Films to watch while high

Any suggestions? I don't mean just Seth Rogen shit, I mean deep, interesting, good twist, genre/plot changing...

Any suggestions?

Other urls found in this thread: Svankmajer'


This was good too.

Being There

Only God Forgives was fantastic while stoned

Is the violence too intense though? I only saw Drive and I dunno if I could handle that stoned.



Whats the movie with the guy from the 1st season of that HBO show with detectives where he plays a stoner or some shit selling drugs but he also works for a company in an office building and they wear weird fucking suits that hide who they are

This is a great choice.
I second this if you haven't seen it yet, OP.

A Scanner Darkly. It's made by the same guy who made


I want to trip

not fall asleep

Constantine. Anything with Keanu Reeves in it is stoner gold.

The Fall is gorgeous and dream-like.

The Forbidden Zone.
Just had a small bowl but I felt like I was tripping because of the movie.
Hilarious as fuck, the second half of the movie isn't quite as fun as the first though.

>watching the Ronin film he did a few years ago
>sudoku scene
>freak out and turn it off

good job dude

>Keanu Reeves, RBJ and Woodie Harrelson in a movie together

I fucking hated the weird fx bullshit but god damn if the acting wasnt on point

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring

Beautiful movie!

Films are too long. You need a good series.

The film or the TV series? Asking cause pic is the TV series logo

Oh sorry, the film. I've not seen the series.

Mortal Kombat (1995)

Shit's cash.

fuck watching movies high go watch a tv series mayne


Wizard of Oz is a classic.

I watched this while tripping on LSD... The film looked the bastard child of Picasso and Tim Burton

If you don't already know the ending, it's stoner gold.

>wait wut

Inception, bruh!

Do I look like a basic bitch?

I want to smoke weed

Not a salmon to put atop my bagel before yoga class

City of Lost Children

I usually put that on when I take shrooms

Without a doubt, this one.

Unsarcastically every horse scene of BvS:UE




Pretty shocked Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas hasn't been mentioned already. The carousel scene was especially fucking trippy


Why is it always 'films to watch while high'? Why not 'films to watch when drunk'?
I've seen far more movies when comfortably drunk than toasted, some of the crap ones become masterpieces when inebriated.

>Why is it always 'films to watch while high'? Why not 'films to watch when drunk'?
Weed does different things to your perspective and mindset than alcohol. Especially with regards to metanarrative, subtexts, plot twists, etc.

yea it makes you stupid

I never said it didn't, I said it warps your perspective, which is fun.

Zero Theorem

i got high and watched Fight Club I really enjoyed it.

What movie is this?

It makes you a dank meme


I always mix the two(drunk/stoned)but I never make these dumb "films to watch high/drunk" threads. I just watch whatever I haven't seen yet.

Best vidya movie will always be DOOM

Your mum

Watch some Jan Svankmajer

Little Otik

Also watch his short films, most of them are on youtube Svankmajer'

This is good

Also Brazil

>no demons
>no hell
>just a couple of virus zombies

uhh nope that's the video game, Sup Forumstard
the film is just called Stalker

Lools cool as hell. I thought it was just a vidya

But it's still a good movie, just not a good Doom movie



This has a good soundtrack

Is the movie and game not connected? They're both slavic post apocalyptic that deal with The Zone

>weed was the only thing that made me feel happy and content with life
>quit because I thought it would improve my life
>it didn't
>it's been 2 years
>now I have no dealer

The game is very loosely based around the movie that's very loosely based around a novel. The movie is one of the most influential science fiction movies ever made.

I don't know how I've never heard of it before, but from the trailer it looks cinematic af


>weed was the only that made me feel like a normal human being and actual happiness for a year or so
>been on it for 6 months now
>it's not working anymore
>antidepressants make me feel lifeless
>not interested in harder drugs
>might have to quit after this batch anyway because I need to get a job and get into college
>less than 10 grams left

No more safety net.

if you take heroin and watch this it's almost not awful

Being John Malkovich
The Martian
Big Lebowski

This one is only good with cyanide, not weed.

I think watching animated movies on weed is usually a great experience. I'm not one of those guys that eats dinner with a painting of a anime girl or anything but akira, paprika and cowboy bebop (series and movie) are so fucking comfy and fun to watch on drugs. You know how sometimes you get these really nice, perfect moments on weed that are so memorable and wonderful? Honestly staying home for like a week and forgetting the outside world with just weed, music, video games, snacks and movies now and again is about as comfy as it gets


No, this is terrible and generic
I watched it right after i smoked weed and i turned it off after like 30 minutes. There are so many better animated movies out there

yh but the visuals were great

In my experience you can watch pretty much anything when you're high.

It's mostly static/background noise for talking shit with your friends or thinking about things unrelated to the film/tv series.

Hell I often watch women's gymnastics and find it reasonably entertaining.

>women's gymnastics and find it reasonably entertaining
well you wouldn't watch the mens


Men's gymnastics at least shows athleticism.

When you compare women's gymnastics to it you can see that women are just miles below.

So the only thing you have (for women) is all the ridiculous stuff like twirling ribbons and "group" gymnastics with pins and shit.


Inherent Vice

Good choice bro.

The trippy cartoon/negative overlay defining the different mind sets was awesome.

That and I laughed so hard at the dude tripping out seeing bugs on him and his dog.... fucking gold.

This guy sums it too

favourite movie right here

Fuck you, I watched this while stoned and I cried. Not only that but the landscapes and the textures are fascinating and beautiful.

The first few scenes of Arlo growing up are kind of cringey, but they're supposed to get you to feel sorry for Arlo and root for him as a character. Pixar always has some cringey/sad backstory intro for the protagonist so you identify with them

roll the fattest blunt you can and watch this short film

I dunno man I've made some surprisingly solid analyses and theories from watching films while high

I usually pay more attention to what I'm watching if I'm smoking weed, desu senpai.

>Needing pot to watch movies.

Why are you such a degenerate OP?

don't be a bitch


ITT degenerates

>no-one offered me weed in high-school

Right. And alcohol just makes you sharp as a knife.

john dies at the end

I don't understand the hate for Rogen, but here is a great suggestion for you:

enter the void


The slo-mo scenes will have you like "dude everything is so slow and sparkly dude dude"