All jokes and memes aside, now ask your heart, can we all agree Batman v Superman is a better film than Civil War?
All jokes and memes aside, now ask your heart, can we all agree Batman v Superman is a better film than Civil War?
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Oh my god who gives a FUCK about capeshit
Bvs was the best of the two.
This is the first year DC had the best capeshit movie since 2008 (The Dark Knight)
Everyone in this thread is incorrect.
including you.
And you.
Both are shit
evans bro assembled
Nah, that's Deadpool, you piece of shit.
Also fuck you, fuck capeshit and fuck franchises in general.
>Hurr Durr, lets set up 15 sequels instead of telling a fulfilling story.
Cancer, literally cancer.
Yes but not because BvS was that good, but because Civil war was extremely shit.
el justo
"Civil War" was better.
Posting capeshit should be a bannable offense at this point. Its all shitposting and bait.
We need /flick/ and /film/ to contain the reddit.
>Batman v Superman
>better than anything
but we already had a /film/
redditors assemble!
So, mexican Sup Forumsedditor crossposters are behind the "company wars" shitposting that has been going on for a while. It's no surprise, I guess they got bored of shitting up Sup Forums with their console wars.
It honestly makes the most sense. They ironically came defending BvS, then summer ate it up and are now unironically saying BvS is good.
it seems pretty outlandish until you realize how much spics love jesus and jesus imagery, and how snyder's DC movies have basically just been "heyzeus christo: super hero."
Very much better. Civil War was somewhat disjointed with how many characters they had it still was edited much better than batman vs superman. Eisenberg must have thought he was cast as the joker and nobody decided to tell him other wise. They threw in wonder woman unnecessarily and gave away most the movie in the trailer. Batfleck was the only redeeming quality and the dream/reality sequences were poorly executed. The only thing about civil war that sucked was we didn't get to see those super soldiers fight and Crossbones in theory died early on.
>all jokes aside
then why do you start your thread with an obvious joke
Has anyone seen the ultimate edition?
How does it compare to the theatrical cut?
Longer and shittier much like the bathroom session of a DC fanboy after extending his meal by an extra hour. Life imitating's like poetry.
lel, also isn't this an 18+ website why are all these manchildren here lel
not having the super soldiers at the end was a smart decision, if they had to come together to fight and overcome generic strong bad guy at the end it would have been shit.
If you didn't like the theatrical cut, it will only do so much for you. There is a better characterization of Clark/Superman. There is a lot more exposure towards the plot, making things make more sense and give more weight to the Superman v Batman fight as well as Lex's plan becomes more clear.
However it won't fix the shitty rendition of Lex, the Doomsday fight, the nightmare scenes and all the DCEU tacked on stuff.
If you like the theatrical cut, you will enjoy the ultimate cut because its more of what you want to see. If you didn't like the theatrical, it will just make you annoyed at the fact they could have done better with the theatrical cut.
>made far less money
>hated by critics and fans alike
>The trivializing has grabbed such hold that when a genuine pop artist like Zack Snyder deepens comics lore into visionary, moral art (the profound Man of Steel and Batman v Superman), many fanboys, and critics, react with anger, resentment — and ignorance.
>that gif
jesus christ, who makes these? they should make one where Evans is holding the chopper and laughing
instead of 1.5 hours of contrivance to try to force a conflict between superman and batman that's all instantly dropped as soon as lex kidnaps martha, its 2 hours of contrivance to try to force a conflict between superman and batman that's all instantly dropped as soon as lex kidnaps martha.
Fuck no.
Maybe if you make this thread 500 more times..
>DCucks think that BvS was smart
Civil war wasn't movie of the year by all accounts,
but it never promised to be more than what it was
instead with BvS we left with a really sour taste after having waited so long for a over-hyped movie that ended having the most predictable ending (superman and batman stop figthing to deal with a larger evil)
not to mention a terrible fight between superman and batman that concludes in them not killing each other because their mothers had the same name
and then finally fight a CGI evil monster
the only good scenes were the solo batman ones, which didn't make up for the fact that what we wanted was a really good batman vs superman fight, not a Justice League teaser where they add wonder woman for no reason to fight a badly animated CGI monster
Civil War: 8/10
Entertaining, good action scenes, funny as fuck, awesome memorable action scenes, airport scene goat, not one boring moment, everytime a character comes on screen it's fucking awesome
BVS: 4/10
boring, hey look it's batman's parents dying again, stupid story nobody gives a fuck about, batman & superman one-dimensional and the fucking same, lois lane fucking boring, cringeworthy martha scene - worst scene coming out of hollywood in a "blockbuster" since the dawn of time, stupid cgi baddy - literally the recycled troll from the fellowship, justice league introduced via ATTACHMENTS, ATTACHMENTS, non-death of superman, everything about this fucking movie is fucking stupid, the only reason I still give it a 4 is because of batman
not even remotely true.
I saw the extended version last night, first time I saw BvS, and it was better than all the critiscism suggested. And I really liked Affleck.
> Jesse Eisenber was fucking awful
> the Justice League setup was super clumsy
> the Martha scene was stupid
> the distopic future scene was a waste of time
> the entire Doomsday thing was kinda random
In the end I had more fun with CW.
Well meme'd.
unironically correct.
Maybe if DC had spent the money on a better director and story writers instead of all these shills, it would have turned out to be somewhat decent.
jesus FUCK this gif is fantastic.
along with the STOP INVINCIBLE SON Evans and such, who is the genius making this shit? fuck man has to be the same person
Civil War isn't a film. It's an extended episode of a TV-show. Just fucking look at it, good christ. Every scene, every shot, like FRIENDS episode.
holy fuck go back to r/eddit faggots
>awesome humor!
>not understanding the dream sequences
Yeah this Rotten site very meme
fuck you and anyone who thinks they can critique film by posting fucking scores that are made up of average plebs opinion.
>Critics can be trusted
>Opinions on a film can never be changed and are set in stone by some magical happy number service
>Implying implications
>Knight of Cups
>not dogshit
And yet, you DCucks were the most butthurt when the first reviews came out.
DC lost. Deal with it.
>DCucks have to rely on blue ray sales to break even
Fucking faggots from [s4s] killed /film/ before we even had a chance to make it good. I hate those niggers and their ironic shit-posting so much.
>Company wars.
Think you belong to Sup Forumsmblr.
>critics hate
>audiences hate
>but it's a good movie, i'm totally not being a butthurt contrarian
it's not even a better film than man of steel
maybe if half the thread needs to leave for you, you should take your leave and fuck off to where your shitmovie will be appreciated (r/dccinematic or whatever)
>Defends one of the shittiest movies made till date.
>Accuses others of being fanboys.
why do mexicans conflate "understand" with "like?" Is it because there is no such distinction in mexican?
>4 retards
>"half the thread"
can't come up with own reasons? Only resorting to refer to scores made up of plebeians average scoring?
and *critics* hate is just as empty, unless you can point out some actual criticism.
This company wars+resorting to empty 'critics hate' shit is so fucking tiresome.
>Defends one of the shittiest movies made till date.
You understand that I'm only attacking the retarded fucking reasoning you use to trash BvS?
The discourse is empty if you only say 'muh rotten scores xd'
>that 66% audience score
>even after the hundreds of thousands of spammed 10s
that's pretty awesome actually
>complains about comp wars
>shits on Marvel while defending BVS
>letterboxd thread screencap.
as if I needed more proof that letterboxd is containment thread for redditors
How I would have fixed BvS.
>Keep the extended Africa for the TC
>Change the nightmare scene to alluded to something else than Superman going bad. Make it more related to Darkseid.
>Cut the Doomsday fight
>Diana tries to investigate on Lex to get her photograph, and ends up working with Lois on the bullet/congress bombing.
>Clark does his investigations on Gotham, having a lot of misinformation spread on Batman to make it him seem like he is a threat. The same with Bruce when he investigates on Superman. Basically, Lex plays them both like a fiddle.
>Batman Vs Superman. Batman thinks he is dangerous, Superman doesn't really want to kill him but Lex has Martha. Batman is about to kill him, instead of saying Martha he says mother.
>They both realized they been played and they team up, with what Diana and Lois have gathered from Lex and both go and try to take down Lex.
>Lex somewhat revives a zombified Zod, he can't fly but he can jump and is incredibly strong. They defeat him in a close, non-city destroying fight
>Diana, Bruce and Clark find Lex where the "communion" scene took place. Foreshadows Darkseid coming or something to that effect.
>Leaves the groundwork open for an after credit scene with Bruce investigating the files for metahumans and setting it up so he looks for them in Justice League to help with the looming threat of Darkseid.
>Keep the tone as it is.
>>shits on Marvel while defending BVS
You don't even have basic fucking reading comprehension holy fuck.
I don't think so...
Excellent criticism, user. Sounds like you really know what you're talking about when it comes to film.
I could list out all the dumb things in BvS, but it would be like beating a dead horse at this point.
They tried to set up JL in one movie and the outcome was horrible. I don't hate DC or anything, but people need to accept that this movie is extremely flawed.
BvS was made for DC fans. It's like Snyder telling inside jokes to the public. As amazing it was to see the parademons onscreen, he really should have replaced that dream sequence with something else.
My reasons are plenty. The bad casting, the bad writing, the poor pacing, the bad direction and Snyder's inability to understand the characters.
>I could but I won't.
Sure thing. Keep on posting RT scores that have given shit for great films.
You gotta go back.
As a fan of DC, I'm worried he might have been playing the joke on me.
>if they had to come together to fight and overcome generic strong bad guy at the end it would have been shit.
>the end of BvS
>saves reddit screencaps on his phone.
As if I needed even more proof about that general being source of cancerous shitposting
That's why it's so embarrassing that it BTFO of the bloated piece of shit WB's dropped $400 million on.
Settle down. We all know its you spamming those MARVELDRONE pics.
>BvS was made for DC fans
He turned Superman into a joyless emo faggot and Batman into a mass murderer.
Blanket statements don't pass for critique.
well played
>blue ray
I just got an idea. What if the plot behind the movie had involved Lex gathering data on Batman's methods of taking on Superman so he could in the end show up with his purple-green power-armor, tailor-made to be most effective against Supes, with his head full of the most effective tactics to use against him, after the expendable Bats had done all the trial and error for him?
undoubtedly yes.
>tasteless fags who like BvS also gobble up babby's first puesedo intellectual art house
Gee, I'm shocked.
>Can't even write pseudo.
Yeah, cause you know they're true, and you can't refute them. I'd love to see you try to defend the casting of Eisenberg and Gadot, or the Martha bullshit, or Superman's entire character arc, or everyone being out of character, or the clusterfuck of a plot.
I really don't know why this guy keeps getting posted.
Elaborate then.
/lbg/ is a source of lot of cancerous shitposting on this board.
>Batman v Superman
I'll give you the Ultimate Cut is a better film than X-men Apocalypse but the shitshow that was the theatrical is just completely unforgivable and no one will accept it being anything but the worst capeshit of the year
If you want a chance, at least argue for the ultimate cut... that no one wants to see
Sure buddy
But of all the cancer twitter spammers and memefucks this one never even posts anything
I know because I follow all of them
BvS is shit with pretty visuals and symbolism however civil war is paint by the numbers schlock.
I just did.
They have IRC group that organizes mass shitpost bombs on threads they don't like. Who the fuck knows why