Sup Forums, I've finally realized something. Human life, and all the things we care about...

Sup Forums, I've finally realized something. Human life, and all the things we care about, are meaningless and empty and depressing. I live my life happily, although that falters from time to time, but me, and all the things that matter so much to me truly mean nothing. I may be delving into an existential crisis. Any thoughts?

it'll pass, and when it does, you'll be a whole new person.
think of it as though you are a caterpillar going into its cocoon.

don't worry, according to science, everything will fade into nothingness and equilibrium one day.

Just avoid the urge to self terminate until you come to terms with it. Weed does not help. Only lasted 4 years for me.

Hi OP, welcome to adulthood. You now understand why man invented religions.

Congratulations, you've achieved a state of understanding many never manage. Now you realise that the only meaning your life has is the one you give it. Go live it.

Congrats! You have learned that life is devoid of purpose! No need to be depressed, have a burrito.


Sometomes when I think about this really properly and in-depth I get super panicky and shriek out-loud, as if I suddenly realise I'm existing on borrowed time.

But then I realise that I've never really existed in the first place and it's foolish to worry about the continued existence of something that is neither real or important. Kinda liberating.

I also think about shit like quantum occlusion and how atoms only exist whilst I look at them and think heck maybe I am impprtant and maybe there is more to this umiverse afterall.

yeah, you're going to want to take up a healthy diet of drugs. just bow to sheer hedonism, enjoy your life to the highest possibility, fuck everyone you like, eat everything you like, do all the drugs under the sun, and die knowing you lived

That's called bein a self-destructing faggot.

take 200$
goto backpage
fuck a really hot ts or woman
then come back and say life is meaningless

what is the purpose of limiting the quality of your existance in order to perpetuate the quantity of it?

perform 1000 burpees a day
that will get ya in shape

I think the same but for me it is really relieving. When nothing matters u can do what u want, it is totally doesnt matter what others think of you. Since i realised that nothing human truly matters i can live my life with waaay more freedom does this help u?

we are born to die like every other thing in the universe, what makes humans special in this fact is we have a choice on what to do with the time we got, so always do your best to be remember in history because time forgets all, so be remember for as long as you can.



Existentialists GTFO.

Epicureans ftw.

I mean, yeah. Life has no purpose. That's the dirty little secret nobody tells you. Your life has no greater meaning.

I'm fine with that. If something has meaning to me but not the universe, that's good enough.

How did you or how does anyone figure that out?


I don't see how it changes anything to you living a happy life. I've pretty much lived my entire life thinking that way and it does not stop me from being somewhat happy, I wouldn't wish for anything else. Having a bit of perspective had a good impact on my life, make the most of it.

...And? Everyone knows this.

Drugs or religion. Some people do the kid thing. That can work. Idk, not for me though. The universe is going to end in heat death, may as well enjoy shit while you can.

Fun but not really worth it long term
Not fun and also not really worth it long term

Why do people feel the need to cope with heat death? At least you know that most of your friends and family won't end up being tortured by demons for eternity.

You haven't realized shit

its just a theory of yours

nobody knows anything. its all just guesses

>Why do people feel the need to cope with heat death?

well wtf do you want for us? An answer to a question that has none. Do whatever the fuck you want, everyone else does. Or just take the easy fucking way out and become an hero


Bumping for more interaction

Is google just fucking around with there maps or what?

Meaning is subjective. The actualisation of your own nihilism is the only mechanism by which something can truly mean nothing.

too much pointless thinking

let me simplify it for you - either make your life meaningful or kill yourself

Congratulations, you reached puberty.

Now get b&

Or you can live a grey existence.

There is also no problem thinking about these kinds of things, because once you get to the back of it, you can change as a person for the better.

OP, philosophical discussions are not too popular here. I advise you to read up of Nietzsche and Sartre, maybe a little Camus. It will help you accept this idea rather than become angry at it.
Just have fun with life and do what you wanna do. Just because life has no subjective meaning doesn't mean the dopamine in your brain doesn't mean something for your consciousness.

Were you inspired by the "50 Shades of..." book to do that or is your perspective based on something deeper?


What did anyone I have to say other than the word grey have to do with that book?

Like, nigga, really?

Yeah, really.


I said it ().

Don't just answer the question that lets you be a smart ass.

I guess my attempt to move this thread along with a bit of humor fell flat for some. Maybe it's the time of the day if not the board in general as one user noted (), but I guess this is an issue that doesn't affect too many people in a truly personal way. One has to experience being down in those pressing, cloudy depths to know the subject matter here and speak to it.

Well, if it was a joke, aside from not being that funny, I mistook you for a typical Sup Forums retard. Soz lol

You dont seem to understand it. What truly tells us we are alive, are emotions. A robot cant feel the warmth of sunlight. Nor can it fully be aware of compassion. Those feelings arent useless. It gives you a persona and character. Consider it like this. If all humans were truly mean nothing, why bother living. There isnt a point to them if they dont have any value. Which could be true. The real value is the one we give towards these things. That there is emotion. That is what drives us humans everyday. If we all were to be able to live forever. Id think life would become boring. Your drive to do things wont be there. Why? "Ill do it tomorrow" is possible. While for us mortals, we dont have that much tomorrow. Dont we?


No problem. Gotta practice sometime.

They do mean something, everything you do has endless consequences. Everything good that you do will have more positive than negative ones, and everything bad you do will have more negative than positive, probably.
Every little thing you do affects your community, society, the world and eventually the universe itself and whatever may be beyond it.

We are god, we are creating the universe, we are creating ourselves and the future of humanity.

You only just now realized the pointless existence that is life? Welcome to the club, grab a brochure.

>You only just now realized the pointless existence that is life? Welcome to the club, grab a brochure.

Like what? The Bible?

> wat do ?

Do you have anything else to provide for your fellow Sup Forumsros in the way of sage wisdom, genius? Although it depends on the person.


Meaning is subjective ,live to the fullest and have fun.
gg op

Once you are done you are hungry and eat.
Then you get tired and sleep.

Fapping is a great way to keep meat puppets functional when their soul is damaged.

Here you go newfag, when you delete a post we can still see it
So think up what to say before you post

Point taken. Thanks for the tip.


I know this. I like living a life of convenience, so not making a big deal out of it causes me less hassle.


because hedonism is a self-fulfilling prophecy of destrction. If you fall to overt self-indulgence in response to a world that you find to be devoid of meaning or worth, you have no chance of ever discovering or even creating any meaning or worth of your own. Then you look at life again, realize it's even more empty than before, and the cycle continues.


Oddly enough, that actually made me feel better. I've been having trouble coming to terms with the meaningless lives we all live.
I'm gonna go have a burrito now

There's many theories regarding this.
>One that it ends in nothingness.
>One that ends the world repeating over and over again
>One that restarts the world with different laws.

this universe is fucking bullshit


That is wrong. Anything you do will change the universe forever.

Who knew life is just one big nothing?

I remember when I was 15

Well said user

>discovering or even creating any meaning or worth of your own.

What if I don't feel like chasing some abstract sense of "meaning"?

Does one really adhere to the idea of hedonism if one falls into a self-destructive pattern that makes you feel bad?

Sounds good, but with that in mind, why are you on Sup Forums?

I'm pretty sure mediation is on to something. Maybe try that. It's hard work, and for the lazy it's easy to be lazy. But if you invest in it, I think the meaningless, the emptiness seems more acceptable. Maybe evven beautiful

the universe doesn't care about you. Laws of nature don't care about you. No matter how hard you struggle, they will continue to be as they always have been. They don't know the word meaning. They are like a clockwork. The universe doesn't care about us. We're nothing special. Life doesn't mean anything. You can progress as much as you want, someday you won't be able to continue, there's a natural border, this universe, even if it is part of another universe, that's just another universe, with borders, on grant and small scale everything comes to an end, there's a border you can't cross. You can only think of things existing.

You're missing a 't.'

so what are you 16? everyone with a hint of logic knows this.

This. Better than beleaving in God, heaven or alachu akbar. I dont even understand how other religion ppl want to suck off to theyr "gods"
Sorrrrr bad english.


>you've achieved a state of understanding many never manage
*almost everyone reaches

But when I look at my lint and acorn collection, I realize how fulfilling my life has really been...





Not OP but I used to feel that way when I was younger. As I got older I started liking it less and less. Just seems like there's too much suffering in the world for me to want it to be meaningless. We're born in a hostile universe that's 99.999% empty space, and we'll likely never encounter other lifeforms because of that vast emptiness. Hell we may not even make it far enough as a species to be a truly spacefaring race ourselves if we manage to obliterate ourselves in a nuclear war. And even if we do become spacefaring there's nothing important we gain from it except mining asteroids for certain resources that aren't abundant on earth. And I guess terraforming planets for extra space to support a larger population if need be. But other than we're basically just like a child playing by themselves, alone in the dark.



>this universe is fucking bullshit
Yet is all we have. Try to make yourself comfy and enjoy it.

Whats the only way to create a universe out of nothing? Split nothingness into two equal opposites, now you have the illusion of something, which is the universe you see around you. They recently confirmed this at CERN, that all positive matter has an equal portion of negative matter.

Anyways, as everything has an opposite the same should apply with emotion, trough a persons life one should experience an equal amount of positive and negative emotion. For example, you may sometimes be overly happy/manic for a short period of time and then afterwards feel somewhat down/depressed for a much longer period, so the positive/negative emotion ratio remains the same even if the duration is different.

In theory, the only way to make your life seem better is if you take control over when to feel sad and down by for example inducing physical pain on days where you wouldn't be doing much anyway, and then when you are done you should feel much better. People who cut themselves do it for this reason. Same with crying, when you're done you unarguably feel good.

You really have to ask why a creator-god would make such a barren, empty, boring universe. It could have been smaller, more manageable, and work in more interesting fashions. Why create something so unthinkably enormous that has absolutely nothing interesting happening in it? Seems like a super shitty place to have him stick us into. Seems like he must either have no fucks given for us, or he doesn't exist at all.

How about to be amazed at how fucking huge it is?


What are you meaning when you say "negative matter?" Like antimatter or dark matter? I think the latter must exist in far greater quantities than regular matter does, and I've never heard of the universe containing any sort of antimatter. If it did the antimatter would immediately and violently react with the regular matter and both would essentially obliterate each other and go back to being plain energy. I've heard, but I'm not certain this is true, that 10 pounds of antimatter coming into contact with 10 pounds of matter simultaneously would release an explosion of such magnitude that it would create a miniature big bang within our universe. So I don't think either of those are what you're referring to as "negative matter."

Sure it'd be awe inspiring if he made a giant universe, but I would be far more awed if it wasn't so damn empty and hostile. It's not really that impressive anymore once you realize that it's mostly just empty space. And it quickly gets replaced with frustration when you realize there's absolutely no upside to us living in such a barren universe.



Neither, I am referring to the smallest building-blocks of the universe, smaller than quarks. "Plain energy" is just "nothing" split in two. Ever heard of the string theory? Whatever dark matter is it should also be made of "nothing".

They say antimatter is not the complete opposite of matter, if it was it would simply vanish along with the matter, without any other reaction when combined.
