the spectrum.

>become a nasty bitter autist
>treat people like shit still with no social skills

It's not horrible.
That being said learning social norms and behavior was as beguiling as it was hellish. Now I feel like I function at a semi-elite level but social norms are always evolving and I'll admit it's getting more difficult to keep up with and even harder to make it come off as natural.

are you sure your not just sheltered and weed is causing you psycological problems?

i swear to god if u fucking smoke weed im going to be pissed off right now because thats most likely the god damn problem and your just a cakeboy and its causing your mental problems.

first off stop that, that will clear up the schitzo shit and all the nonesense ur head plays, then get a fuckin job and some decent respectable adult acting friends and u will clear right the fuck up.

Yeah it sucks. I was hitting it off with this girl but I of course fucked it up. It's fine though, she's pretty promiscuous so probably a good thing.

Mild anxiety, low self esteem and being a sheltered kid can look like mild autism. The difference is that it's fixable. 100% fixable actually.


it is easy if u stop being a pussy, dont you get it?

nothing is hard when u actually learn how to be a salty ass tough nigger.

Most people are diagnosed very young and the quirks and traits vary but the basics of it are you have shit social skills, inclined to isolation and have social anxiety. And skills people learn as they develop are at a completely different pace for anyone with autism, some skills come sooner while some come later than usual. If it's severe some skills may not manifest at all. You are also prone to obsess over some topics, usually something complex. You also always think about shit constantly and obsess over it, for me it's usually something depressing. But it all vary's from person to person.

Try The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene, very good book I got, soooooooo interesting and insightful.

I know there's more to it than "blaming it on autism" but I definitely have it, as does my mom. I'm the only one diagnosed though.

Some people in this world just shouldn't be smoking weed

Meant for
Really good book dude.

I know what it is, user, I'm just curious about the specific symptoms of individuals here.

i am autistic as fuck, I sleep at consistently inconstant times like 7am to 7pm, I dont do anything but play counter strike and skype with friends and drink alcohol because I decided to stop dating and fucking with people due to my none or confused emotion shitbox, I had a job but I was too autistic so now I've got to take anxiety meds til I can creep around like a spastic dinosaur again.

I know the feel bro

ur brain is pipes 3d its cool

pic related: autistic fuck meme

also this is a good example of somE ONE trying to say that their model of thought is the best one instead of realizing that everyone are completely different. yes you, (YOU) managed to change by "not being a pussy" well done you don't need any confirmation from us but it's not that easy for everyone like you keep saying

When I go to a place like a plaza or something more than once a day and I feel like everybody is looking at me ill drive home. I usually keep my distance from people and smile when they say something to me but I usually say something odd when i'm racking my brain trying to think of something that would carry the conversation. I also spend time alone ion my house and pace the floor just thinking. I really like animals, wanna be a zoologist. Just need to get off my ass and just do something about it.

It wasn't easy for him either, he may not have control on jack shit.

people that are actually aspergic have fucked up emotions too sometimes nothing sometimes completely over the top I had a best mate who was aspergic and he hung himself over a girlfriend hes the only other person i've ever met who was just like me and trust me no amount of telling that kid to stick up a lip could change the way he was vastly different and saw the world differently to others and yes we all see the world different but there's just another level of that where it's a view that is uncommon and has uncommon consequences and risks associated with it

tl;dr if you dont know then you dont know nigger

I don't smoke weed, because you are right it makes it worse. I quit smoking it 20 years ago. I'm not some angsty teenager. This problem of mine didn't rear it's head until I was in my 20s, and it's progressively gotten worse ever since. I'm 39 now. When I was a teenager I had lots of friends, and loved socializing.

not saying it wasnt easy for him and that he's wrong i'm just saying he's biased to his own view of the world and seems to be trying to push out a way of dealing with shit that many would find destuctive. If I say now ok time to stop being a pussy like i've done a million times i'll be fine for a few months then get fucked up by the constant internal pressure of forcing myself to appear "all good" for me I at 23 am finally actually trying to accept medication and rationalisinsg thoughts differently, cbt exc. if I kept going with the "dont be a pussy " thing it would be back to drugs and fucking up so yeah

This. Me and my best friend both have it, him a little more than me but it's good to have someone who you can understand

It could be the guy just has comorbid issues.
They tend to surface around asperger's. The disorder itself frequently creates conditions that also cause issues like depression or OCD to surface.

I've never met another spergler I've really got along with for an extended period of time. In my experience autism can have similar shapes but they're never really complimentary.

same tbh

where are you aspies from btw

uk 23 here



Checked also

Nope, he's totally different than me I just understand what he goes through. He's more of a man child than me, he couldn't even speak properly until he was 6. Talks my ear off about stuff too, I like being alone, he really doesn't Gets bothersome but it's okay.

Texas, 19

Nice dubs


Autism confirmed.


pretty sure you dont have autism and you are just a fucking lazy retarded pussy.

welp thats fine man, dont toughen up and fix yourself, get worse and be stuck that way.

you literally have no disability and are just a weak lazy worthless person.

you sleep at 7am-7pm because u jack off all day and play counterstrike all day, you skype with friends because ur life style of being a lazy dumb shit is causing the problems u think you have. u take anxiety meds because u want to blame something, thats why ur claiming to have autism when you dont.

what u need is to not smoke weed, get a fucking job and stop being friends with dumb losers and find some actual good adult friends, do all that and ur head will get strait.

but if ur gunna be too lazy and too pussy to handle the hardships of getting over the first year of humps, ull never grow into a fairly normal person.

because no one is fucking normal, but we learn to be something we can handle.

i actually have the worst conflic in enjoying being alone and feeling lonely, my nature is avoidant aswell no matter how hard i try and now over the years i can't just power through shit like i used to use my brain to work out how to speak in a way people found normal etc now i just say the most awkward shit beacuse i've been trying to focus on myself for so long because ultimately I want to be a better person for other but now i forgot how tf to even socialise properly, it is shit

I know that pain

I think they fail to connect with you for the same reason they fail to connect with other people.
Aspies tend to have a solipsistic perspective. They can't think/feel outside themselves, i.e. through another's perspective. Their worldview necessarily revolves around their mind and no one else', and concept of imagining another's mind is often insultingly foreign to them, which they'll typically dismiss with some derision. Unfortunately this is often reinforced by egocentric confidence.

It makes them shit at socializing with both normies and other aspies. Especially other aspies, sometimes, since they're going to be dismissive/ignorant of the other's state of mind, and scrupulously testing them using themselves as benchmarks (themselves obviously being the mold in their eyes)

Michigan... there's seems to be a lot of them here must be something in the water.

this kinda furthers my belief that it's caused by a deficiency of oxytocine at certain key developmental stages.

you really have no idea what you are talking about I've not once told you that your advice is wrong for you, but how can you possibly know what's right for me? It's cognitive bias :p you may be the smartest dumbest biggest smallest thing on the planet I dont give a fuck because you don't know a thing about what my perception of reality is like and it's clear from your meta-autism who would try and diagnose people through the tiniest piece of information knowing nothing of their life ;)

Ever since I got a job and started going places with people it has gotten better, you see what they like and what they don't and yeah it may be overwhelming and nothing you really care about but that's just people. Not everyone is the same and some people are real as fuck and really understand and see through the bullshit. Those are the ones you should find. It's just really hard.

did you ever stop to think that maybe other people can't just do what worked for you?

It's pretty a u t i s t i c to have that narrow field of view I guess