When did you realize Grimes is the shittiest artist of this decade?
When did you realize Grimes is the shittiest artist of this decade?
grimey stuff
The first moment she opened her mouth
after you made this thread. before that I thought she is the greatest.
i dislike how she is alive and not dead
it irks me
simple logic
>Blood on the Dance Floor are the worst artists of the previous decade
>Art Angels is a direct rip off of Epic
>all those flashy outfits
>Grimes is the Blood on the Dance Floor of this decade
>therefore Grimes is the worst artists of the current decade
pringles now in zesty onion style
Tried grimes' and just got bad pop music
Stupid question. Shitposting is against the rules.
Explain this
>all those flashy outfits
>criticizing her look instead of her music
Are you serious?
>putting ketchup in the fridge
>criticizing her look instead of her music
taking a page out of the Grimesfag's playbook
when I realized YouTube.com/sumflyyyguy is better? yeah, that's wehn
Name some good pop music then
Maybe it's time to listen to her music for real if you constantly thinking about that.
pop music is not meant to be good
>Explain this
what's there to explain?
What about mumble rap and third wave post rock?
i like grimes and mcdonalds burger and i like fuck u
i dont think an artist doing that combination exists yet
Really? Are you such an idiot?
It's not obvious?
Your opinion:
>therefore Grimes is the worst artists of the current decade
>she got huge critical acclaim
Explain this paradox.
yis :>
there's no logic at all to artists becoming popular or receiving acclaim, there's no contradiction
grime shaters are gay and should be spanked with trees
Ha. You know what I mean
the absolute madman
there's a correlation though, use your imagination
When I saw her absence of talent on full display at Coachella. The most laughable display of amateurism I've ever seen.
what year?
>judging an artist based on a one off show
Really, dude? Are you so shallow?
When Art Angels got released and I realized it's only a bunch of pretentious "poppy" shit.
>hating pop music
You are a hipster.
>pretentious "poppy" shit
That's an oxymoron, moron.