Just a friendly discussion... Why or why not should guns be legal? Specifically assault rifles like AR15 or AK12...

Just a friendly discussion... Why or why not should guns be legal? Specifically assault rifles like AR15 or AK12. I Personally have a AK103.

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I'm against banning any personal weapons, but if you're going to ban something, rifles don't make a lot of sense. Outside of active war zones, rifles don't kill many people. They aren't used in the bulk of crimes involving guns.

If you really want to save lives (and are willing to disregard the idea of defensive gun use), handguns would be the thing to target. Thankfully, thats just not possible where I live.

all guns should be legal because idiot americans have a god given right to shoot themselves and their family with them

AR-15 is not an assault rifle

Define "assault rifle" you fuckin liberal

You have no idea what an assault rifle is.

Normally not a fan, but he said one or two ok things, I guess...

The overwhelming majority of gun crimes in the US are gang bangers killing other gang bangers over gang banger shit. I live in Chicago, have for 35 years. I don't even live in an especially good neighborhood. I've never known anyone who has been shot, let alone killed.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

any law besides the 2A is infringement by definition unconstitutional

Here's how it goes, there needs to be compromise. If lefties want to ban assault rifles, I get it.

>but muh hobby
>but muh constitution

Get the fuck over it. I also don't know how anyone can be a constitutional literalist when the fucking thing was written ~250 years ago. Founding Fathers were cool, but not psychics, they couldn't predict this far into the future.


Some anons above me are right, handguns are the problem. So, ban rifles BUT reinstate stop and frisk in high gun volume areas.

>but muh racism

Fuck off. People who live in poor areas have guns. People who live in poor areas also happen to be minorities.This is due to a history of systematic oppression, you really can't deny this. But NOT taking their guns so they can shoot each other is not a good step in mitigating the damage of centuries of societal beatdowns.

this post is long and stupid. don't space so much. also fuck off newfag

> assault rifles
There is no such thing as "assault rifle" it's a term used by anti-gun people. Both semi-auto and automatic rifle are regulated in some way one more strict then the other.

Guns are tools and when you misuse tools don't blame the tool, blame the user.

Long AND stupid.
Damn, really got me there :)


tools for killing

There are twice as many gun suicides than homicides.

Children getting hold of a gun and shooting people to death happens on average every other day in USA.

As long as I don't have to live there, this is just evolution in action and if anything there should be even more guns around to prune the stupid from the herd

An item should not be banned because some people use it stupidly or illegally. It's fundamentally unjust to infringe on my rights because some cherished retard of yours can't behave himself.

it was also illogical too.

Tools for punching holes in paper from far away, you are misusing the tool.

An assault rifle is a semi automatic rifle with a 16-18 inch barrel. Please, I know my stuff.

Won't agree with the first part but stop and frisk works

I could kill you with a hammer. Does that make a hammer a gun by your logic?

You're thinking of "assault weapon." Assault rifles are defined as a select-fire rifle that fires an intermediate rifle caliber.

It amazes me that no brit or australian thought this when they made those asinine knife laws

It was also illogical too.
Pick one you ESL chuck.

yes and the banning of "certain assault rifles" is directly unconstitutional see

> An assault rifle is a semi automatic rifle with a 16-18 inch barrel

So this is an assault rifle, but it's just wood and metal not that scary plastic and metal

what's a chuck? my name is charles

It also depends on the length of the barrel. A carbine is 14 inches while a rifle is 16 inches. A dmr is 20 inches. And a CQB is 10 inches.

>there needs to be compromise.

No, there doesn't. Aside from the Constitution we have
>the majority of state legislatures
>overwhelmingly pro-gun majorities in both houses of Congress
>a better funded organization
>a better ground game
>more passionate support
>more experience lobbying both with lobbyists and with mass-contact actions

If the other side wants to negotiate it needs to offer to give us things we do not have but want in exchange for things we already have, thats how compromise works. Its a horse trade. We will not give up something for nothing and, given that we are in the superior bargaining position, we get to decide what is and is not worth something to us.

The alternative is that we continue fighting the way we have and see the proliferation of open carry, stand your ground, and local NFA resistance. I'm cool with that outcome, too.

> there needs to be compromise
Yes we let women vote and look what happened

I know, and I also know that gun laws are a hodgepodge of contradictory and arbitrary legislation.

>There are twice as many gun suicides than homicides.
And yet, the overall suicide rate is comparable to France or the UK. Are you suggesting that suicides would be substantially less common in the US than in other developed countries were it not for guns?

>Children getting hold of a gun and shooting people to death happens on average every other day in USA.

So, ~180 incidents per year in a country with more than 300,000,000 people? Big whoop.

mmm this

That's a battle rifle

on an unrelated note I have been on vacation for a few days. why did hiro moot axe the (you)s?

No such thing as an "assault" weapon. Try again, retard

I days assault rifle, cuck

There is literally no such thing as an assault rifle


>There is literally such thing as an assault rifle
>What is an AR15?

You could use it to cut down a tree


any retard could shoot up a lot of people

A versatile modern sporting rifle platform made to look like a rifle with a selector switch.

You know what those are called? Assault rifles.

Not by people who own, use, or generally deal in guns. No selector switch, no suppressive fire, no good for a military assault.

Not good for military, but can still kill 50 gays

DMR is defined by the role it's used in, not the length of barrel. The G28 and Mark 12 rifle have a 16.5in and 18in barrel, respectively.

My bad, don't know much about those. Thanks for the info

To borrow a phrase from the Tumblr set: words mean things. You want to call it a dangerous weapon? Fine. Its no more an assault rifle than an empty plate carrier is body armor.

I believe that everyone that can legally own a gun should and know how to use it. To protect against threats foreign and domestic. If everyone carried a gun most of those mass shootings could have been stopped with minimal deaths.

Assault rifles require a selector switch and intermediate cartridge to be assault rifles, that's their definition. If it doesn't have a selector switch or intermediate cartridge it's not an assault rifle.

inb4 "that never happens"

Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital

The Tumblr phrase is assault weapon, not assault rifle. And it's objectively dangerous, but I still believe in using it. The term assault rifle is older than you and me both

Ahh, now we're talking about "assault weapons" instead of "assault rifles"?

It's not an intermediate cartridge.

DMRs usually do have longer barrels, in the 20-22in range, but gun and ammo design advances mean that a long barrel is no longer as important for long-range ballistics. Likewise, close quarters is defined by distance to your opponent, you don't have length requirements for weapons because of it, but it's part of the reason why most militaries are pushing for smaller guns in general. Also carbines are more of a general size category though the shorter length is generally achieved by shortening the barrel.

You know that they are used to substitute baseball bats, right?

>inb4 every life matters
None do.

It's a poor argument to make in general. If it doesn't reach the threshold of a mass shooting then a mass shooting didn't occur, therefore carrying guns didn't stop a mass shooting. Likewise, if the threshold for a mass shooting was reached then a mass shooting did occur, therefore carrying guns didn't stop a mass shooting.

Would .30 Carbine count as an intermediate cartridge?

Actually there would be less suicides. It's easier to shoot yourself in the face. But it takes more balls to end your life in other ways which aren't overdosing certain chemical compunds and dying painlessly. Those who would have neither guns or balls to do anything else would just carry on.

>8 people in a room.
>Show 7 of them.
>88% are dead.
>Not a mass shooting.

Banning specific models is pointless
Just change the saftey switch and call it a new model

lmgtfy.com/?iie=1&q=intermediate cartridge

My ar has a 16 inch barrel and it's legally a carbine.

I have a 16 inch cock. Am I legally a nigger?

Do you live in England where butter knives are dangerous weapons that you need special permits to use?

They should be legal because it isn't as if criminals care about laws anyway.

Personally I don't own a gun. I don't really see the need to.

From my standpoint I think that handguns can be more dangerous than an "assault rifle". Handguns can be concealed far more easily than a rifle.

no wonder when ur not leaving the basement

For all you dumbasses who don't really know what an assault rifle is Google it!!!!! Has the capability of firing full-auto with high-capacity magazines basically

Legal definitions, user. Granted there is no legal definition of a mass shooting but instead one for mass murder.

Technically a pistol cartridge if you go by its performance. Interesting.

what is a