Pro-Atheism thread

Pro-Atheism thread.

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Fuck off back to r/atheism were you belong!

>theist triggered

God is gay


Can't be 'gay' if you don't exist.

Delete this thread now!


fuck you, this is now an agnostic thread.


Remember that time Atheism was a world power, and had major swing in the NASDAQ?

Wait that's right. They don't.

What about Misotheists? Right, none. No ties with the nuclear weapon trade, no arms dealers, no states of power, nothing.

Y'all are pussies.

>Can't be 'gay' if you don't exist
*tip fedora

Well it's your loss then user.



Going out for a jog. Later.

Have a sick Friday on me go leak your ex gf or sister now at snap-leak-cf

What, you fags are too good to be a slave to an figment of mankind's collective imagination? What makes you so special? PROSTRATE YOURSELF BEFORE THE CONCEPT OF GOD OR ILL MAKE YOU

>argument coming from a fat digusting neckbeard
>therefore argument is invalid
theist logic 101
also fuck you for making me respond to bait
also fuck you for making me bite y




At least we have images of spiderman. Haven't ever seen a picture of God. (drawing does not count). Based on that the probability of spiderman existing is higher.

You must have one too many chromosomes

I know this is bait and all, but what if the thing we consider "evil" is not evil for God. Its not evil to kill people or to rape cute lolis in Gods eyes. But it is evil to get old thats why he punishes old people with death.

If atheists are so cool then why do all the most powerful people in the world pretend to be religious?
Atheists: 0 - Theists: 0


But why does God have to be omnipotent, omniscient, or benevolent? Why can't he just be a hot, muscly grandpa chilling in the sky that comes down every now and again to impregnate mortal women?

Evil is subjective, then, and to choose to align your morality with a fiend like God is retarded as his basis of morality would be so alien and vile compared to any reasonable conception of moral goodness from basically any culture that isn't savage and warlike.

>If atheists are so cool then why do all the most powerful people in the world pretend to be religious?
Politics is a process of fooling the stupid.

To take advantage of religious idiocy

>evil is subjective
> his morality is vile

There is no contradiction between those two statements, retard. Morality may be subjective, ultimately a construct of man rather than an implicit truth, but that does not mean all are created equal according to standards of decency and usefulness. Only a weak fool looks at the lack of implicit meaning in the universe and decides to throw their hands up and say "none of this matters I'll be fine with whatever."

I've been there actually. Thinking just like that. But ... try to imagine a purpose behind evil and suffering. There actually is one.

People are to some degree stubborn, malevolent being, egoistic and stupid. Some more, some less, ok, but it appears that some things we, as humans, only learn through suffering, and the purpose of evil is to bring that suffering forth. Easiest example are kids learning in early age not to do certain stuff because it results in suffering, and later on adults learning the very same lessons, but on different level.

We won't learn through examples. Some things we have to learn through experience, and sometimes suffering and evil is necessary for this experience.

It wouldn't be possible without evil. It has a place in here. Think about this life as a correctional facility and boot camp at the same time. (I personally believe in reincarnation. So no, I don't think that killing yourself will make it all go away. You'll just start over. Kinda nasty.)

If you look at it this way "God" (if there is one, I'm not a theist) might intentionally allow the evil and suffering to persist.

Epikur. I studied some of his works. Questioning God without questioning reason behind existence of evil and suffering is a mistake.

Assuming evil is a big cosmic conspiracy "for our own good" is logically fucked, though. Attacks on god as a moral being are besides the point, which is that he is a fictional being.

And adhering to the moral system of such a being that holds a high enough power to decide fates is not useful how? In the example given by the previous user earlier, such a god punishes those not adhering to his standards.

Die on your feet instead of living on your knees, coward

That's actually a reasonable stance to take.

Just because someone avoided by a different set of moral standards than you doesn't mean that they don't enjoy those morals. Some may take preference in it. Who's to say that they aren't enjoying themselves proudly while living by such standards?


This destroys the idea of a god with morals. Could just be some fuck who doesn't give a shit.

abides, not avoided*

Then they have a false-consciousness they've been indoctrinated in. Their morality is abjectly awful and slavish.



And you don't have a false consciousness that you've been indoctrinated in without realising it, which puts you at odds with their perfectly viable voices, because...?

There is something called free will. Given to us by God, it is up to us to individually prove our worth to him. Without free will, why have anything exist at all to experience? Giving free will means that God is not alone, evil men and good men will exist, but only the ones who enact their free will towards good will enter the kingdom of eternal reward. In showered love and bliss. That's why you lose.

That's really the best you can do christfags?

>everyone who hates annoying atheists must be a theist

This is why you have no friends user.


Free will, dumbass. It's Gods ultimate gift to let us decide for ourselves, and not be pawns. Sounds kinda nice not to be forced to do something yeah?

Maybe that which we call god is not a person and beyond perception

No I realize it. I'm conscious of the influences on my values and try my best to look past them and analyze ideas on their own merits, using evidence where applicable, instead of slavishly following dogma. Fuck off with your false-equivalence bullshit

Epicurus wasn't an atheist, his works clearly state that he believed in the gods, he just didn't give a fuck and believed that they gave zero fucks about people, thus the uselessness of religion

Zeus in a nutshell

Checkmate atheists!

Which was a sensible position in the time before monotheism, when the gods were more human-like, fickle, flawed and limited in their powers. The gods of the pagans made sense in the context of their world. The gods of monotheism only make sense as mechanisms of social control during the time of growing state power and national cohesion.

That's why I venerate Zeus.

That's completely missing my earlier point, though. People can decide by themselves, of their own free volition that their own morals coincide with that god's. Maybe it's their fetish, maybe they just wholeheartedly believe in the same things that god wants, but it's still their choice.

Even reducing the argument to "die standing up rather than living on your knees" is creating a false dichotomy and depriving of choice.

The most annoying thing that Christians don't get:

God knows everything that was and is, correct?

God knows what you will be when you are created, then. He will know the life you live and the things you'll do, be them good or bad.

In other words, God knew you were going to go to eternal damnation before you were even created you, an infinite realm of suffering and anguish, he knew you were going to go there.

But he created you anyways.

A loving father forcing you into existence against your will just to inevitably spend an infinite amount of time suffering the most horrid pain.

He knew it and made you anyways.

Let's define being gay as someone who has had sex with a man or would not clearly prefer having sex with a woman to sex with a man.
If an agnostic person has had sex with a man, they are gay.
If an agnostic person has not had sex with a man, they do not know if they would prefer sex with a man to sex with a woman, so they don't clearly prefer sex with a woman to sex with a man, so they are gay.
QED all agnostics are gay.


There is nothing false about the dichotomy between slavery and freedom. Even a bird will grow accustomed to its cage, but you would never suggest that the bird was meant for its cage. A bird is meant to live free and wild, much like mankind is meant to be free from its chains, whether physical or mental.

There are around 2500 Gods worldwide. You think 2499 are wrong and you got it right?
You also got it wrong!

The point is that they're not being chained. Let's say that the god decrees that it is punishable to not fap daily. That's something that I'm already completely behind in my life. There is no slavery here. There is no forcing of will. There's just, "oh hey, I already believed in that. Cool. Now I can just keep doing what I like to do AND not be punished for being a heathen."

It's unknown what the original target of epicurus' riddle was, but it would likely have applied to all forms of worship, as his issue was not with gods or their existence, but with the effects of religion, I.e. Using religion to regulate society as you said. That applied to the Greek gods too, since even though there was no centralized church ruling everything, individual temples had massive power over the rulers in their region and the gods were more a part of everyday life (or more relevant, as you said), leading to a greater everyday interaction with religion.

Either way, Epicurus did not approve. You should look into some of his teachings, they are actually quite fascinating for over two thousand years ago, he was the first person to interpret atomic theory as not being a prerequisite for determinism and therefore not implying lack of free will

The threat of punishment is the chain, you dense fuck. Even the worst authoritarian bootlickers are still ultimately slaves even if they'd follow their imaginary cloud-dictator without the threat of reprisal and damnation, because the threat is still there. It is not an option, it is mandated.

Go away Islam, nobody likes you, not even the other religions

You're literally the King Joffrey of religions

Epicurus wasn't an atheist


If the goal of this thread is "pro-atheist" why aren't we currently working to disprove every worshipped god in the world, and only focusing on the Judeo-Christian one. This seems more like a "vent anger at the concept of the Christian God" thread.

Because they are irrelevant. The Judeo-Christian god and the institutions and throngs of idiots that follow him and perpetuate his dogma are a genuine existential threat to human freedom. Islam, Judaism and Christianity are all similar in the fact that they are authoritarian death cults that fetishize the end of time and teach mankind to loathe itself. I don't give a fuck about Ongo Bongo in Congo worshiping the fucking sun until he forms African ISIS and starts bombing subways in Paris.

Agnostics don't use the same thought process for their personal life. And that is because it is personal.

It's not really a threat if it causes literally no change to what I do, what I believe in, or how I live my life. It would mean literally nothing to me. To people who don't already do/believe in those things, then it's a threat.

If a nation declares it'd kill all blacks in its borders, that'd be a threat to blacks, not to whites. They'd just live their lives like normal because the criteria for punishment doesn't really have anything to do with them.

You finally starting to get what I'm saying here?

No, you're just obtusely ignoring the point. God's word is a divine mandate of how to live. Even if you'd live that way anyway, you're still obligated to do so, removing the choice to do otherwise. That is slavery. Get this through your thick skull or fuck off. God is a perfect expression of unfreedom and you've done nothing to prove otherwise.

True, an authoritarian god, like most depicted gods, enforces some form of slavery.

I know rite? Atheism is like a totally new thing, and all atheists are teenagers, like u.

>Let's come up with petty excuses for being shitty people.

oh man im so steamed brb im gonna write a paragraph about how your clearly wrong point is wrong

God says not to kill, or I'll go to hell. Most atheists look at their situations objectively and decide, "you know what? I shouldn't go around killing people. It holds no benefit to me and this is something that I choose to hold as a belief."

A perfectly reasonable choice. They already didn't plan on killing anyways. Just because a god happens to exist and his judgement coincides with their decision doesn't mean that they are a slave to his will.

The concept of a god isn't purely symbolic of unfreedom. You just choose to decide it to have that meaning. One can even say it's more symbolic of consequence. The law says I can't steal. Does that physically stop me from doing so? No. I can still CHOOSE to steal, I'll just have to beat with the consequence of making that choice. The laws of gravity assert that if I were to throw a heavy rock directly above me, it'd fall back down and hit me. Is that obstructing my freedom? I'm free to chuck rocks in such a manner as much as I want, I'd just have to deal with them falling back down on me.

If A) Eternity is true then Heaven, Hell and their respective paths are more important than any amount of human suffering. If Eternity in heaven or hell is true, then a life spent under extreme torture that ultimately leads to salvation was a worthwhile life because this life is less than a moment compared to eternity and is insignificant.

B) God wants people to choose him through free will. He could stop the shooter from killing the girl, but then he'd be taking away the free will of a would be shooter to do the right or wrong thing. and once you save one, under the logic that he values all his children equally, the logical extreme of that is that the entire human race becomes 100% controlled by God, we lack human will, but we do everything right, thus no murders ever happen. life on earth is paradise, but life in eternity is bad for god because he now has fellowship with slaves. No love is satisfying if it's forced upon someone.

C) God is not the cause of sin, man's choice to reject Gods way (a perfect way by a perfect being) causes sin in this world as God is the opposite of that. If all people followed God's teachings completely, there would be no murders, so Mr. Atheist, if he were serious about arguing the theology of it all, should be mad at the shooter and human beings in general for their evilness, not a God who's ways are beyond comprehension.

Stop equating the mandate of a divine being with the laws governing the operation of nature, the rules decided upon by a society and the decisions individuals make using reason. None of these are like things and your point is basically a non-sequitur at this point, hence I'm not going to continue responding to it because I've already done so too many times and yet you keep on repeating and reasserting this same bullshit point like nothing has changed. I'd rather scream at a brick wall than speak to you any more.

> stop comparing the mandate of a divine being to the rules of nature

They're both immutable, there's nothing you can do to change them, we're assuming that they're both known essentially in their entirety, and it's known what kind of reaction would be a consequence of action in regards to each.

How is planning your life around one so incomparable to planning your life around another?

A) If god created all, then he also created the fabricated scenario that necessitates a lifetime of torture for an eternity of salvation and is still a fucking asshole for doing so. Either god is not all powerful or he is instead a cosmic child with a cosmic magnifying glass hovering over our cosmic anthill.

B) Similar to the last point, if god is progenitor of all then the evil in men's hearts come from god. He either failed at creating moral beings or deliberately created evil to torture us for his amusement. And indeed creating beings to love you and punishing those who do not choose to is something a psychopath would do.

C) Special pleading, once again. You doge the question of gods power. Either he is all powerful and the creator of all things, including the evil lurking in men's hearts, or he is not god. Power bears with it responsibility, god lacks the former or fails at the latter.

So then what's wrong with God essentially being Zeus. I'd be cool with that. He doesn't have to be all-powerful, benevolent, or a great creator.

One is impartial, without agency, simply the many moving parts that make up the machinery of existence. They can be understood and worked within. The other would be a fickle personage with agency, ultimately arbitrary and bearing the full responsibility of all creation on their shoulders. One is literally amoral while the other is morally repugnant.

Apart from being a bit silly, I don't have much problem with paganism. But that isn't the discussion we're currently having. In most forms of paganism there are numerous gods with their own limited dominions. Complete devotion is not necessary in some cosmologies, simply tribute where tribute is due. Pray to Athena when you need reason and pray to Poseidon when you board a ship about to leave port. Paganism was, mostly anyway, a lot more chill than any monotheism at least in terms of doctrine. Religious people and their institutions will always find an excuse for violence and oppression.

*these cosmologies*

God isbperfect and omnipotent. why were we not created with that knowledge? He makes us suffer for it? Your words are as empty as your soul. Mankind ill needs a faggot like you.


People being reasonable on Sup Forums? No, that can't be...

If free will exists then it means god is not omniscient, otherwise he would know exactly what you are going to do, at all moments. So either free will doesn't exist or your god doesn't know everything.

> can be understood and worked within
So can a god. Just don't break his rules.

>a fickle personage with agency
That's just assuming that a god wouldn't just decide things one way and completely stick with it, seeing as how gods are kind of attributed with having transcendental knowledge.

> ultimately arbitrary and bearing the full responsibility of creation on its shoulders

The laws of nature could also be said to be completely arbitrary. Why are elementary particles the way they are, at the most basic level? They kinda just are.

And, barring the idea of a god having created the universe, creation itself would have been dictated by the laws of nature.

I still don't see too much difference between them. They're both kind of just "This is the way things are because nature" and "This is the way things are because god." Either way, you just work around "the way things are."

Reminder: True observation of nature is the only human activity with complete moral validity. Our spirituality is the only spirituality with meaning, all other spiritualities are just distortions of ours.

Morals are not relative and the "anthropology" of Christian "scientists" is false, un-reproducible and should be thrown away. I'd name names but you know what I mean, anthropological studies designed to create moral despair, studies where say, an isolated tribe's extreme adherence to a protomorphic form of anarcho-capitalism is transliterated as the lack of morality. No, a culture with such respect for freedom it would on occasion allow theft or murder is not even that unusual and not sufficient evidence that morality is relative to culture. It very much appears to be inborn, largely the same in each culture with shifting loci of focus. For instance which is more important, participation or independence? Nature no more has to make this decision than it has to pick a standard height or eye color for human beings, it's explorative and adaptive nature is not sufficient evidence for it's relativity.

If you look carefully you will find even in the most serious anthropology every single suggestion of moral relativity has been made by a Christian "missionary", an Islamic "scholar" or a Jewish grant-thief. This is to hide the truth that only Atheists are completely moral people, the only ones who love the universe instead of hating and fearing it.

damn, you've got us!

As a christian, I would happily purge all religions just to get rid of Islam.

Youre the hero we dont deserve

I like you.


Possibly, but theists are not the only ones bored with atheism.