

and apparently the last thread was full of actual paedophiles being creepy so let's not do that again this time

no lewd images


no u


13 minutes until 2017, boys.


d e d
t h r e a d

every one is out getting smashed

kinda lewd

>no lewd images
assless underwear.

not lewd tho



i'd hug a cat boy


(You) too



happy new years, faggots. (in good countries)

soccer shota are cutest shota

Happy early new years user

i mean new years happened 3 hours ago in some countries so it's not THAT early

Happy (early) New Years to you~

how much longer do you guys have to wait?


all day till this evening basically

that's a long time to wait

13 hours

UTC-2? what countries are even in that time zone?

Someone have more killua?

Yeah really is.
Cute pic btw

a very cute pic



Too cute in fact

2017 sucks we don't even have flying cars yet

no u


im going to post a lewd cub pic whose gonna try to stop me

god, when he decides to smite you.

god is dead

nobody cares, nietzsche.


i wonder if shota threads will be less trash in 2017