Eternal /got/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
Azor someone
Azor Puppyfu
Azor Ser Pounce
Azor Maisie
Tommen didn't deserve to die.
Azor Isaac is dead to me.
well he didn't think so
Azor Jonautist
Azor Bad Poosi
Dumb whore fucked by big niggers
Azor mods
He was too pure for this world.
omg thanks :')
Azor Cersei
Confirmed Daenerys will become the end villain and John Snow will be the last main character standing.
Queens of Love and Beauty:
>Ashara Dayne (Has 40% chance of killing herself for no reason) [Ned Stark]
>Margaery (pancake tits) [Septa Unella]
>Sansa (Already Broken by Ramsay) [Ramsay Bolton]
>Lyanna Stark (Wont approve of you sleeping around, this includes your priestess) [Rhaegar Targaryen]
1st Row: We'll known legendary fighters and Robert
>Prime-Dayne (Show): Dual Wielding; no Dawn
>Prime-Barristan: Longsword
>Prime-Jaime: Both Hands
>Prime-Robert: 1 hand on 2h Warhammer
2nd Row: Next gen's greatest fighters
>Hound (Very Healthy): Longsword
>Oberyn: Poison tipped Spear
>Brienne: With Oathkeeper
>Mountain: Un-armored, 1 hand on 2h Greatsword (Mountain takes up 2 slots, cant choose 3rd row KG)
3rd Row: Loose cannons
4th Row: Priests/Priestess (Note you must sleep with your priest to activate their abilities)
>Melisandre: shadow babbies (can kill 1 kg)
>Red Nigress: Can resurrect 1 fallen Kingsguard
>High Sparrow: Can summon 30 fodder Sparrows
>Kinvara: can coat sword of 1 kg with flames
Claim a Queen
Claim 3 Kingsguard
Claim a Red Priest/ess
1 from each row
You can't pick the guy directly below them
(You cant pick Ashara>Dayne>Hound>Bronn>Melly)
Pick 1 specific KG from your roster to beat suitors of your QOLAB
The rest is out to get you
>it's from Game of Thrones
Is it a plot point that one of them doesn't watch GoT, or were the actually pretending that someone with even a cursory knowledge of the mythos wouldn't immediately recognize Ice?
he didn't deserve to be king either
Is she the female equivalent of Aegon the Unworthy?
Reminder that Azor means loving to receive buttstuff
>reminder that THIS is lyanna.
But how can THAT Lyanna compete with the rest of the queens?
>Bran: I'm sorry Jon, there must always be a King of the Night
Septa Nutella of the Most Devout sanctifies this thread.
they're making a fantasy sword collection but sheldon thinks they should get excalibur first instead
>Karl Drogo and not based Karl Tanner
Will Sansa and Jon fall in love and get married next season?
Just kidding. They're already in love. ;)
she probably sucked a mean dick, and did butt stuff too
Dude, why did you post that? It's too soon, I just... I can't. So sad.
fuck outta here
Queen of /got/
>they couldn't cast a legit 10/10 brunette for one tiny bit part
that was a real disappointment, not gonna lie
First for Queen Sarah, first of her name. Long may she reign.
>implying Emilia would ever be so thin
Reminder that Jonsa is Tumblr's most popular pairing AND the official pairing of /got/. We finally have something in common with Tumblr!
He was the greatest king Westeros had in a while.
>AND the official pairing of /got/.
getting a bunch of (you)'s doesnt make it popular you faggot especially when most of those are telling you how autistic and stupid that is
Sansa doesn't deserve to live.
Oh, gotcha. Did their version of Excalibur at least look good? Because that version of Longclaw is the better of the two Longclaws. They should have bought it.
Salsa is so fucking gross.
why is he milking dany?
>weak willed kid manipulated by everyone around him
what could possibly go wrong
well, it depends.
Assuming Lyanna = ozge
assuming how they are supposed to look
>relying on a rigged poll
kek. just admit that jonsa is superior and CIAnsa is dead. she already rejected him.
>No Robert's Rebelliion spin-off series
RIPip bobby B
Objective list
1. Doreah
2. Melisandre
3. Talisa
4. Cersei
5. Ros
she looks like Daenerys.
Is preston right?
That's Longclaw
He listened to his advisors like Tywin said.
her power play to eliminate everyone who could contest her claim to Winterfell was pretty good. it didn't work out in the end, but at least she got away with it.
i have a feeling a certain someone is false flagging
Is Sup Forums always like this?
Tywin probably had himself in mind though, not the enemies of his family.
>Davos talked about "Demons" that took residence in Stannis' head. What did he mean by this?
What did Preston mean by this?
He's serving his queen, you commoner. She's supposed to milk herself?
of coursh
lol Robert would have a treatment worse than Stannis
Hahahaha pleb
>implying that's not an argument used by Jonsafags
She does look like Arya
What if Bran is the Bran-the-Builder who built the wall?
i can't tell if i'm getting baited or memed on
thats not ice you fucking idiot, its Longclaw
As if we didn't have enough cuck shit in the catalog
I can't fucking wait for season 7. Jonsafags maybe be BTFO even harder than Stannisfags in season 5.
It's a possibility
iirc we discussed about it after episode 5 and there was more than an hint to that
>Ice gets split into Jamie's sword
>He becomes more like Ned
>Sam takes his dad's sword and becomes a misogynist piece of shit
>Jon gets Mormont's sword and becomes a leader
What does this mean?
well, they always prioritized relatives looking alike instead of staying true to the books when casting characters. considering their choice for Arya, there wasn't much left to work with.
Sansa is like the fucking hundreth of her name
>Jon gets Mormont's sword and becomes a leader
>stabbed by half the night's watch
>goes to a battle outnumbered without any strategy
Next season he should be dethroned as soon as Bran comes back
Gilly's going to show the Maester's what's what and become the first female Arch-Maester
Some Spielberg watchers, of whom I am one, have had cause for concern: Can the great populist filmmaker ever regain his popular touch? Ignore box-office receipts and consider what’s become of his once-unifying, art-advancing cultural expression. Spielberg’s collaboration with didactic playwright Tony Kushner proved exemplary in the Mossad drama Munich (2005), a moral examination that divided critics according to their stance on Israel’s self-defense. (It remains among the most captivating of all 9/11-inspired movies, second only to Spielberg’s awesome War of the Worlds.) Yet, the Spielberg–Kushner team’s Lincoln (2012) lost all dramatic interest. Lincoln was something new in Spielberg’s cosmology; its period story expounded political partisanship, which prevented the film from attaining populist assent. Working under the influence of changing political winds, Spielberg and Kushner turned a biography of the 16th president of the United States into a myth infatuated by the 44th president, whose administrative difficulties they strove to explain and defend through historical allusion. Not only was this effort unpopular, it felt anti-democratic, lacking transparency as much as any secretive Cabinet meeting, but with the worse result that Spielberg seemed to have lost the unerring grasp of universal emotion that had distinguished his previous filmmaking. Lincoln was the first Spielberg film that felt glum; the second was the Cold War apologia Bridge of Spies.
post emilia reactions
>Sam takes his dad's sword and becomes a misogynist
Gilly thinks 2 + 2 = Jello.
He let gilly and sam stay behind instead of defending their honor
You joke, but I can virtually guarantee you there will be a plot point where street smart Gilly shows book smart Sam and the Nerdmaesters what's what.
>I was only pretending to be retarded, heh heh
New thread.
Ashara, Robert, Oberyn, Bronn, and High Sparrow. That was really easy. You have a picture of Drogo but you said Karl. Drogo if I am picking him, if not then stay with Bronn.
you killed her children!!! raped her!!!!! and killed her!!!!! SAY HER NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Poster commenting about the inanity of a show about nerds not recognizing the most iconic and recognizable sword from a show they allegedly watch fails to recognize the very same sword on a Game of Thrones fandom board at 4:26 in the morning
y so sad
at least try to make an effort. fishing license revoked
Enjoy being the laughingstock of the world