Soon to be receiving nudes. Wish me luck

Soon to be receiving nudes. Wish me luck.
I'll post them all

Same girl

She's a good girl



Full house

keep them coming

She ain't sending atm

stop being a beta cuck and tell her to stop teasing you and send some real fuckin nudes

pro tip: easier to get girls to send nudes if you make it competitive like saying that not a lot of girls can pull off good nudes. Worked for me with a coworker. you got kik?

dont listen to this fucking idiot

Yeah what's ur name

I mean or do, if the girl is interested enough to be sending almost nudes its not really a bad time to be confident and straightforward to get what you want


I think she's gona

and nah, you have to be flirty and witty. girls want you to earn their nudes. Sounds dumb but its true

obviously there's some tact to it you cant be a flat our asshole but you cant back down if theyre teasing its just their way of saying ask for it

don't be a dick, but being blunt is a turn off and girls are jealous beings - they want to one up ever other chick on the planet

Trying to persuade her rn guys


Dude why show 30 year old virgins on the internet your girl?

you good friends with this girl? or just aquatinted?

That shirt makes you look flat, take it off before I forget how hot you are.

If quads we get Snapchat, deal OP?

Rolling for quads

Bet that line works all the time user


you're doing God's work son...

Why are you rolling when he hasn't even confirmed he'll give the name?



Because quads dude

Haven't been on in 5 years so technically yes but totally nah.

She's probs gonna do it in a few seconds lads

How should I know I always say 'let me see that ass'

thats the most retarded thing i've ever heard. Despite what Sup Forums says realistically .01% of girls that aren't adult entertainment will send nudes to complete strangers. And those who do are either 30 or 13. giving out snapchat would fuck it up

Nice dubs, and wtf are you a moralfag? What happened to the lulz?

just trying to see nudes. ive made some mildly sexist remarks too so im lacking on the moral front today

OP is gone I believe hoping for him to deliver...


OP kik me

Bamp for interest.

RIP OP. it was a good run.