Hey Sup Forums Ive had this thing on my hand for the past year and a half. It got there when I accidentally poked myself with a pen and it went through my skin. I didn't think much of it at the time. It doesn't hurt unless I try to scrape away at it or file it off. My doctor says its a wart but despite various types of wart removal it doesn't seem to want to leave.
If it is a wart, what are the best methods to remove it? Thanks :)
Justin Stewart
Ask your surgeon friend to cut it off with a scalpel
Josiah Ward
It's a tumour, enjoy life while it lasts man. U gon die
Leo Peterson
It's cancer. Looking at the size of it you have 2 weeks to live
Juan Jones
Looks like a wart. Get it removed.
Matthew Bailey
It's just a wart. Nothing to worry about. If it bothers you that much just cut it out with a scalpel, but it will probably just grow back.
Xavier Robinson
You are Jesus
Adrian Robinson
Thanks dudes. Just making sure. Have a good one.
Lincoln Lewis
>op ask for the methods to remove it >get it removed
Jace Ortiz
I had it too. Kept cutting it off with a nail clipper never came back