Alright, so I've got $13 in my Steam account from leftover gift cards...

Alright, so I've got $13 in my Steam account from leftover gift cards. I feel like shit because I'm all alone in life rn and I have some heavy weight on my shoulders and I've been all around miserable, but I don't want anyone else to feel this way. I'll get any game within that price range as long as you can convince me that you deserve it. Not really looking for specifics, maybe if you can just make me laugh or something, just generally brighten up my day.

Other urls found in this thread:

I feel kinda the same way as my mom is going to start her chemotherapy in a few weeks, it's nothing life threatening but it's nothing great either.
My steam:
I guess I will just dump something to cheer you up then.




would love to get borderlands preseq

im a broke college student, and i honestly have nothing else to do over this break, so would greaty appreciate if u got me a game

heres a funny greentext story


I don't care about getting a game, if you ever want to play something or just bullshit shoot me a message.


I have problems accessing my PC right now so for that purpose, I'm going to have to use email. Hope you forgive me OP

I would love the Alien Isolation Collection. I love horror games which build on asmosphere and this one is perfact at that
Hope this brightens you day

[email protected]


Cheer up OP, here is something to make you laugh.



Here's more


OP here, I already see some bros I'm considering just because I want to see someone else happy. I fucking forgot though, Include your steam name in your posts, otherwise I can't gift you the game.


Some more



I don't want your Steam money, nony.
But I love you. And I'm glad you're with us.
Big Sup Forumsro hug from Missouri USA

Something's wrong with my PC, OP. Someone's checking it now so I hope you forgive my email post


If you have battlenet i'll play overwatch or diablo with ya dude.

part 2


here's a funny meme
why can't Hellen Keller drive? because she's a woman.
gimme The Long Dark

Who's a good boy?

This is it for me, hopefully someone can cheer you up OP.

i just checked the price for the game

if you want, i dont mind getting a cheaper game or seomthing, i didnt think bl preseq wuld be that expensive haha

heres some pictures that gave me a chuckle

More for you

Just because you tried so hard, name your game mate. Has to be $13 or under. Sincerely, OP.
>You've really been the only one to make me kek the entire thread, and your devotion shows you either really want that cash or really want to cheer a bro up.

hey, i hope you have a great day, OP.

One more

I would go with 7 days to die, if that's okay with you.

Congratz user, nice ones. welp guess I am out then, good day to everyone.

Alright, will do.
I'm on mobile, so I've got to friend you to send you a gift. You should be getting a request from BillyBobJr.III in a couple minutes and 7 Days to Die soon after.

Friend request sent.

OP is a man of his word.
Happy Holidays everyone, especially OP!
Also this faggot randomly added me and said that he's the OP-
I really do not care about him.

nice job cheering up OP me.


Alright mates, so I've got $3.09 left. If anyone wants any game DLC or anything that fits that budget, just give me a heads up. (With your steam profile and what you want of course.)


Please user

Portal pls

can i get castle crasher op?


Ahh too bad someone else got it

Anyway should i drop some pics to cheer you up ?

don't have one in that price range, so give it to someone else, thanks for the offer OP.

Gg mates, gotta reduce the budget now.

Is Dungeon of the Endless 3$? I use € so I'm not sure, otherwise if you wanna get the insult simulator for both and try it, it has multiplayer

First come first serve, if it fits the budget then you're gettin' it. Gotta go through the befriending bs though, just a heads up.

Me neither OP you should make another user happy



You want more OP ? Or is my shit mediocre

will do, thanks user

forgot pics, gonna drop some even if the castle crashers guy won, that's a good game

Pls i want portal 1

Kraven Manor user plis, 1$ honor game



I want you to take that money and buy yourself something op.

That would make me happy.

You got an email? There's quite a few accounts with that name and I don't want to go spilling your info just to pinpoint you.

puppers allowed?

here the link to my account

I'll take whatever you've got if you want to dump it, but I'm sold out. The cash is gone. :\

thanks for giftan on behalf of all sincere beggars

Yeah i know but i can still try to cheer you up right ?

btw story time OP?

And what the fuck that's the image I was going to put as my pic for the OP, but decided to pick the one next to it. Great faggots think alike.

I got taste i guess

Also birb thread ?

Eh, I'm shit at storytelling. I've tried my hand at greentext at least a thousand times, never comes out good.
Let's just say complicated women trouble, found out my ex was raped but now my family hates her and they chewed me out over calling the cops, now I guess I've just potentially ruined a man's life and she wasn't expecting me to take action. That's just how I spent the holidays. Immediate family found my suicide setup while they were over and threatened to take me to the crazy house. It's just been a weird life recently.

Yass nigga, plz do!

you've done the right thing OP, why would you consider suicide? she might be her ex but that guy fucking raped her, he deserves whatever he gets

Birb thread it is !



I don't know how to describe how I just kinda came to terms with the decision, it was just kinda like things seemed too stacked and I had done too much damage and the only logical way to repair things was to off myself. It was like a brain malfunction I guess one could call it, I snapped. I already deal with a minor form of PTSD though, I probs am whack in the head already.



Cozy brids



Crazy birbs

i've lived through some tough shit in my life but never got into depression or anything but now i mainly think about myself and people who deserve my attention/help and i feel great, maybe you should try that

OP is a fag, didnt give out any games.

yes he did go shitposting elsewhere

Dw dude it's probably starrycloves

Are you OP?

I'm still hoping a giftanon would like to bless me with cs:go

I still have the key

M8 leave her alone man. The salt from beggars has turned me off gifting and just when I was feeling generous

Dude a lot of people are suspecting her of harassing/posting as other anons. Maybe she should stop ?

Could you consider me user please ?

OP here, why is this thread still up?
I gave away two games, go home.

nice try starclove

fuck off with your weeaboo begging

you literally waste gifters money by deleting the games they gave you off your profile, you fucking fag

I'm one of the gifters who gave her a game. I don't know about this deleting stuff but she played my game and even gifted me a key

Nah. No mood anymore. Maybe next time

That's true. And she also harasses other anons like gehaktballendraaier03. She even tried to blane tatsu for it. How pathetic talking about "salt" she is the one starting shit

Too bad i still have the key for spec ops if you ever want to gift or should i give it to another user ?

Okay. I have all my gifters as friends and I think they'd know if I was deleting my games

I thought you were on my side user. I hope Tatsu didn't manage to convince you otherwise

Thanks so much user