>"I bypassed the character development!"
What did she mean by this?
"I bypassed the character development!"
Other urls found in this thread:
U r so mad
Um.... You're not allowed to criticise her. Ok?
>current year
>still trying to bully Rey
she ugly as fuck lmao
Is she the new queen of Sup Forums? I remember when Summer Glau was.
me want kissy her ;_;
I wish I could cut off her forehead and carry it in my wallet.
Only until Rogue One comes out and Felicity kills Reyposting forever
But what happens when Episode VIII comes out?
>Summer Glau
damn 4chin is pathetic rofl
If Rey was a man, no one would be complaining about this shit
Prove me wrong
>disney exec: go find me a slut who has beared her breasts on the big screen. we need to shed our wholesome family image
>casting agent: but sir the neckbeards will revol--
>(force choking sounds)
She's just so fucking cute.
As a Doctor, I can confirm this.
>15 years of anakin complaints
This movie is so fucked.
What is Rey's midi-chlorian count?
Rey has nothing on Anakin
>worshipping women as queens
what is this, 9fag?
Anakin is a million times worse than Rey. Anakin is one of the most asinine, unlikeable characters in the history of Hollywood.
Who here excited for the Force Tree in Episode VIII?
I hope it's true because of the butthurt fanboys will get.
IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!
At least Anakin isn't a Mary Sue.
I'm calling it now: Galaxykiller base
This one sentence actually kind of sums up why Sup Forums's taste should never be trusted.
Sup Forums has been doing this for many years, when did you get here? last week?
Fuckin nailed it dude
Rey a cute, A CUTE!
She took a huge piece of paio, didn't she?
It was always Kristen, user
New wave Star wars sucks but Felicity > cyst cunt
Name 10 instances of Anakin being a Mary Sue.
Holy fuck you're dense. I'm saying that a character can be the worst goddamn character in almost every aspect, but Sup Forums will still like it more than a "Mary Sue", a term that Sup Forums has long since forgotten the actual meaning of. It's clownishly retarded.
What did she mean by this?
You still haven't answered my question.
>swn nibble your earlobe
We're bullying the writers, you mong
They're both shit compared to Luke
Your question was born of your poor reading comprehension, and is changing the subject.
But Rey is the worst of the 3.
You can't prove that she isn't a Mary Sue.
wow noticing poor writing in a Disney movie? *grabs you by the neck* Back the fuck off??!!??
At the moment Rey is the most underdeveloped of the three. I know that doesn't mean much seeing as Anakin is the most developed and is still lesser to his son.
I think my issues with Rey are either going to be proven or rectified come 8, but the fault of the movie is that we have no character development at all.
Omnimaster: *stabs you in the balls*
Honestly, it's an OK idea. Better than midichlorians.
>Virgin birth
>strongest Jedi ever because he has the most midichlorians
>only human who can podrace
>literally the chosen one and Space Jesus
>Blows up the trade federation ship by accident in his first time in a starfighter
>Youngest member of Jedi Council ever
>fucks a Queen
>Murders a bunch of muslims and instantly forgiven
>All of his flaws depicted as not his fault, it's those mean Jedi for not trusting him!
>Gets to be a force ghost as his 20 year old self for some reason
fuck off nigger
>Dat lordosis
No one ever complained about boy Anakin blowing up the donut ship. They complained that he was an annoying fag.
>force tree
>better than midichlorians
>Virgin birth
>strongest Jedi ever because he has the most midichlorians
And he was still beaten by Obi Wan and Luke.
>only human who can podrace
Because he's gifted in the force.
>literally the chosen one and Space Jesus
And he ends up destroying the Jedi, meaning the prophecy may have been wrong or misinterpreted.
>Blows up the trade federation ship by accident in his first time in a starfighter
He's established as being a very skilled pilot thanks to pod racing.
>Youngest member of Jedi Council ever
But still not a master, which angers him and leads him on the path to becoming Vader.
>fucks a Queen
Whom he ends up killing because he lets his emotions cloud his judgement. Also, Jedi aren't allowed to marry or have children, meaning he broke the code.
>Murders a bunch of muslims and instantly forgiven
I assume you mean "Younglings". And no, he wasn't "instantly forgiven".
>All of his flaws depicted as not his fault, it's those mean Jedi for not trusting him!
He's shown to be arrogant, cocky and impulsive, which often causes problems.
>Gets to be a force ghost as his 20 year old self for some reason
Because he's the chosen one and redeemed himself at the end of ROTJ.
>>only human who can podrace
>Because he's gifted in the force.
Not the same guy, but this makes it okay? The same argument could be used for Rey's actions.
Except Anakin was established as being gifted before we saw him race. There's literally nothing hinting that Rey is force sensitive until she suddenly starts doing Jedi tricks because plot.
Doesn't he accidentally win a space battle by hiding in a ship?
>>strongest Jedi ever because he has the most midichlorians
Wrong, he had the potential to be the best because of his genetics. He wasn't the best. He got his ass kicked constantly.
>>only human who can podrace
He was one of the only humans to ever Pod Race, I'm sure there are others who could be as good, or better, than him. I bet any pilot could be.
>>Blows up the trade federation ship by accident in his first time in a starfighter
He was a good pilot and he wouldn't have been able to do with withour R2
>>Youngest member of Jedi Council ever
He never joined the council.
>>fucks a Queen
>>Murders a bunch of muslims and instantly forgiven
He was never forgiven for killing all the Sand People. Hell, no one else even knew about it.
>>All of his flaws depicted as not his fault, it's those mean Jedi for not trusting him!
He thinks before he acts. That's one flaw that is of his own doing.
>>Gets to be a force ghost as his 20 year old self for some reason
That was just the shitty remaster. The original had him as an old man.
>There are still people who defend this bland, Mary Sue created by corporate suits in a conveyor belt esque manufacturing to appeal to female fantasy fans who can't handle any characters who have flaws or imperfect characteristics
Rey is fucking garbage. Her turning to the dark side and becoming the antagonist is the only thing that will make her interesting as a character from this point.
>There's literally nothing hinting that Rey is force sensitive
>she touches Luke's lightsaber and has a vision
>orange granny alien basically tells her "U HAVE TEH FORCE"
That was after all the Mary Sue stuff started happening.
No it wasn't
Wasn't he directly responsible for winning the war on Naboo? Like yea there was a Gungan army and other space fighters but fuck those guys
>He never joined the council.
Palpatine made him a member of the council