Found sum drugs. Tastes salty and bitter, like bitters for alcohol. Melts in my moth and is fairly brittle...

Found sum drugs. Tastes salty and bitter, like bitters for alcohol. Melts in my moth and is fairly brittle. Think it may be meth but not sure.


that's meth
heat it up with a spoon and lighter and inject it

meth would taste like shit and burn your mouth.
you dont need to cook meth

That would be some Crystal Methamphetamine sir.
Throw it away or give it to the homeless. Meth is trash

Might be a lot of things tbh, but I'd be shocked if it wasn't at least a type of stimulant. Eat a little bit and become sanic

what is it then?

Always like trying new things. Not like I can just go out and buy it, so might as well give it a go for a bit. I agree that it's a shitty drug though. Just worth a shot.

Get a piece of 4x6 foil and fold it long so it is a v shape and has a channel. Pour some in the channel. Get a pen and empty it out to suck the smoke that comes when you heat up the foil with the lighter. Congrats.

looks like hash

If you have any weed then just take some of that rock, orally, and smoke weed and fap and just do that for the next 12 hours. Make sure to take breaks to eat food and drink water and maybe game a little if your arm gets sore. This is a god tier method of solo hedonism.

Take a pic of your glass you junkie, I'm bored. Show me the crackback for old times sake.

yup that's meth bud

Try burning them.

Not meth, its menthol crystals.

You from Ohio?


>not parachuting it in your ass

Post pics

It really doesn't look like any hash I've seen.Hash is oily brown and rocky when brittle, sometimes black, not clear crystals

Checked, based tinfoil nigger gives good advice

It's meth, "glass"

nah tx. H Town

try taking another pic with it out of the bag op

That sounds fuck awesome. I'm sorta used to how I cant get off on opies and expected it to be the same

Seriously though, wrap some in toilet paper about the size of a marble and jam it in your pooper

ITT OP finds a lost baggie of research plutonium and Sup Forums walks him through various ways of ingesting it.

can't gf is sleeping behind me and its a studio, and the lights are off.

Maybe jam some in her pooper too user?

Well this has been enlightening! I'll try it when I have a day off. Thanks b/ros

its fucking MDA you retards

go to the restroom u dingus

are u gonna smoke it or snort it?

That's molly, Sup Forumsro. Also known as MDMA

Really. Parachute it. ==> o ==> ()()

>==> o ==> ()()
>==> o ==> ()()
>==> o ==> ()()

Hey is $8 a xan a good deal

I can get 3mg pills for 5$

How do I know the MG? Is it just its weight?

3mg XRs are shit IMO.
No, that's actually a pretty bad deal. It's just about the highest price your dealer could get away with charging anyone, and he thinks you're one of those people.

MDMA? or maybe meth
mix some in a drink and give it to someone, if theyre euphoric then you got some nice mdma crystals

Nobody asking for a timestamp? Lmfao

Clearly not MDMA it's either mephedrone/bath salts or crystal meth but i'd go with mephedrone. Describe the smell and i'll be able to tell you straight away

That looks like some Tina snort a bit or drop like 1/2 gram in a big bottle of Gatorade and shake it up then take 2 mouth fulls every couple of hours and you'll be zooted