Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread
Previous:The rules are simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>Post pics of your waifu
>Insult other waifus
>Discuss stuff
>Keep RP and ERP to minimum. Or don't, really nobody cares.
>Post fitting, not over-sexualised content.
>Screw that, post lewds..
>Most important: Have fun!

My life


Did Mako touch you in your nono zone?

Probably gonna lurk o:

I did no such thing!
Also, ceiling, then. Get down from there!

I like to used the term "enhanced", thank you very much~


Ah, welcome, even though it's a little late for that, but regardless.

How has this place been to you?
I remember that you said you are going there.

I chose for this little while, then back to the working life. I can find a job easily here, but they're not easy ones for sure, I'm sure there's plenty that are easy due to all the new places opening up.

still here

My wife, the Wicked Lord Shingan. Or was that the name of her eye, I honestly can't tell from my subs

The point is that she's a top tier wife and I love her

I always had a problem in finding a job. I suppose it's because I life in the middle of nowhere and they can't just call me whenever.

Anyway, I'm going for now. See ya