No BarfyMan362 you cannot rape my mother with a knife
No BarfyMan362 you cannot rape my mother with a knife
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This barfyman guy sounds like a real jerk.
Never got the cult following of this guy. He's funny, sure. But he's not all that profound or amazing. I don't get it.
It's his delivery.
He was one of the original anti-humor comedians, and his style hasn't changed much over the last 20 years.
Why did the idiot throw a clock out of the window?
Because it reminded him of Richard Clock, the man who knife raped his wife.
You want to hear my impression of Carson making the the 9/11 call?
>You mean 911 call.
Yes, of course.
But 9/11 was a national tragedy.
It grows on you, its more about his entire persona and delivery, and not just the jokes he does. I started to appreciate him when I listened to his podcast show, him shooting the shit with fellow comedians was hilarious.
American Airlines ranked 2nd in Airline satisfaction. Do you know which ranked first? 9/11 Airlines
what a terrible name for an airliner
Post essential Normcore.
You remember that 9/11, the tragedy..?
>Please don't Norm..
I had to.. walk through blood 'n' boones, through New York City..
Looking for my brother..
Turns out he was in Northern Canada.
>It's a lose all your assets on a game of football episode
>It's a loss it all again sequel
>It's a loss it all again trilogy
"Barbara Walters is announcing her retirement from The View. What's next for Babs?...
... Death."
Look under your seats everyone!
Why, it's Adam Egret licking out your asshole!
Norm is like a drunken boxer of comedy. You can never tell what he's going to do. One time he'll do a joke and it's a dud. And... that's it there's nothing else. Other time he'll tell one and it's a dud, then just after it he sets up the real punchline. It's that unpredictability that makes him unique.
>that story Breuer tells about Norm trolling the shit out of Chris Kattan
Norm is his own self-contained entity in a line of work that basically involves doing everything you can not to rip someone else off on accident.
"I remember that one sketch Chris Kattan did.. yeah, it was that one where he tried to play someone other than a gay arab.."
Is Chris Kattan gay? Because in the story he seems to state he's very attracted to Pam Anderson at every chance. It seems really weird. Is he over compensating?
Corky Romano?
This is one that actually cut out after the original live broadcast about Angelina Jolie. Too edgy for the internet
If Norm thinks you're gay, he's brutal about pointing it out in one way or the other.
He did it to Andy Richter, maybe as a joke "Andy the Swedish German" he would call him on those TNN Conan interviews.
He then would recite some story involving Andy doing a homosexual act or being a town gay prostitute, I'm completely blanking here because I just woke up.
Someone link it, help! lol
Also, it's worth noting that almost everyone in the comedy business think he's hilarious.
Except Sarah Silverman.
Why does Sarah Silverman not like him? He's funneir than she is.
Your Dad is still alive, right?
He pretty much flat line said in an interview with Dennis Miller that she was unfunny. By name.
In the business, that's pretty harsh, like your career is being attacked so she pertty much has to not like him.
She probably hates it and it makes her sad.
This is Norm McDonald at his finest.
And of course, just watch his improv skills at work in this classic:
He does it when there's real tension.
His style clashes with hers. See here at 14:00 how they just don't gel.
And that's how Norm likes it.
Skip to 1:25. This sums up /fit/
what was he on all the time? says he doesn't drink but the difference in sobriety between some of his interviews is huge
especially the radio ones, he sounds fucked up
>That James Brown joke
oh that was bad.
"No offense but it sounds like some commie gobbeldy-gook!"
Oh my fucking god, I forgot about that line.
I love this man.
Talk about awkward
I remember when Norm was on O&A he was talking about female comics
>"Who's funnier than Sarah Silverman? Nobody! ... except dudes"
Pretty sure he's manic depressed and has periods where he is up and periods where he is down.
Anyone have a link to the actual sketch he's talking about? I can't seem to find it.
>Finding an SNL sketch
I'll wait.. call me in a year.
jokes about Hitler and mangled stereotypical German yelling.
>genious comedian
t. Sup Forums
I don't get it.
Check this ricky gervais bong motherfucker here talking about comedy.
>tfw no season 3
Gervais is okay. I like some of his O&A appearances..
But when he gets into his squeeling fits over small little half-jokes I want to just x out of the video.
Angelina Jolie got a double mastectomy a while ago.
That clip of him telling holocaust jokes to marty funkhouser was good
E1S3 will be up at 6:00 pm PST, Norm confirmed it on stream
>she's quite a hero when you think about it
>if she hadn't cut her tits off she had like a 95% chance of dying a slow painful death
>you cut your tits and everybody calls you a fucking idiot
This is it, what's not to get? It's his delivery
>Nine-heeeheheehehe-ele-hehehaaahaha-nine eleven
I know I will never ever see the Rick Stone, Private Eye sketch with Kelsey Grammer ever again and it kills me.
>God damn I wish I had a time machine
To see that action?
>Yeah no, to take back my question
Based Norm
>You know, the more I learn about that Hitler fella the more I don't care for him!
>I mean this guy was a real jerk!
>Ah they tell me, oh, he was a great public speaker! He could talk really well! I watch one of his speeches and he's like "SHLARGHALAHAJA!!!!" I mean, that's not my idea of a silver-tongued devil, y'know?
Is this dude drunk or is it part of his act?
Well that was disappointing.
That's just how he talks.
Sadly, that's normal Jim Breuer.
I think if he was drunk it would be indecipherable.
Seriously, do you have the source?
If so thats great his podcast is probably the funniest i have ever listened to
Isn't Jim pretty much "dude weed lmao" tbqh?
>You and me, we should kill Hitler.
He died fifty years ago
>Did he? I didn't even know he was sick?
Casual reminder
Not really. He has a few weed jokes but he's not full-on Doug Benson. For the most part that's just how he naturally looks and speaks.
>Milana Vayntrub
literally who
Daily reminder
>Implying Norm didn't just want to fuck her
/thicc/ goddess
Don't laugh at 9/11 that's not funny. I walked through blood and bones in the streets of Manhattan looking for my brother.
He was in Northern Canada.
A college freshmen just broke the world record for breaking the most egg shells with his head in order to get into the Guiness Book of Fucking Retards.
He's a performer, his body type and voice are fairly slight, so acting like that gets him laughs.
so if the podcast ever comes back who can he get...
Robert Blake?
Jan Michael Vincent??
David Letterman???
No wonder Sup Forums loves him
Except for letterman id say those 2 and some snl friends also 1 or 2 you wouldn't expect like when they got russel brand
no hard working baitposter should go un(you)ed
here you go man god bless
Op looks like a flower.
Yeah, a cauliflower
Your face looks like a cunt
I love this video, watching him wind up those two cunts either side of him.
Fucking kek
>Michael Jordan's Hitler mustache.
What a time that was
I'll miss Sports Show
Knick Knack, Patty Wack. Give a frog a loan; his dad's a Rolling Stone.
Season 3 when
sept. 19 his book comes out
no hes both profound and amazing. funniest man to ever walk the planet
That is the dumbest analogy I've ever heard in my life.
I'm pretty sure the no drinking/drugs thing is bullshit. He drank a whole bunch on the Tom Green show and a lot of comedians say they smoked weed with him. Also he says he doesn't enjoy sex which goes against the fact that he allegedly cheated on his wife with some beautiful lady.
>when people get older they settle down
yep, total bullshit
>"I'm not an anti-comic and I'm not a meta-comic. And I despise anyone who is."
- Norm
Nice Ass senpai.
>not realizing that was an intentionally ironic statement
digits confirm
norm GOAT
I don't know why i find it so funny every time he says "Andy Richter the Swedish German".
I'm not even joking, I am in disbelief that you even posted that. I had to come back after 30 minutes or so just to tell you that it's so fucking bad, I came back to the thread to screenshot your analogy.