Ladies and gentlemen,kino has arrived!

Ladies and gentlemen,kino has arrived!

Other urls found in this thread:

No neo nazi has the balls for any of that in real life.

Hollywood will do anything to make a movie about white people

Neo Nazis is just a pretty nickname for fat sweaty neckbeards who browse stormfront and Sup Forums all day

>its a you look a little off, music fades up episode

Am I the only one who thinks that Radcliffe is just a horrible actor? I just can't buy him in whatever role he's playing. Maybe it's his odd proportions or public school affectations (is he really trying for an American accent here?), but even when he was playing "in-type" all I see is the actor Daniel Radcliffe nervously delivering his lines. It's practically amateurish. I wonder if the main reason he's getting these roles is because he seems like a genuinely nice guy IRL, which is a shame because he just can't act for shit no matter how hard he tries (even if Reddit sucks his dick for some reason).

>inspired by real events

Yeah its those god darn Right Wing neo nazis blowing people up all over the place.

>its a Harry Potter hates mudbloods episode
alrighty then.

The sequel i waited for.

At least he isn't as bad as Jennifer Lawrence

is this neo-noir kino of 2016?


he's willing to work cheap too, that's a plus

Dan is actually Jewish so guess why he gets the parts


>inspired by true events


Fookin legend!

still cant act.

>Inspired by Real events

is it better than The Believer?

Why are white """"people"so evil:

. They love money.
2. They love blood shed.
3.They hate natural.
4.They have no sense of God.
5.They need rules to stop them from being evil.
6.They love stealing culture and turning a profit.
7.They love raping kids.
8.They have ****** with every group people on this planet and still **** with us till this day.
9.They ***** little on average.
10.They are lames and not cool.
11. Love stealing your joy.
12.They hate being told that white skin is a mutation though it is.
13. They duel personalities.
14.They refuse to realize that most of the worlds problems are their fault.
15.They make every group people practice a form of self hate
16.They make turn everything into a categorize.
17.They have dogs more than people.
18. They **** dogs and other animals from time to time.
19. They get lice.
20.They hate the *Black Race* (First Humans)
This could be longer but, I don't have all year.

They don't controll much of anything anymore if you really think about it. They are bad people but not intimidating people to me.

I'm actually pleased that they're alluding to the anti-fa brigade as well.

I could dig this.
Nice pasta

But it's the true.

imo it's the false

>They love money.
That is Jew. And Romanians.
>2. They love blood shed.
That is Muslim and Africans.
>3.They hate natural.
No? Plenty of them come to South East Asia to enjoy nature here.
>4.They have no sense of God.
Those are atheist, and by the way how is that evil?
>5.They need rules to stop them from being evil.
Yes, and?
>6.They love stealing culture and turning a profit.
Cultural appropriation bringing both cultures closer, It is not evil.
>7.They love raping kids.
Those are catholics.
>8.They have ****** with every group people on this planet and still **** with us till this day.
Those are assholes.
>9.They ***** little on average.
>10.They are lames and not cool.
Run out of idea? Lames and not cool are evil now.
>11. Love stealing your joy.
I enjoy seeing white beautiful girls, so no.
>12.They hate being told that white skin is a mutation though it is.
Hate being told? Not that I heard of.
>13. They duel personalities.
And they always win the duel, goddamit.
>14.They refuse to realize that most of the worlds problems are their fault.
Not really? For example Islam is not their fault.
>15.They make every group people practice a form of self hate
They only make white people practice a form of self hate
>16.They make turn everything into a categorize.
Those are identity politics' ideologues.
>17.They have dogs more than people.
>18. They **** dogs and other animals from time to time.
>19. They get lice.
So other races don't get lice? And how is that evil again?
>20.They hate the *Black Race* (First Humans)
Black supremacist should be hated. Also most of the whites don't hate people based on their skin colour.

I know it is a copypasta but it is fun to respond to this kind of silliness from time to time.

Genocides by non-whites:
>Rwandan Genocide
>Cambodian Genocide
>Armenian Genocide
>Greek Genocide
>Assyrian Genocide
>Bangladesh Genocide
>Burundian Genocide
>Kurdish Genocide

Genocides by whites:
The Holocaust
Ukranian Genocide (if you include slavs as white)

This is Sup Forums, kid. You don't have to censor naughty words here, your mom will never know you swore on the internet.

isn't he like 5'6
don't see how he'll be credible in the role desu

I think you are younger than him

implying they dont spill over to the entire fucking internet like a rabid cancer dog virus of semen and aids

reminds me of when Eliah Wood played a football hooligan.

>white lead actors
>not one black main


get your shit together HOLLYCISWOOD

Sup Forums is a board of peace. There is no connection between Sup Forums and racism.

>Look to your right, look to your left, everyone around you is a snitch
>It's the left

That's a good line.

Anyway I for one am glad that there is finally a film exposing the terrible right-wingers going around bombing people for their doctrinal beliefs.

>inspired by events that are totally not false and actually happened bro

It is a good line, but you fucked it up.
He said
>one of these people is a snitch
Also is this b8

>(if you include slavs as white)
oh sorry i thought they were black

No they're yellow