So how'd you like season 4, Sup Forums?
Tumblr as fuck.
Redpilled as fuck.
I love it
Who /nickybestgirl/ here?
Better than S3 for sure
I'm only about halfway through it and I can tell already it's better than 2 or 3.
They should make a porn of this and name it Black is the new White and have it be all first time interracial teens
It works really well in conjunction with S3 though. Did a rewatch of the show after finishing season 4 and they flow a lot better watched together than the other seasons. Probably because S4 starts up immediately after 3 ends, and the whole MCC/guard walkout shit building up the big storyline for 4.
Hell even Linda From Purchasing had a couple mentions and then a brief cameo in 3.
as in, it made s3 better in retrospect/on a rewatch. 3 is probably still the weakest overall season though.
Why is Piper in the middle and still promoted like she's the main protagonist when she's by far the most boring and painful character to watch?
Probably the best one so far.
Because Piper is the best character desu senpai
Would watch season 5.
Why does it take them a fucking year to produce a dozen episodes?
It's Tumblr the show now. Not sure how any of you guys watch it.
It was pretty fun.
I just really didn't give a shit about Poussey, so when she died, it had absolutely zero impact for me.
Same. I just thought "oh great now everyone's gonna be sad next episode".
so when they drop them out of the blue it really catches you off guard
Unrealistic as a hapa with a happy ending
>What is ORGY IS THE NEW BLACK - Piper Perri
I love how these old hags try to look badass when all they do is end up looking pathetic
When are they going to a Star Trek parody dream sequence?
Best season yet.
Is this the greatest TV romance ever?
>It's a Sup Forums tries to call OitNB tumblr pandering when they humanize a literal rapist
Love it
Daily reminder he did nothing wrong
>it's a corporate America gets in Caputo's way episode
>it's a Caputo does literally everything right and the prisoners riot anyway episode
>It's a Caputo's life is suffering episode
>rapes her
You're being unreasonable, like the lesbian on the show. Didn't you understand the message to that story? You're supposed to let go of that shit.
'Twas alright.
So she's gonna get off with some kind of stupid slap on the wrist, right?
Caputo was the most tragic fucking character this season. Everyone else can go suck a dick, especially the prisoners; he's the only person that wants to make their lives better and they make mess after mess for him.
>it's okay to rape someone if you apologize after
>yfw Linda comes barging out of the bathroom and shoots Daya with her gun
>it's a Nicky has drug problems episode
I liked the part where Piper smoked Crack
>It's a Luschek threeway episode
>it's a the only reasonable and smart black girl dies episode
Not sure how I feel about Linda, tbqhwy.
On the one hand, she's the best thing that's happened to Caputo, but on the other she seems like a shitty human being.
Daily reminder that he will never be your boyfriend
How many dudes you think he raped at the men's prison?
We never got a Soso/Pussy sex scene. I guess it would have been alright.
I bet he BLEACHED all the black ones
what makes this show good? I've only seen it while my sister/mother are watching but the characters all seem annoying
this is also what i meant . I'm suprised you guys watch it.
Did you see the episode? That was clearly the moral there. Are you suggesting Jenji Kohan could be wrong about rape?
You know that most of the people on this site aren't actually triggered by women like you are? The whole Sup Forums thing is a joke. You aren't supposed to actually believe that.
>triggered by women
Who ever said that? The characters on this show aren't like real women they're much more annoying. Most of them seem like they belong in a mental institution not a prison.
it's amusing
also prison-waifus
and janeway plays a russian version of herself
i watch it for the female Patrice Oneal
>also prison-waifus
>getting your prison-waifu LESBIAN'D
no thanks, fuck off with this show
best waifu coming thru get ready
Oz was much better
Sort of feeling like an idiot not realising they were doing this. Good show.
I love how they portray him as such an unapologetic villain. Yes, part of it is because he's gay and we never get a queer villain but he is such a sodding piece of shite. It's delightful to hate him.
A lot of the coloured women in this show are just great actors.
I think they know people don't like Piper so they pulled her down a few pegs this series.
after seeing her with the monks and shit I kinda fell bad for her, she was just a girl that got caught with some pot and got jail time for it.
She didn't deserve to die
And she got killed by the puppy
>Maritza will never be your gf
I feel bad for Bayley. He genuinely didn't mean to do it and the niggresses will demonize him anyway
>I love how the white male is a one dimensional evil cartoon man
Everyone in the show is an evil cartoon villain.
Don't worry Sup Forums, he's a homo so you don't have to defend him.
>not knowing pol is 100% gay
That whole sequence of her in NY felt so contrived to me. It was clearly just a way to milk more sympathy for her after she was already dead. It annoyed me more than anything else.
Jee there's no overlap with criminals and mental illness. Women eat this show up because they easily empathize with the character even if they are tacky and hyperbolic
i got bored like 6 episodes into the first season. should i keep watching?
>her in NY
That wasn't NY.
I liked it. Not a fan of how everyone turned that young guard into a killer saying he did it on purpose and shit. Yeah, I get that we know more about him than they do, and they were grieving but it still made me upset. It was a accident, and going all BLM seemed dumb to me when it could have been any one of them. They didnt even bring up How it was that crazy one distracting him that led to her death, but again yeah, they were greiving and shit
>Jee there's no overlap with criminals and mental illness
>most criminals are wacky cartoon characters
Yeah I guess so, especially in minimum security. Not many of the characters are wacky at all. Lolly was shit
what's the deal with Caputo having that ear cut?
is it a metaphor for how he's being abused on all angles even for those whose side he's on?
>Daya makes a speech cringe-worthy as Piper's dirty panty business speech about how violence begets violence
>instead of shooting the guard she slowly turns the gun and shoots... herself?!
>after a shocked silence the guard who she was about to shoot slowly rises to his feet and starts clapping and everyone joins in while they all say "For Poussey" in unison
>tfw realizing you're not as innocent as you used to be a year ago when the chink-nicky or alex-piper sex scene is no longer as hot as watching the old celebrity and that yoga hag make out
>a joke
Nah man, the Sup Forums cancer is real and they are genuine. Sup Forums just isn't a hivemind
>not realizing it's her in the afterlife reliving the last great night of her life
>Mfw I felt the same but didn't care
>Not a fan of how everyone turned that young guard into a killer saying he did it on purpose and shit.
I think thats the point of the whole thing.
It was straight up an accident and basically Crazy Eye's fault. But People cover up the facts (The guards Ergo the POHLEESE) or people are distraught and emotional and dont try and look at the facts (The black inmates and Soso, Ergo Black Lives Matter)
MCC being Liberal Media trying to spin it a certain way.
Honestly, I popped a boner.
I dunno, dude. Cutting the dead guard into pieces and using him for fertilizer is pretty badass.
>it's a Cuckputo gets shutdown by based Piscatello episode
but that's even worse
> Flaca will never smother you with her monster tits
End my life please
But that's what works for me, the show doesn't force their badassery and lets them get their shit pushed in as often as they have impressive moments. I love Red but she got fucked her by V and even the big faggot guard after butting heads with them
I think Suzanne's the only one who KEEPS GETTING AWAY WITH IT
>needs his entire ex-army guards backing him up to make a stance against Capocaputo
lmao get out of here
I assume it's a bite left by Fig when he fucked her.
good taste. i don't see many people that like her
>becomes jewish because the food is better
shabbat shalom, bitch
rewatching the show
>pornstache was pretty much the most entertaining character, i wish they could bring him back
>spic name
>howling as he was dragged away to prison that he'd do everything to take care of Daya's baby
I miss him
>he became a rapist so intensely he turned mexican
>Ha! ha! Bitch, if grateful paid the bills, we'd all be Bill Gates
>mrw all actors are sjws even though the writers are clearly redpilled
i dunno spaniards can be pretty white, i doubt hes of mexican decent tho
Yeah i miss him too, pretty much all his
scenes in s1/2 are pure gold
>the writers are clearly redpilled
>show runner is the most tumblr jew in existence
I think the entire show is SJW to the extreme and they have so little self awareness that it's easy to see it as satire if that's what you want to find. No red pilled show could push the "black lives matter" meme like last season did.
Rank the order you would want to fuck the girls, Sup Forums
>Flaca>Piper>Maritza>Aleida>Maria>Gloria>Pennsatuckey>Janae>Taystee>Red>Judy King>Yoga Jones>Lorna>Alex>Poussey>Daya>Black Cindy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Suzzane>Joe Caputo>Nikki "Kike" Nichols
I think flaca is some spic slur ?
>no soso
x D
forgot her, fuck!
put her right after Maritza on my list
Alex>Nicky>Pipes>Soso>Maritza>Penns>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone else
>he wants to fuck an ugly kike
>Liking white girls
>No Lorna
shit taste central right here. time to ditch thread
1. Gloria
2. Alex
3. Maritza
I'd include Soso but she'd basically just be 2nd in the 'really cute in looks but void of any compelling personality' category as Maritza
Gloria beats Maria (that's Daya's mom right?) in both body and personality for me even though her face is more handsome than Maria's feminine features. And Alex is sympathetic enough even she's not pegged in a romance with Piper. Great body and nice face too, those glasses work for her.