Master photoshoper here taking requests

Master photoshoper here taking requests

here's the original picture



I know this isn't the most flattering picture but i'd kill to have that bra removed

my bad forgot the pic

Lol she has to take care of her elderly and sick dad. How did you know?

X-ray this


and this



oye, yo la conozco

Como se llama? su primer nombre dime

Bigger tits



Te estoy hablando...

Thnks bro i wanted that a lot

no problemo pablo


Not Op but there you go

LOL beautyful

Perfect. Can you make her fat?

op here made me laugh

Can you put nipples in there?

Tenia desnudos de ella, pero bueno...


Remove the hideous tattoos please

Thnks again, incredible work

One on the left is pr0nz.
Shes all drunk getting her ass licked in that one vid.