How to avoid your kid become a mentally ill little asshole

How to avoid your kid become a mentally ill little asshole

How can you remove homosexuality from someone at very young age I'm not facing the issue by the moment just trying to find a solution to this potential nightmare

tits or gtfo

fuck thats a good question OP


Beat your kids when they act like disrespectful little shits. Problem solved.

I think its a chain reaction thing. If you show faggotry your kid will become a faggot. Raise your kids like a soldier with the mentality to die for his people, those are the least likely to become estrogenic degenerates

Are you sure repression is going to work at all?

name or gtfo

Read file name degenerated fuck

Just raise your kid normally, the mother of that abomination probably manipulated the poor lad into thinking he wanted be a girl.

this guy kinda gets it

raise your kids to be a Man, or a Woman


Probably not molest them. I bet you this little boy played a tickle game with someone

no sugar, no TV, no internet, no friends, unless they are raised the same

don't breed

this was her when she was him, teen transfag

Every one of these tranny kids have such fucked up parents. Much in the same way a woman feeds her kids things to make them sick for attention, this kids mother pushed HIM into this shit so she could get the recognition as the hyper liberal modern day mother of the century she wants everyone to acknowledge her as

Genetics play a huge factor. Nature nurture is believed to be 50/50.

So its essentially raise your kids properly and if you arent mentally ill and it doesnt run in your family youre off to a good start.

Adequate support and rewards for good behaviour and displaying good attitudes, and fair punishment for bad behaviour. Consistency on the second one is super important. The kid needs a clear consistent consequence. Children are sociopaths and theyre pushing boundaries to see what they can get away with. If the perceived rewards are worth the punishment, theyll become assholes. A good way to become mentally ill through nurture.

Same witj rewards though. If you tell them theyre wonderful all the time for every thing they do they get entitled and they wont be able to cope with reality. They start getting stress and anxiety disorders when things dont go their way.

If youre talking about big mental illnesses, though, its difference. Clinical depression is a genetic predisposition so the pre cursor to that is teaching them to have an active lifestyle with lots of recreation.

Things like schizophrenia and shit, thats just genetic. Almost nothing you can do.


With jesus' love your next and a bit of nihilism. Incorporate lessons and education in play from the start and balance it out as they get old enough to distinguish between the two. Teach them sharing is caring, if you don't want them to be self-absorbed and incapable of introspection. Help them to get good at reading and they will teach themselves all they need to know to be functioning human beings quickly. Keep throwing books at them and limit their daily time in front of the screen of the TV/PC/Phone/Ipad. If you don't you will end up holding a wolf by the ears really..

Quit being a fucking retard and find your own happiness first before you bring a child into the world. And then share that happiness with them and they'll be just fine.

Turn off the fucking television and take them outside.

when you talk with your child they like it

Easy..... Show him a mentally ill asshole and tell him about its effect on mankind. If kid got brains he might just pickup or if doesn't.... Guess you were late. Amen

Save the belt, spoil the kid.

>How to avoid your kid become a mentally ill little asshole

by not broadcasting your kids' life choices on facebook for literally everyone in the world to see.

Love them and buy them everything they want.

Take the kid out of the public school system.

try incest and pedosexuality.