All right D-class time to a SCP rollfest

All right D-class time to a SCP rollfest.

The 3 last digits determines wich scp you must deal with (touching, yelling at it, fucking it, etc). you must do this 3 times.

If you manage to survive 3 rolls you will be executed painlessly.

If you actually manage to escape using the SCP, you win.

Other urls found in this thread:



That ones easy.

Second roll



Third roll

round 2



Can I survive the first ?


third roll



Rollerino numero uno

Oh shit , it's Christmas town, I think I can manage, what's next ?

Item #: SCP-187

Object Class: Safe
>looks like i got lucky

Rollerino numero dos


Telepathic megaphone essentially, I can manage, can't escape with it though

Item #: SCP-352

Object Class: Keter
>not so lucky but survivable

Rollerino numero tres

So a blob monster capable of pleasuring each of my orifices and singing gentle tones of discordent harmony to my ears, all if not provoked? Sign me the fuck up.

Fuck. Gallows for me it seems.

Last time I got the knife that sliced anything that moved within 40m down to the 1/15 of a gram.... here we go. Roll :|

Roll 1

Roll 1 Neighborino

Rollwring neigborino

Rolling because i almost got caught cheating on my girlfriend today

Item #: SCP-642

Object Class: Euclid
>Well fuck look like i lost my testicles

do i still die peacefully?

I got a locust swarm so I guess I'm good. Roll #2

Roll 1 for the Hetafag.

Blob monster that can light you on fire if you enact a choir event, and a statue to starle the shit out of you I think this could work bring on the next one.

Roll 2 glipglop

idk why im rolling


ok roll




rell 2 since I got off easy


wtf am I reading...

HetaFag's Roll #1 Result and Roll #2

Item #: SCP-291

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-291 must remain disconnected from any power source when not in use for testing. A team of two personnel should remain on guard outside SCP-291's containment room, and will be swapped out weekly. While disconnected from a power supply, SCP-291 may be considered safe. SCP-291's main entryway closes and locks upon disconnection from a power supply, but the door may be opened manually from the interior in the event of any personnel being trapped.

I think I'll live.

1 nippa

2 nippa

I might actually get executed :D

You'll never take me alive!

I got a shadow that rips people apart and has fake eyes. I'm dead.

Roll #3 cause fuck you OP I had a flashlight

rolling 1

3 nippa

A motherfucking talking vinyl.

roll 2


roll 1


Nvm, got rape-eels for my last one

Well I might as well be dead

Lol you guys need to read my third.

It's fucking batman


a ball that rolls in circles fast, a vhs tape and a tiny solar system


Item #: SCP-841

Object Class: Safe
i live for now

Didn't see anything dangerous other than it's a Euclid, don't have tattoos either so i guess im safe

Rolling 2

SCP 035 Keter class.

Lol im dead

rolling for 2
survived the 1st time

HetaFag's roll 2 result and Final Roll

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-614 itself cannot be contained until knowledge is gained about the whereabouts of the server hosting SCP-614. Until then, knowledge of SCP-614 must be prevented from entering the public. Distributing the IP address of SCP-614 to unauthorized personnel is prohibited. Agents are to periodically take measures to make sure that access to SCP-614 is blocked at all internet service providers.

Depending on if I get the IP of 614 or not, I think I may live.

Not sure how a marching band (332), a blob monster (861) and a spoop-o-matic statue (650) are gonna help me escape. Maybe blobby will lose it and attempt to kill the marching band and admist the chaos I can take my leave?

Bring it!

roland mark 1


This one is hillarious to think about!

>Object Class: Safe
Might make it through this in time for a comfy execution

Rolling 3

never mind the vinyl I actually got a stupid error locket made from gold and then I got my bones dissolved by 774 so I'm dead, what a nice day.

rull 1

You're fucking dead lol. Have fun wearing that thing

rull 2

Oh shit, a multitool! I can fix sorts of shit now.

HetaFag's final result.

Item #: SCP-061

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: The source code for SCP-061 is to be kept on a standard archival-quality read-only data compact disc (CD-ROM); four copies of the CD-ROM with the source code are to be stored in separate maximum-security inanimate-object lockers. Except for purposes of approved experimentation, SCP-061 is not to be loaded, compiled, or run. Research proposals for SCP-061 require written approval from site command. Only one copy of the CD-ROM containing the source code for SCP-061 may be used at a time; the CD-ROM is to be returned to storage immediately after having been used to load the source code for SCP-061 to a device.

Based on what i've gotten for my 3, I'll probaably be peacefully executed.


Roll number: 1



>Description: SCP-218 is a predatory colonial organism
>Motile units of SCP-218 produce a paralyzing toxin, applied by bite or through the lamprey’s mucus sheath
>Objects removed from SCP-218 include:
>1 human skeleton, being that of a female child estimated to be between 4 and 6 years of age.


Second roll

Leak your teacher or even your sister lol - snap leak,cf

Item #: SCP-400: Beautiful Babies

Object Class: Euclid

Should be safe, roll number: 2

rolling for 3 because i can assume i'd easily survive this


lets go boys

SCP-037 - Dwarf Star
Object Class: Euclid
a star approximately 5 cm (2 in) in diameter
not sure about this one im likely dead if im too close

Item #: SCP-618: Smoky Cigars

Object Class: Safe

Should be safe, roll number: 3

Third roll

Going again

Item #: SCP-708: The Big Orange Forcelift

Object Class: Euclid

Survived all three bitches

Possessed television, but I'm safe.

Rolando el dos

Description: SCP-664 is an anomaly affecting the approximate area contained by the third floor of ███████ High School in ███████████, Pennsylvania USA. SCP-664 is invisible to all observation and measurement thus far attempted, and is discernible only by its effect on living biological organisms.

Living biological organisms (tests 5-12 detail species tested to date) crossing the approximate outer edge of SCP-664 are invariably subject to spontaneous and instant disappearance shortly after full immersion into SCP-664's area of effect. Testing to date has yet to satisfactorily establish whether time, distance, or other factors dictate the exact moment of disappearance. Non-living material, including clothing and equipment, are not affected by SCP-664's effect.

SCP-664-1 is the collective term for any living biological organisms that re-emerge from SCP-664. To date, 67% of biological organisms entering SCP-664 have subsequently returned, with a higher and lower proportion for sapient and non-sapient organisms respectively. To date, the time recorded between disappearance and return ranges from 43 seconds at the lowest limit, to 142 days at the highest.

SCP - 668: A chef knife.
Class: Euclid
If I want to kill someone, the knife sends out psychic waves that prevent others from helping my target. Not a threat to myself.

Second roll.


Disturbed but OK, one more time

looks like i survived 3 and had no chances to escape
