Is there any chance of it being not shit? And what happened to that Blomkamp thing?
Is there any chance of it being not shit? And what happened to that Blomkamp thing?
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I hope the rumors about who she's playing aren't true.
your fucking google broken?
>Is there any chance of it being not shit?
God I hope it isn't. It has to fix Prometheus while still being it's own good thing. Fucking hard to do. My only worry is that it fucks up the Alien lore even more than Prometheus did.
>And what happened to that Blomkamp thing?
It's been put on hold by Scott until this prequel trilogy is finished.
The only possible story left to tell that is interesting in any capacity is the goddamned large-scale Earth invasion thing.
They've been stalling that one since Alien 3
It'll be good, as long as Lindelof stays the fuck away.
Blomkamp's film is waiting until this one comes out because Ridley Scott will be producer IIRC.
Is there any chance of it clarifying the bonus situation?
Of course its going to be shit. Ridley has gone fucking insane.
Did you hear what he was saying the last time?
>NASA and the Vatican have both confirmed for me that Intelligent Design is real.
>The Engineers decided to destroy humans because they gave us one last chance and we rejected it. Jesus was an Engineer, they sent him and we killed him.
>My only worry is that it fucks up the Alien lore even more than Prometheus did.
That they're apparently taking it head on rather than relegating it to little more than an easter egg in what was an otherwise unrelated story has me hoping that they'll take it more seriously, but who knows.
>It's been put on hold by Scott until this prequel trilogy is finished.
I'm kinda worried it'll just be forgotten about in that time. Blomkamp has good storytelling potential, and has his head on more straight than Scott at any rate.
Might be interesting to see that happen, maybe have it tie into the fallout from having the Auriga crash land on Earth.
Everything Alien related has been dogshit after 2. It's weird how that Alien Isolation game ended up being the Alien sequel that I always wanted.
>I'm kinda worried it'll just be forgotten about in that time
I'm sort of hoping for that. I like the idea of a new film being done following that end of the story, but I'd rather it did not retcon Alien 3 out of existence.
>It's been put on hold by Scott until this prequel trilogy is finished
They'd better hurry the hell up with that. Weaver and Biehn aren't exactly getting any younger.
>It's weird how that Alien Isolation game ended up being the Alien sequel that I always wanted.
Isolation was a masterpiece in sequel style.
Its not gonna retcon it, its just gonna take a different route and have Newt live
Ridley has stated he believes the Alien raped Lambert
None at all.
Alien 3 is great, go eat a turd.
>Alien 3 is a turd
A lot of us love Alien 3 and see it as a perfect end to the Ripley story arc. Blomkamp going "fuck you, I want Aliens 2" is going to shit on a lot of peoples respect for the series.
With it's tail? Also Lambert is a guy. Bet the Alien had a crying game experience.
>It's been put on hold by Scott until this prequel trilogy is finished.
No, it's just until Alien: Covenant releases
After Resurrection, AvP1 and 2, and Prometheus, if people still somehow have a shred of respect for the series, they're beyond help.
Not a lot, but some of you do. I for one am one of the many who hate 3 and Resurrection.
I would rather see a proper sequel to Aliens, and am glad Blomkamp will be doing it.
Alien3 was just all levels of stupid and a big "FUCK YOU" to fans. Plus, the filmmakers pissed off Alan Dean Foster.
Avp 1 and 2 aren't canon.
>put on hold until the prequel trilogy is finished
Jesus, Sigourney is almost 70 and Micheal Biehn isnt much younger, Ripley's gonna have to whack Xenos with her walker if they don't get this shit moving
I thought AvP1 was pretty acceptable. Above the others you listed, at least. Bought back some of the horror element. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for Henriksen's acting.
I still haven't tried Isolation, but I've heard nothing but good things about it. Guess I was kinda burnt after the steaming pile of Colonial Marines that Gearbox shat out.
Colonial Marines is pretty good though. Atleast it wasn't as boring as Alien "opening door simulator" Isolation was.
Canon autists are the absolute worst.
>"boohoo, I cant enjoy this movie anymore because another one, made decades later, tells an origin story I dont care for.
Actual full blown autism here people.
Alien Isolation is a love letter to Alien. Nowhere near as bad as Colonial Marines
Avp 1 and 2 are not, I repeat NOT, canon.
>I get all my opinions from RLM
It's true though. I experienced it myself when I played through the game.
That's why the Alien killed her/him. He couldn't get it up so he murdered her instead. Gotta feel sorry for him really. A massive Alien Boner and nowhere to stick it.
I've never heard that criticism anywhere outside RLM's show. Anyway, what does that even mean, "opening door simulator"? You can boil any game down to its base elements, and make it sound mundane by calling it a "(blank) simulator". Hell, by your logic, Doom and Resident Evil are "door opening simulators" too.
I'll wait for the superior Director's Cut.
>AvP movies
>acceptable in way way
fuck off
When was the last time Scott even made a genuinely bad movie, as in not Sup Forums's braindead memes for stupid people with no taste bad, but bad as agreed by people who love and understand film?
Because Alien: Covenant is most likely going to be good, like Prometheus. If you didn't like Prometheus, you probably like nothing to begin with.
What rumors?
Are you a leftist?
Is this really the best you could do?
I don't have any effort to do, you said
>if you don't like the same shit as me you're a bad person
Prometeus was a piece of shit and not just because it shat on Alien. You don't have any credibility saying it was "genuinely good"
Fuck off, Cameronfag
The only chance of it being good is if they go to the engineers' home planet. As for thr Blomkamp movie unless they bring back Hicks and Newt and Ripley it'll be trash. I only enjoy movies that make me cry, and seeing Newt being a strong woman who went through hell and survived would make me weep. Pro-tip: iIf that idea doesn't make you cry you officially have no soul
As far as I can tell claiming to like film and to dislike Prometheus is a contradiction. If you don't like good things, how are you not stupid and without taste? There's no point in not being rude about it because it's been several years since the movie came out and you still haven't learned.
alien 3 assembly cut is great
she's playing Ripley's mom
You've got to be fucking kidding me
God take me now.
>claiming to like film and to dislike Prometheus is a contradiction
couldn't be more obvious as a shill.
How hypocritical of you claiming you have objectively good taste while praising what's a mess on so many level of movie making.
I really like Alien3, more than Aliens I think. (Watched Aliens right after Alien and that left a bad taste)
But I'm more than fine with Blonkamp doing another Alien 3 with Weaver.
>claiming to like film and to dislike Prometheus is a contradiction.
it will only get worse
they all died and bonuses were nullified when the nostromo and chunk of meteor with all it's resources were nuked
>And what happened to that Blomkamp thing?
Still happening thank god
>“Well, I think it is. Ridley asked Neill not to make our Alien ’til after ‘Prometheus 2.’ [Ridley] wanted his movie to shoot and be released first. But it’s an amazing script, and Neill and I are really excited about doing it. We’re doing other things until we can get going on that. I’d be really surprised if we didn’t do it, because it’s such a great script, and we love working together. So, it’s just going to take a little bit longer to get out to you, but it’ll be worth the wait.”
This pic worries me.
Looks like it will be another Blomkamp movie rather than an other Alien. One of the wrong thing with Prometeus, pretending to be what it ultimately was not.
But the bonus situation tho
Nah that's the only concept like that. The rest are more alien-ish
Why is she allahu akbar?
I guess in case of capture or some shit
Hicks looks like a fucking beta
Okay, it's Prometeus all over again. thanks for the warning.
>a single concept that may not even get used
>b-but it may not happen!
Yeah, that's what you're always saying when a concept happens to be frowned upon, and in the the it's kept anyway throughout the final version..
Where the FUCK is Newt?
Theres nothing even wrong with the concept. It looks kinda neat and keeps withe the sexual designs Giger came up with.
As far as I know this is the last of the concept art that's been released so far
Right here
Oh wait there's also this one
>Theres nothing even wrong with the concept
yeah nothing wrong with changing what ought not to be.
But that's not changing anything? It looks like some kind of new alien egg and creature.
So Hicks is alive now?
I tought he died alongside the little girl at the begining of Alien 3
Blomkamp's Alien movie will continue on from Aliens. Basically creating an alternate timeline
He did. Blomkamp's idea is to retcon 3, show what would've happened if they'd survived.
Alright I'm on board now. They should get Carrie Henn to reprise the role though I think she's not an actress anymore
Shes gonna have to lose some weight big time
Yeah it'd be cool if they could convince her to come back(assuming she'd be able to act).
I remember reading that this film will be a kind of passing-of-the-torch from Ripley to Newt
>It looks like some kind of new alien egg and creature
>being blindly optimistic about a 2018 sequel to a pre-millenial movie
I'm optimistic at the chance to see a proper conclusion/continuation of the Alien franchise after rhe shitfests of 3 and Resurrection.
I still dont see anything wrong with that new alien creature concept.
It's new, modern and ultimately obviously there to replace the facehugger.
Looks a lot like the facehugger though. Define "modern"
>and ultimately obviously there to replace the facehugger.
Serves a similar function, but I dont think its a replacement by any means.
>I'm kinda worried it'll just be forgotten about in that time
Like tears..
>NASA and the Vatican have both confirmed for me that Intelligent Design is real.
>The Engineers decided to destroy humans because they gave us one last chance and we rejected it. Jesus was an Engineer, they sent him and we killed him.
kinda cool, we wuz aliems n shiet
Aimed at a new audience. Modern audience can't handle lack of action therefore this alien is replacing the facehugger completely, it will plant it's horn in the head of its victim before going for the blowjob. Calling it.
Yo, is that supposed to be Hicks?
You're absolutely retarded if you think its completely replacing the facehugger
>You're absolutely retarded if you think its completely replacing the facehugger
I'm calling it. You call me retarded now but time will tell I was right, then we'll see you were just an overly optimistic cocksucker.
How exactly is the facehugger not action-worthy? Did you not see Aliens?
You're calling it and you're completely wrong. I've seen some retarded anons here but you take the cake.
You live in a cave or something? Looks like you've not seen a movie for the past ten years.
I think Ridely over the years has grown into a delusional hack making shit movies thinking they will be brilliant eg. Prometheus and not listening to feedback from fans or input from his peers.
ye or no?
I have, and i fail to see how a crawling, spider-like creature wouldn't keep audiences interested
No. Prometheus's problems were because of Lindelof
She apparently was willing to star in an Alien fan film so there's hope