Bahn eye-ver

>bahn eye-ver

Other urls found in this thread:

>Suff Jan Stevens

>dead mow five

David Bow-(as in to take a bow)-ie

Literally ALL me

>Wierd Al Yankovich

>"Lead" Zeppelin

>Sun Oh

>Demd-like Stare

who cares how to pronounce that talent less kikes name


but that's literally how you pronounce it

Equally bad: David Boo-wie


It's pronounced light-emitting diode zeppelin or ELL EE DEE Zeppelin for short you fucking idiot

At least that's technically correct in that that's how most people with the name Bowie pronounced it

I've always said it "noo-JAH-behs." Am I a dum dum?



>thu beetls
>kendrick lamar

In Japanese it's pronounced nu (new) ja (jaw) be (bay) su (soo), ヌジャベス. So the way you're pronouncing it is a decent enough approximation



>we share a board with people who do not understand this

>shoe shoe

Bonnie Bear

still don't know to this day

that's correct

david bowie being a special snowflake and pronouncing his last name different doesn't mean that's how it's supposed to be.

>Pey-rey Oo-boo


but that's how you pronounce it

>"thom" yorke

This entire thread reeks of reddit

fuck off, bon iver and sufjan stevens in 2017?

>can-yee west
>Nas (the a sounds the a in "can")
nah, it's pronounce bee-jork

Björk is one syllable
t. Icelander

best post

Haha, everyone know it's dead mao five.

>You mean Mr. Bungle?
Half the fucking time