Ask a cunt who just took 2500mg of benadryl anything

Ask a cunt who just took 2500mg of benadryl anything

Other urls found in this thread:

smell ya later

Why didn't you just take 4 Aleve?

Do you like spiders?

whats it like knowing your about to die?

Nighty night sweet prince!

ran out the other day, too lazy to buy more

i fucking hate spiders but i am ready

what is benadryl

honestly i have nothing going for me, so pretty decent

shitty antihistamine


Taking the bait
How much do you weigh op?

God speed then and don't look into a mirror



current status:
room is spinning, my body feels slightly numb, moving my eyes feels slow and i feel pretty relaxed

can you bust a softy

Call fucking poison control or you're dead faggot.

Any fist symptoms of od?

honestly dont know how to give proof aside from describing how it feels thus far

will look into this shortly

Have a sick Friday on me go leak your ex gf or sister now at snap-leak-cf

Vomit please

not quite yet, i'm feeling pretty drowsy though

should i give a reason as to why i decided to do all this

I don't know if it's possible to overdose on benadryl and that's what you're attempting, but if you're trying to sleep or illicit some sort of response you should know prolonged benadryl use is associated with dementia

Are you trolling, or legitimately stupid?

Are you ready for muscle spasms
Out of body experiences
Not sleeping
also having conversations with people who aren't there
Dry Vomiting


i do like the idea of an out of body experience and talking to mirages and seeing spiders

but i dont really look forward to spasms and dry heaving

Ready to see this fucker out of the corner of your eye for the next four(thousand) hours?

i looked behind me and saw something drift by
fuck this is getting to me fuck

are you fucking retarded?

pretty much man


Try to ejaculate before it gets too strong to figure out how your dick works. It's going to be godly

If you talk to anyone record the conversation
Its hilarious listening to yourself ramble into silence when you realize you were talking to a wall for 30 minutes

Also close your eyes and walk around.
Mind fuck to know you walked all over the house but havnt moved

Fight the sleep, dont waste it

You won't be able to focus on your keyboard enough to type coherent sentence in 10 minutes. Whatever you DO type will take 4x as long and you'll only be able to see through one eye. Eventually you'll decide you're too tired to pay attention to the Internet, so you'll try to sleep... except it will be painful and impossible to get any rest because your legs, though stationary, will feel like they won't sit still. You're in for a good 4-6 hours of hell before you'll be able to sleep.

...not OP, but really? Imma try that.

OP, the spiders you see out of the corner of your eyes probably aren't real.

Also, your short term memory ceases to exists - you can literally forget what you are going to say, mid-sentence.

here we go

>be me
>university student, manage pretty decent grades
>just dumped ex of three years because of failing relationship and cheating
>heavily got into weed, acid, drinking, and messed with cocaine and snorting hydros a few times
>winter break at the moment and not much is going on
>fired from previous job at call center for being late all the time, i fucking hated that job
>also have suffered from depression for a long time, prone to self destructive behaviors
>past two weeks have lacked any type of drugs and alcohol
>remember taking benadryl in high school out of curiosity and had a weird time
>decided to up the ante this time
>don't have much going for me in life at the moment
>found a new bottle of benadryl
>downed it all

and here we are

also this was hard to type

Is this your first time? You'll get used to it, just ignore it. It's for the best.

That out of body shit is fantastic.

This guy knows.

Occasionally it'll get really hard to breathe I've noticed however I'm a smoker as well.

Fair warning, OP; It's awful and fantastic at the same time, don't get addicted to the trip. It's easy if you're bored often.

Here's something mildly cute to stave off the horrible shit you're in for.

Yeah. I highly recommend fapping/fucking on diphenhydramine. I usually go from 50 to 300 mg. Then have a nice sleep. Try to wait until it peaks for maximum orgasm overdrive

Tried this once, woke up in a hospital having my stomach pumped with charcoal and shit. Told me if I hadn't been found my heart would have stopped beating. Way to go, OP. If you're not shitposting, you're getting ready to die. Wait until your heart starts that really weird slow beat, and then start freaking out when your arms and legs stop working. Not a fun experience.

i am gonna do this for sure, will post if anything is interesting

moving is really hard, i feel stiff all over
also i feel drowsy but not tired

Yeah, you're going to fucking die. Way to go, pal.

i am currently going through a period of difficulty breathing, i too am a smoker though

will do this now

my roommate isn't home so if anything goes bad then i might jsut be fucked


Select all squares with fireworks.

Leave this thread open on your monitor for the roommate to find.

Enjoy your waking nightmare trip.

Those people aren't real.
You didn't just drop that cigarette. You never lit one.
That cup isn't real.
Those bugs aren't real.
For the love of God, don't look at pictures.
Hope you wake up and don't end up stopping your heart.

>remembering what it was like to be 14

you're gonna sleep yourself into the new year with the worst fucking hangover, god speed


Watch this while you're still feeling it.

gosh speed, anonymous.

U fucked up yet? OH SHIT THERES A SPIDER!

Does anyone know if how tired you are will effect how much you trip on benadryl?

At least that hay fever will clear up


fapping was a success, it was pretty fucking great

i can breath again, though moving is extremely difficult

my legs are still yet they feel like they're moving

i looked down at the mess of cords by my computer desk and saw translucent spiders crawling everywhere

i keep looking back just to see a figure move by quickly

pissing is damn near impossible

my shoulders and lower back hurt

i have been talking to a photo of my grandfather for a while now i came to realize

also typing this was really fucking hard

How sleepies are you?

i just feel drowsy and my eyes feel heavy, but i know i cannot fall asleep


Have you gone poopy?

I told you fapping would be awesome. Good luck with the trip. Try not to die. Or do. Doesn't really matter.

Really starting to think this is a troll. OP, if you really took that much Benadryl, you wouldn't be able to type much, especially not that last post.

I've hard about tripping on benedryl, I'm not sure it's the kind of high I want though.

can you feel the spiders yet? are you talking to shadow people? are you delirious and feeling incredibly dehydrated?

Drink lots of water Op

Don't forget to bring a towel, OP.

if you absolutely have to go with a legal high just settle for the nausea from DXM. unless you like delirium, spiders, and dehydration don't trip on DPH

Noted, will try DXM was thinking about it anyway.
