ITT. Manly Movies / Movies women will never understand

A thread dedicated to manly movies, masculine heroes doing masculine shit with proper valor.

Pic related is my pick

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is that jon snow


Jon Snow could be part of this list, sadly Game of Thrones gave in to the cuck / coalburning sensation and is not worth to watch after the season 2.

As far as I know, Jon Snow character was ruined.

That is, actually, Orlando Bloom.

Great choice phamily. Add pic related

This is a great movie. Nu males will complain about the historical accuracy and the fact that the protagonist is white.

This is one of the few that I know for a fact a women would ask at the end if Tom Cruise was the Last Samurai in the end.

These threads will take a while to pick up.

Sadly theres a lot of nu males in this board but, with time, and with proper exposition to manly heroes, hopefully they will redeem themselves.

this movie would've been goat if it weren't for Orlando Bloom. Imagine Russel Crowe playing the protagonist instead of boypussy Orlando.

Im having more of a problem with how few action sequences there are relative to the amount of padding. A good manly action movie is sleek and to the point, like Die Hard or Fistful of dollars.

The Bridge on the River Kwai

hi redit

More #1 cucked crusader movie

A manly movie will try its best to portray the principles that should be the building blocks of a mans character. Things like mutual respect, honor, bravery and sacrifice.

In other words, things that are incompatible with the woman's brain. Hence why these movies aren't truly appreciated by the female crowds.

kill yourself

Master and Commander is the quintessential movie that females will never get.


Can confirm, girlfriend does not get this movie and never wants to watch it when I suggest it

Its a boring movie though bro. Its bloated.

t. woman

My mother watched this, I think she only watched it for Tom Cruise honestly.

Women don't get it


was there really that little action? There's that battle at the beginning and the huge battle at the end, and they even threw in some ninja shenanigans midway through

Comfy as fuck
>you will never live in a old japanese village full of samurais

Not really valorous but no girl i've ever met was able to understand the plot and enjoy the following:

-Rock 'n Rolla
-Lucky Number Slevin

Only recently I have seen people starting to post this on Sup Forums. Any good?

Best Mann


Master and Commander

I thought it was great, definitely worth watching. You can see that Refn was hugely influenced by Mann's style on this movie.

Thanks boys, will dl asap.
Its funny though, I've been lurking and posting Sup Forums for like 5 years now and only the recent month I've seen people post it.

> Ha, with this crew we will be done in Russia in 6 months

The good, the bad and the ugly

Women will never understand

Why do neckbeards hate women? Is it a virginity thing?


I'm probably gonna get btfo'd to hell, but whatever.

Me. It was all me, user. The author of all those posts.

>saying that women don't understand something means you hate women
do people really think like this?

>that part when Mac lit up the jungle with bullets when the rest of the squad comes in and instead of telling him to calm down and ask what happened, they joined and fired as well, showing the trust each member has for each other
Easily one of the manliest movies ever.

I agree.

On top of my head, one of the symphonies I know for sure that women have a hard time to fully understand is this one.

women don't understand this movie because they don't understand the concept of honour. they simply don't get it that being noble and acting out of principle is a thing

what's there to understand? it's music lmao you just listen and feel

zoure a pleb and a weak nu male


not an argument and i'm a boy you silly fags xD
for real though
you have no argument. i can appreciate classical music as being superior and requiring more skill to make but i read the youtube comments and see a whole lot of pretentious bullshit going on

Get this non-manly pleb out of our thread

Women can't relate to these types of melodies and, most of the times, they will prefer the pop song of the moment than that.

come back here when you know more about life kid

how does it feel like to pretend to be extra cultured all the time

Poor taste.
Review your definition of manly and get back to us

Too bad the Theatrical Cut is with their OOP Limited release. But anyway I'm a huge fan of ARROW VIDEO UK. They even have a sale on!

Lawrence of Arabia is another.

The Room

the lengths you nu males go to fool yourselves always astonish me. you are the only one pretending, pretending to be smarter than you actually are

but i'm not the one pretending to find deeper meanings in places where they do not exist. you have to be quite stupid to accuse me of pretending to me smart while doing this

Women are awful so I just assume they would never understand or appreciate my favorite movies.

Blade Runner
Ex Machina

>art doesn't have deeper meaning
the age of the nu male, (ladies) and gentlemen

Troop Beverly Hills.

Saw this a couple weeks ago. Whalers are as manly as they come

>i can't explain it but it has a deeper meaning i swear
hear the cry of the nu male
>that nasty feel when you are what you accuse others of being

Das Boot.
probably the manliest film I've ever seen


Also beat to quarters, but my waifu loves it, but she also loves generation kill

honest to god one of my favorite movies

>Nu males will complain about the historical accuracy and the fact that the protagonist is white.
the only thing historically inaccurate about the movie is that the samurai were luddites and didnt use guns. Not only were the samurai for modernizing their country and especially their military, they had used guns for centuries. White people were involved in the satsuma rebellion, and white people fought along side samurai and there were white samurai

My mom's favourite movie

Actually now that I think about it my grandma's favourite movie is Master and Commander but then she's a naval historian

I know this movie had a pretty mixed reception, but I liked it. I also really like Tom Hardy's character. Even though he was marketed as the "villain", If I was in his shoes in that time period I would do the same exact things he did.

Theres a big chance they just liked it because Tom Cruise is in it.

Theres an even bigger chance that they didnt fully get it.