Only autistic virgins think Emilia is fat edition.
Only autistic virgins think Emilia is fat edition.
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The other ones are all either shit, or work for a shit team.
Or both.
Azor Night King
Reminder Sansa is still legally a Lannsiter.
Azor Maisie
R u here?
>I'll like the villain, that'll show those normies who reject me XD
>Trueborn son of Ned Stark and legal heir to Winterfell
>Can spy on his enemies in person, in both the past, and possibly the future without ever leaving the safety of the Godswood
>Can send psychic dreams to communicate with his allies and mislead his enemies
>Can destroy the minds of his enemies and forcibly bend them to his will
>Is an extremely powerful warg, and possibly the only line of defense against Danaerys and her army of eunuchs and rapists and sellswords
>Can traverse history regardless of distance and can retrieve the secret of Valyrian steel
>While it is possible (though far from certain) that he lacks the ability to produce an heir, he still has living relatives for the throne to pass to in the event of his death. Kings can also legally declare an heir in their will
>Moot point because it is likely he can attach himself to a heart tree and live forever
>Can walk
>Has experience leading a small group of men. They hated him so much they killed him.
>Would have lost both major battles he was in charge of if not for the intervention of a superior outside force.
Man that poll made me realize just how stupid all the female leaders are. Thank the gods based olenna is still alive.
>Implying she isn't one of the characters next in line to die
It's a vote on who you prefer, what does it matter if she's gonna die next? Are we supposed to prefer people who will not die?
Alright then.
AWW I like the Khaleesi most, BIG DRAGONS ROOOOOO BADASS! And Tyrion, BEST LANNISTER (only good 1). John Snow too, I was sooooooo happy when he was resurrected, what a twist!
Hmm. I think Cersei is the easiest to watch, with Olenna as a close second. I ended up voting for Olenna because I can get behind her character more.
I have something to confess.
I am in love with Alfie Allen.
It began when I first started watching Game of Thrones back in 2011 when it originally aired. I enjoyed the programme a lot, it seemed to capture the essence of the books and most of the characters were well casted. We won't get into what it has turned into, I liked it at the time. I noticed Theon didn't look like he did in the Books, I thought he looked quite odd. As the season went on I realised how good an actor this young man is.
Something changed, I saw him stand beside Robb Stark and then witnessed the pure emotion he displayed as Ramsay's captive. Seeing his little face as Reek warmed my heart and filled me with a burning desire to rescue him. I no longer see the odd face, weak beard and greasy hair. I see a true beauty, a beauty that emenates from his most deepest being.
He is the reason I continue watching this show. I am filled with pure glee every second he is on screen, and I never want the scene to end. I feel both joy and sorrow: joy because he exists in all his deep brilliance, and sorrow, because I realise that this straight London boy, the son of the abrasive Keith Allen, will never be mine.
It feels good to finally express it. I thank you for sharing this moment with me.
>Having OP time travel / mind overtaking hax makes you a good leader
No women or children allowed.
Does Tyrion even give a damn about this though ? I don't see him coming back and say "hey we're married under sacred ceremony and shit, remember ?"
off-season question: will Emilia get on Maisie's workout plan before they start shooting S7?
Reminder that it doesn't matter if a Targ, Baratheon, or Lannister sits on the Iron Throne, the most powerful force in Westeros will remain the Faith of the Seven.
>All these votes for based Diana.
who cares if she's a villain?
Dany is fucking shit "give me everything on a platter", Sansa is retarded and worthless, the only guy she successfully recruited is becasue he wants his cunt, that's her only asset.
Yara is a dyke womyn power and work for Dany and has a stupid story since the drip at the dreadfort, Ellaria is the worst character in the story (show - she's ok in the books) and Olenna, fucking dropped since she joined the retarded coalition of plot armor and womyn power.
>Does Tyrion even give a damn about this though ?
He will when he uses it as a way to try to control the north.
>Reminder Sansa is still legally a Lannsiter.
never consummated phamme
>I was GOOD
queen of bantz wasn't lying there
>Olenna, fucking dropped since she joined the retarded coalition of plot armor and womyn power.
What else is she to do? Cersei destroyed her dynasty.
>never consummated
Oh I sorry pleas explain to me when they got a septa to annul the marriage. I'm waiting.................
>you can only like protags
fuck off
nth for the Queen of Love and Beauty.
>What else is she to do?
Joined Euron.
a familiar face
Euron has nothing at this point outside of his gay little crown. Olenna wants to destroy Cersei and pledging herself to Dany is obviously the fastest track to that.
>season 1
>no stannis
Why is this allowed?
first book didnt have stannis either you showfag
Best season.
Not likely, even in S1 when Emilia was skinnier she was never toned
He wasn't in the first book. Nice meme though, Stannisautist.
Bobby B = Best B
Its Stannisfag you dipshit. Get it right.
but in S2 she actually looked borderline fit. she needs to get back on the drugs that make people lose weight.
I do what the fuck I want faggot.
Fucking this. Enough with the opiates, Emilia.
Reminder that the faith of the seven and the drowned god are the only faiths with no powers. Red priests get spooky magic, Old Gods get spy trees, Many faced god gets shapeshifting. Also their clergy and leaders are all dead kek
The faith will be displaced by the red priests, guarantee it.
Why? So we can see a slightly less fat Kelly C doing stupid over the top shit? Better shes a fat ass.
well I'm not saying it's wrong, and yes Olenna is fine.
but she joined the pleb gang and no way I'm rooting for anyone in that group. Unless she'd scheme something to take over, then sure, but there's no scheming on the show.
Why would I support someone who supports Daenerys.
Literally everyone in /got/ would pick Tywin over Catelyn, yet if you pick Cersei over one of these shitheads people go mad.
How come only men work on this show? Disgusting, how can I keep watching after knowing they reinforce the Patriarchy through the back door while pretending to appreciate strong Womyn on the outside
>drowned god
>no powers
How about that recurrection?
CPR is not magic.
top lel. Dead clergy, dead faith, who cares lmao.
Old gods are the best gods
>Reminder that the faith of the seven and the drowned god are the only faiths with no powers.
They haven't been shown to have powers, YET
It does, and the fact that you do not see why leads me to believe you have actual autism. But since you are highly unimaginative, let's look at a few possible scenarios.
Let's say two lords come to Winterfell with a dispute. Lord Cerwin accuses Lord Manderly's son of kidnapping his eldest daughter and running away. Lord Manderly asserts that the two fell in love and were lawfully wed, but went missing.
Jon could...
>Listen to both sides and try to make a judgement call. Maybe call some witnesses to vouch for their character.
>Send a search party throughout the North hoping to track the two down. If he's lucky, MAYBE someone will find them
Bran could...
>Look at the dispute as it happened in real time. Also, he knows where the fuck they are nigh instantaneously
Winter has come and the food is scarce. It is nearly impossible to yield enough crops and it is clear many people will starve.
Jon could...
>Hire the best farmers and command them to do everything they possibly can
Bran could
>Go back in time to all of the winters throughout history and figure out how people survived the most unforgiving winters in the past
>Look to the Children of the Forest and see their farming techniques. They seem to be pretty in tune with nature and were able to survive thousands of years in the harsh Westerosi environment without even knowing how to work metal.
Word comes that Danaerys is bringing her army and Dragons to force the North to submit.
Jon could...
>Hope someone bails him out like they always do.
>shit his pants
Bran could
>Fry Dany's brain, and probably warg her fucking dragons on top of it.
You're not fooling anyone
>enemy marches on you
>just warg into the general and send them into a trap
funny thing is that I'm sure that all the tumblrwhale who cheered/snapped fingers at "All men must die but we are not men" hate that guy for a misogynist.
I guess you're right. everyone falling for her double chin will be funny as fuck.
wasn't that show only? I mean the non-CPR resurrection
>Why would I support someone who supports Daenerys.
You're a literal fucking child. It's not about who you're rooting or supporting, it's who you like.
This video was recommended to me a few days ago, scary stuff. I've never watched a GoT video on youtube before, how did they know? Is gook moot selling our information?
Did Renly use the Ned Stark bastard evidence against Joffery in his claim of the Iron Throne? What was his claim against Stannis? Right by conquest?
If Stannis didn't have shadow magic, would Renly have really killed his older brother or just capture him?
>tfw fapped to that picture a million times already and she's not even naked or anything
dat mouth, dem eyes...
I would do things to her, they'd write new chapters in the Seven Pointed Star to outlaw them.
>dead faith,
most beautiful girl in the seven continents
Old gods are proven fake
Renly was going for Right of Conquest. He didn't care about succession, he just wanted to be king.
Renly planned to kill Stannis in battle. His only order to his men was to not mutilate the body.
He was the glamour candidate.
Nobody likes me brother but everybody loves me so yay me.
He was more a queen though
You know what his claim was? He had a fucking army. Bobby B didn't have a claim either you autistic fool.
>muh Orys had Targ blood
Even so he was like 1 millionth in line.
When is this GoT game coming out?
>Renly planned to kill Stannis in battle. His only order to his men was to not mutilate the body.
>people actually upset stannis killed renly
>He doesn't believe in the CotF hivemind
>What was his claim against Stannis?
that he was more fabulous and Stannis was a meanie head no one liked. also his 100k strong army, probably.
>Bobby B didn't have a claim either you autistic fool.
Yes he did. Right by conquest. Look up the term.
No, the hundreds of thousands of peasants who were a threat to powerful armies all gave up on their faith when the High Sparrow and 15 faith militant died.
So Dany doesn't have any claim now, is that what you say?
So why are you asking what Renly's claim is?
>So Dany doesn't have any claim now, is that what you say?
Dany does have a claim for both succession and right by conquest.
>dany and le witty imp
I can't wait not to play it.
Hiveminds are not gods
Your really off your game lately Preston. Pull it together.
Reminder that A Wyatt Mann is actually a Jewish satirist.
>Quest objective: tell jokes to Missandei and Grey Worm
Gods are what people believe to be gods.
Who should be the next High Sparrow after the last guy got blew up?
Will the next Sparrow declare jihad against Lannisters?
>Bear island loli not an option
All the Sparrows are dead. I doubt Cersei will allow a new Septon.
I don't know dude, these entities seem to manifest themselves way too obviously and way too often. They can be shamanic spirits or demons for all we know (look at all the nasty heretic dick blood draining cock leeches the red witch does) Gods are more subtle in their interventions and most of the times they just don't give a shit about human drama. Pretty sure Lord of the light is their universe's Satan
Was the High Sparrow legit in his view towards religious justice or was he just a con man out to control the Iron Throne for himself?
No. Gods are gods and the old gods are proven fake.
>tell the joke of the honeycomb shit
>timed quest, only 0:05 seconds
>too late, no XP
>plot device brought in first act is destroyed to force the need of stronger plot device, thus was utterly pointless.
>Will the next Sparrow declare jihad against Lannisters?
>jihad against the jihad queen
user pls
>All the Sparrows are dead.
Source and if the Vatican blows up that Catholic church doesn't die with it.
>I doubt Cersei will allow a new Septon.
Who said anything about Cersei?
In the books yes. In the show its hard to say. Probably not.
D&D never bothered to think about that so I don't think you should worry too much.
>Gods are gods
Define "God"
>liking Cersei
jesus christ, you retards would literally do anything just to be contrarian and edgy, wouldn't you?
Cersei is a shit character in the books, she's a shit character in the series as well. There is absolutely nothing likable about her - she's stupid and arrogant, yet thinks she's as smart as Tywin. Everything Cersei did only weakened the Lannisters and the Kingdom. She says she only cares about her children yet she's too stupid to realize she's the one that killed them.
>b-but she killed so many people XDDD
She's a retarded comic book villain at this point and you're an edgy retard too if you think there is anything likable about that character.
you just did
Gods are gods.
Power is Power.
The only thing that's not just itself in GoT is chaos.
All the Sparrows were in the Sept.
High sparrow was a secret Targ.
>quest fails unless you make both of them laugh at the same time before timer runs out
>can't progress to Battle of Meereen mission until you complete the joke mission
>All the Sparrows were in the Sept.
A few episodes ago they were talking about civil war in King's Landing if they tried to kill the high sparrow. You think I'm this stupid?
>Cersei is a shit character in the books
The fuck are you talking about? She is a horrible person but her character is great. The fact alone that she triggers you this hard is proof of it.