So is this actually a good series or just a meme?

So is this actually a good series or just a meme?

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It's a space opera with factions and betrayals and military tactics. So it's shit.

Its a good series. Why do you think people are still talking about it 30 years later?

Anyone have that massive casting picture some jap made that had like all the characters (even minor ones that appeared in like one episode)

People still talk about Saving Private Ryan but that was mediocre

For something /Pol bangs on about as being pretty much the only acceptable anime in existence it's extremely homoerotic.

I watched the 1st 5-10 episodes.
The concept is good, the writing is incredibly high brow almost philosophical but it's far from entertaining at times.

The military stuff is a little dry
but the main characters are good, on both sides
The lore is interesting and there's a couple of episodes that work as history lessons for the galaxy which are fun
It's probably the least "anime-y" anime I've ever seen, no cute shit, no weird shit, Master and Commander in space

i liked it but also disliked how massive battles with tens of thousands of people dying that were happening over long periods of time weren't ever shown

This board is for television and film, child. No cartoons. is where you meant to post this.

It's a great anine that happens to not belong on this board as it is neither television nor film.

>i liked it but also disliked how massive battles with tens of thousands of people dying that were happening over long periods of time weren't ever shown
There's only so many times you can see "crew members running around panicking before an explosion"

it's worth watching just for Bittenfeld's antics

I remember watching this when i was a kid,national TV for some reason thought it was great show and aired it even though they never aired again any other jap series.
Never finished it so might as well do it now.
Thanks for reminding me op.
Also here it was called "Horsemen Blade and the Star sheriffs".
This is in eastern europe ~20 years ago

At time it can be a bit silly, with formation arrangements for example (WOW I NEVER EXPECTED HE WOULD ORDER HIS SHIPS INTO A RECTANGLE FORMATION), but it's great overall, has interesting characters and so on

it ruined all other anime for me desu

Who would you cast in the live action movie?
>Reinhard - Young Leonardo DiCaprio
>Mittermeyer - Owen Wilson
>Reuenthal - Ben Stiller
>Schenkopp - George Clooney

>Horsemen Blade and the Star sheriffs

Sup Forums likes it which is a pit off for me. Sup Forums media is fedora tier

you might enjoy azu manga diaoh

the pinnacle of japanese germabooism

there's this anime where there's 1 boy and a bunch of girls and all of the girls love the boy and every episode some lewd things happen

i think you would like it

Not a milestone in human achievement but some of the best space opera you'll see on tv.

>extremely homoerotic
I bet you've never even heard of Legend of the Blue Wolves you pleb.
>incredibly high brow
It's very solid but too much of it is flat to be great. It's handles politics and war far more gracefully than the shitfest that Game of Thrones has devolved into but that isn't saying too much at this point. It's no War & Peace but for tv it's about as good as you'll get.

>i don't like thing because group of people I've assigned attributes to likes thing
stay spooked. I bet you also don't like vaporwave because it came from tumblr you fag.

How many eps should I give it before deciding it is not for me? I'm like 2 episodes in and finding it dry, too many characters are being introduced all at once

Try 10

about 109 episodes

Did you watch the movie first? I think that My Conquest is the Sea of Stars and Overture to a New War are a much better introduction to the show that the first few episodes.

And maybe give yourself ten episodes or so, if things are kind of falling together but you still don't give a shit maybe it's just not your thing. I personally think that the show well and truly picks up before 20 episodes pass so if you don't care by then you probably won't really get into it.

I was digging it from the first movie but it's kind of unconventional and it can feel like your out of the loop for a fair while.

>it's no War and Peace but for tv it's about as good as you can get


if saving private ryan is mediocre what do you consider a good movie of the same genre?

Oh yeah, I've never actually watched a tv adaption of War & Peace before. Is the guy on the left with the glasses meant to be Pierre?

I watched the first two episodes and they were objectively awful. Couldn't keep watching any further.

Literally perfect

I've got the same prob with every other show that tries to introduce a shitton of characters and relationships from the get go, like Game of Thrones. I've heard good talk about the movie so maybe I'll try that first

>This board is for television and film

I actually think vaporwave has some good songs like all genres of music
Is it from Tumblr though? Didn't know that. Aren't autistic fan bases usually a massive red flag like MLP, Sonic and Steven Universe?

Yeah. I was joshing you, I actually love LotGH. Anyway I don't know about the novel, but the BBC series is excellent. I dunno if they got it all in 8 episodes though.

Mixed it up with another series on different tv station.
My mistake,it was so long ago.

Fucking brutal

The show should try to make the core elements of the story clearer from the get-go. The movies probably help here but I get what you mean and it can be a while before it's obvious.

If you just focus on the blonde guy in the fancy black uniform and the blue/black haired guy with the hat you should be fine. The rest comes together eventually.

Autistic fanbases can be a red flag sometimes but if you go out of your way not to enjoy things certain people like you are spookimus maximus.

LotGH is not a cartoon.

It didn't ruin all other anime for you. You just don't really like anime.

>It didn't ruin all other anime for you. You just don't really like anime.
This. LOGH is considered an anime for people who don't like anime, because it doesn't have that many anime tropes

If you're looking for anime that aren't very anime, I recommend Monster. It drags a bit at the start but I'm sure you'll like it

first fucking /his/ and now Sup Forums?
are LoGHfags the most autistic weeaboos in the universe?

>just watching anime makes you a weeaboo
Ebin meme.

Besides, LOGH is an anime that weeaboos are unlikely to like since its so western

I find it daft that they've been at war for 140 years, yet haven't found a better way to control their fleets. Like shit even Yang relied on another commander to organise his fleet.

Why are semi-circles superior?


hes literally trolling so you will never get an answer

It's a meme but it isnt bad.

It's good as a filler when you're eating or doing some chore.

It isnt dumb like many other animushits, but it can be boring

Anime goes in . Fuck off.

Leave space kino to me

There's no reason why there can't be some amount of anime on Sup Forums. Anime is TV and cinema, and some anime is of relevance to people other than anime fans (almost every anime thread here is like that).

>cartoon for little kids
You tried.

There's 2 reasons LOGH is shilled so much

One, the average quality of anime is rock bottom, despite this, weeaboos continue to watch most anime. LOGH is slightly better anime, even though it's still shit like all anime, so when weebs watch LOGH they're stunned and awed by it, and start praising it. 'A smart anime for smart people' is what they think.

Second, weebs are like tumblrinas, they desperately seek validation, but they're autists so despite this they act like cunts to nonweebs and new people. LOGH is one of the animes weebs try to use to shill anime to nonweebs and try to make them think that not all anime is shit, that anime is worthwhile, etc.

So basically, LOGH is the animu for weebs seeking 'smartweebcred' and validation from nonweebs. Atleast the screencaps they take are amusing.


>it's extremely homoerotic
What do you mean?

>Not a single woman or POC in the picture

Really makes you hmmm

>Horsemen Blade and the Star sheriffs
Saber Rider?

LoGH isn't a cartoon and wasn't made for children.

>One, the average quality of anime is rock bottom
Meaning what, exactly?

yes i got mixed up.
But this show did run,my memory was just fuzzy.

meaning SHIT, dumb weeaboo

In what way? And how am I a weeaboo?

That show was awesome

Are you George Lucas? Because this sure looks like something small children would enjoy

You envelop the opposing side hitting them from 3 sides. It's less of a semi circle and more the center collapses in and the flanks move out if memory of the show is correct.

Yang is a genius because he realizes space is 3D pretty much, it's a new revolutionary idea and he's the first to come up with it.

And thats the biggest problem with LoGH, everyone is basically retarded and Yang gets handicapped in the most asspull ways to make sure he is defeated .

For example, when the Free Planets go on the offensive, who do they trust, Yang Wenli? The greatest tactical mind to ever live, or some fucking retard who's plan is so stupid a child could poke holes in it?
Or when Yang is needed on the front lines, suddenly the Free Planets grab him and interrogate him for fucking no reason while the front line falls to shreds, shit like this keeps happening.

Also LoGH is misogynistic as all living fuck, but it's 80s and Japan so that is to be expected.

Remember, if you're a woman and you're a highly decorated officer with years of combat experience, Sandwiches are the only thing you are good at doing. And if you are a woman who's tactical genius WINS THE ENTIRE FUCKING WAR, why didn't you just stay at home and learn knitting like a real woman is supposed too?

What a classic show.

Legend of the Galactic Harem

Wow, really makes you think


>Also LoGH is misogynistic as all living fuck
Aren't most of the female characters extremely competent and often more competent than men?

nice numbers

>Remember, if you're a woman and you're a highly decorated officer with years of combat experience, Sandwiches are the only thing you are good at doing
Did you even watch the show? That quote is taken out of context. Fredrika mentions "sandwichs are the only thing I'm good at making" to highlight how she's not a housewife but a strong independent womyn

Yeah, pretty much.

>LotGH is not a cartoon.
Not even the guy telling you to go to Sup Forums, but anime ARE cartoons, you dumb weeaboo.

I think one of the points the show makes is that both systems are corrupted and full of either unqualified or completely egoistical people.
Not to mention the politicians in the Alliance are afraid of losing influence. That's why they started an offensive in the hopes of increasing their chances to be reelected. They were also afraid that Yang might start a coup d'etat, which is why they interrogated him in the first place.
Call me a faggot, but I liked the politics and it all didn't seem too unrealistic for me.

>Also LoGH is misogynistic as all living fuck, but it's 80s and Japan so that is to be expected.
Anime isn't a replica of Japanese society.

Anime and cartoons are completely different and have virtually nothing in common.

Why ask? No-one on Sup Forums's seen it.

>the politics didn't seem too unrealistic for me
well that's to be expected ssince they're carbon copies of what happens in every "democracy" worldwide.


>things made in different countries have different styles
No shit, Sherlock.

Cartoon = animated drawing. Anime = cartoon from Japan. That's all those words mean, they're not a fucking badge of quality. Not all cartoons are anime, but all anime are cartoons.

Also, fun fact. In Japan, they use the word anime for any cartoon regardless of origin. There's plenty of "favorite anime" Japanese lists that include Tom and Jerry.



Sup Forums btfo

Anybody has the chart of how to start with this series?

It's not just a simple stylistic difference. Everything about anime and cartoons is different. Their most fundamental assumptions about animation are different.

>Cartoon = animated drawing.
No. Cartoons are a particular kind of animation.

>Also, fun fact. In Japan, they use the word anime for any cartoon regardless of origin.
Fun fact: this is a semantic argument that doesn't mean anything. And even in Japan there are people who consider anime to be a particular kind of animation.


is Golden Wings worth checking out?

It's pretty much the quintessential space opera between a crumbling democratic superstate and a (eventually) benevolent empire.

Yang Wenli is an aspiring historian that finds himself elevated to Robert E. Lee/Hannibal levels of stature through his strategic genius in battle. He is both the greatest advocate of democracy as well as its greatest critic and assembles a rebel alliance like cast around him in his fight against the Galactic Empire.

Reinhard on the other hand is the perfect statesman somewhat comparable today to someone like Vladimir Putin who revitalizes a decadent empire into a totalitarian state that able to balance benevolence towards it people while maintaining societal order.

It's important to stress the opera in space opera. While it has engaging battles it's far more concerned with the romantic but conflicting philosophies of its large cast.

>No. Cartoons are a particular kind of animation.
>[citation needed]
Ok, so what do you call animated drawings that are neither cartoons nor from Japan?

These are cartoons:

They are not equivalent to any and all animation. Anime doesn't look anything like them.

>Ok, so what do you call animated drawings that are neither cartoons nor from Japan?
Animation. Are you being serious?

Unless you want to see Iserlohn Fortress depicted as an actual Death Star and all the fighters turned into X-wing and TIE fighter rip-offs then no.

>So is this actually a good series or just a meme?

what do you mean by "meme"?

The funny part is that you talk about anime being a "style", whereas in truth there's not a single all-encompassing Japanese animation style. Or would you argue that things like Panty & Stocking and Kill la Kill are cartoons? And the same way, I suppose Legend of Korra is an anime, right?

>Second reason why weebs like shilling LotGH so much
>It's because weebs like shilling LotGH so much

It's stupid, childish and too long. Don't listen to anyone who compares it to War and Peace, they are probably underage.

I specifically said that it's not just a simple stylistic difference, and these one or two outliers that people always post don't prove anything (Kill la Kill is not one of them however).

Anime is much, much more than character design. For example, the highly cinematic style of filmmaking in that anime clip is completely different from cartoon animation.

Not that anime hating dude but you're a faggot.
Anime = アニメ which comes from アニメション = animation. This is no interpretation here, the katakana is phonetically used to write engrish.
anime already means animations, obviously it's about animated drawings (like in french: dessins animés), chances are the ethymology of cartoon would lead you to the same definitions.
cartoon = anime
you say anime for convenience sake of not having to say "japanese animation" but that's it, they're cartoons, period.

> since its so western

thank fuck. 95% of anime is trash.

I know exactly where the word comes from and I never said or implied anime isn't short for animation.

You are making a semantic argument by claiming that two things are the same because they are called by the same name, ergo Mickey Mouse is anime if a Japanese person calls it that. And I guess Japanese flowers spew out water since hana means flower in Japanese and tap in Finnish.

The animation that we refer to as anime is a specific animation style, movement or system or whatever you want to call it. It has numerou features common and unique to it that can be traced back to Astro Boy in 1963.

Cartoons are another kind of animation.

It's not really western, though.

I second this for anyone itt.
Ghost in the Shell movie and series are another one
Patlabor movies
Cowboy Bebop, if by some weird turn of events you haven't watched it yet

And you're making an """""argument""""" of cartoon not being an all encompassing term because you say so.


>You are making a semantic argument
No you, I came here to tell you it was retarded to argue about semantics here because everything you're talking about is animation, what changes is where it comes from.
The techniques are the same as well. Characters are drawn in frames and brackgrounds are panned. And now they share the same kind of CGI as well.
You're just asspained glorious nippon culture could be compared to filthy western kiddy shows.