Are fake boobies acceptable on actresses?
Give examples to support your argument
Are fake boobies acceptable on actresses?
Give examples to support your argument
big tits are the choice of the plebs.
fake big tits are the landmark of a retard gold digger whore
dfc > anything else
this is as big as a rack should get
When done right
literally the perfect size right here :3
Fuck off, aussie.
>he's a titguy
t. Aussie
t. reddit
>Call reddit to someone.
Your only argument.
>Call reddit to someone.
Her crotch is so big.
That's pretty disgusting, Yo.
I bet she's hermafrodite.
>scared of a little mons pubis
She is a Hermaphrodite, YO
imagine eating that little peach of hers
>scared of a little feminine penis
what peach?
I don't see any peaches
>feminine penis
Nothing more to say.
i meant her pussy
what pussy?
I don't see any cats
Little mons pubis??
She has the fuckin Olympus Mons.
fake tits > no tits
I bet she has perky tits with little pinky nipples.
come on, it ain't that big
found the pleb
user, plz
No, is more big than that.
maybe she's wearing a cup
jail is a very dangerous place, you know
But, why a cup?
to protect her virginity from the other inmates, of course
>He still thinks she's virgin.
o-of c-course she is!
NO, She isn't
just look at this face, so pure :3
The face of "I suck dicks for fun" for sure.
come on, she's a literal angel
Angel in transition to succubus.
maybe, but still very much in the angel phase, tho
she's nowhere near as semendemonesque as kaykay
The irony of fake tits is that the woman has to already be large to make them look right
Anything lower than a large C cup ends up looking like baseballs nailed to your chest
jj's evil nemesis, kaylyn
Ahhhh..... "The race traitor"
She was BLACKED, i remember.
I know, I know
but we all know that was going to happen
top kek
>but we all know That was going to happen.
that's what the same thing I think of jordyn .
nah, come on
I'm not saying it can't happen, but the chances are much much lower