/wes/ - Wes Anderson Movie General

>If what I think is happening is happening, it better not be.

What did she mean by this

She was referencing Happen Ning, who was a character that didn't make the final cut of the film.

The character was ultimately cut due to similarities in appearance to Libertarian politician Rand Paul who took on the appearance of a Gopher. There was implied anti- Semitism within the character however, as the character would rant on about how the rats controlled everything, with the food being guarded by the three human men, but was ultimately chipped away by the rats to satisfy their selfish needs, which lead to the extermination of the gopher race.

There had to be reshoots of the film, as Happen Ning was originally going to kill the Rat via throwing him in an oven.

Life Aquatic was surprisingly good.

Everything went downhill from there.

Watched Bottle Rocket for the 2nd last time, buds. I'm going to be watching them all in order again. Rushmore's next (my current personal favourite).

>Watched Bottle Rocket for the 2nd last time, buds
This sentence was meant to read "Watched Bottle Rocket for the 2nd time last night, buds". Sorry for the confusion.

Fucking brilliant

Did you really think this was funny when you were typing it?

Who did her voice again? Meryl streep right? She did a great job.
All other VA's were pretty deadpan in typical Wes anderson fashion but that doesnt work so well with stop motion/animated films.

I remember your thread.

I hope this thread becomes a thing

What were you thinking user? How can there be a second last time?

Grand Budapest Hotel is better than Moonrise Kingdom.

Fight me.

>I remember your thread.
Thanks. I remember it too.

It was a mistake and I offer my sincerest apologies. It's a good question though. How can there be a second last time?

Buds, I just finished watching Rushmore.

Rushmore > Grand Budapest = Life Aquatic > Darjeeling Limited

Moonrise Kingdom is possibly my least favourite.

I didn't like the royal tenenbaums

Actually, I forgot about that. That one might be my least favourite. Who knows. I barely remember it.

This movie is literally the only movie of his that I watched all the way through more than once.

In fact it might be the only one I watched all the way through even once.

Was he a fag?

No because he didn't fall in love with Kristofferson at first sight.

>I can fight my own battles!
>No..you can't..

Is your DVD player broken or something?


yes the grapejuice represents lipstick he's a tranny

He's just *waves hands around* different.

fag enabling's not cool fag

Here's the correct order guys
Life Aquatic > Fantastic Mr. Fox > Moonrise Kingdom > Grand Budapest = The Royal Tenenbaums > Bottle Rocket > Rushmore > Darjeeling Limited

I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson



>Rushmore that low

He was a sperglord and would be right at home here

Moonrise kingdom is comfy

What kind of threads would he post?


I'm an uncultured swine who has only seen Grand Budapest Hotel and Fantastic Mr. Fox, but I'll be watching Life Aquatic tonight. Which one should I watch after that?

Capeshit obviously

Holy christ this board literally just becomes daycare in the summer doesn't it?

So much talent in the picture, three of the greatest currently working.

Anderson > Mann > Linklater

I really didn't like Rushmore

Daily reminder that anybody who likes Wes Anderson movies is a nu male cuck. They pander to weak nu males, and feature pastel colours and there are no stories with honour in wes anderson movies. If you watch and like them you are a nu male.

So when is Wes next masterwork

>and there are no stories with honour in wes anderson movies
t. never watched Grand Budapest Hotel

I bet your favorite movie is a Capeshit

1. The Royal Tenenbaums
2. Fantastic Mr. Fox
3. Moonrise Kingdom
4. Grand Budapest Hotel
5. Rushmore
6. Life Aquatic
7. Bottle Rocket
8. Darjeeling Limited

>there are no stories with honour in wes anderson movies

please like it

>hasn't watched Moonrise Kingdom

What did 'different' mean in FMF?

Nothing more nu-male than letting a Chinese cartoon image board decide what you like.

Try Moonrise Kingdom and Rushmore

hand-flapping is something autistic children do

You people are what IS FUCKING WRONG WITH Sup Forums. FUCK YOU. This is the lowest common denominator right here ladies and gentlemen. This website used to be a place where enlightened gentlemen such as myself could gather and spread our knowledge. Too bad 2014 is long behind us. Now this site is infested with children that just mindlessly laugh at the same shitty low effort jokes day after day. Please, get the fuck off of this site.



Why did he want the grill then


He didn't. He just wanted the only other fox's attention since he hated his cousin.

I enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.
I prefer Royal Tenenbaums, Darjeeling, and Life Aquatic.
Budapest and Moonrise were good but the shtick is wearing on me a little, and it is stupid that Budapest got critical love finally when his other movies have been much better.

The premise of Moonrise didn't look that good, is it similar to Budapest?

Lots of people including me consider Moonrise to be the best Wes Anderson, followed by Life Aquatic.

grand budapest is clearly his best film

Fantastic Mr. Fox is actually so fucking good

It's his second best film after Moonrise Kingdom

Rushmore is he's best one


I saw it fairly recently not expecting much and ended up kind of loving it

It usually takes me a while to get around to rewatching movies even if I really enjoyed them, but I felt like rewatching it only after a week and did exactly that

>Character has a massive birthmark/burn scar on her face
>Nobody or nothing in the film acknowledges it.

You did good Anderson.

I personally like to think that yes, but that's just my opinion.

I don't think the filmmakers specifically intended for that to be the one explanation for him being *waving hands* different, but they probably knew that it was one possible way to perceive the character.

I thought that Kristofferson also had a really good voice. I think Wes's brother voiced him, he's got a really neat voice.

Wes himself was surprisingly good as the weasel agent, too. He sounded gay as fuck, but good.

Fantastic Mr. Fox is a Spike Jonze movie not Wes Anderson.

>He sounded gay as fuck, but good.
I think that was the point of the character

>British countryside
>All the animals have a strong american drawl

Eh, I didn't mind the different accents. In fact I liked how it helped to separate animals from humans.

>I personally like to think this children's character is gay



switch Fox and Moonrise Kingdom and you are correct
