ITT: ugliest people on television
ITT: ugliest people on television
post that pic of her getting triggered over someone's drawing of her
>yfw the ugliest people on TV are of a similar level of attractiveness as you, while also being sizably more talented and wildly more successful
she's one of the funnier female comics but she's such a humongous bitch. she gets triggered over the slightest little insult and she went on a tirade about how she despise white men (no surprise that a self-loathing cunt would marry some chubby nigger)
holy kek, never heard about that
She's actually the ugliest
Would suck nose.
yeah but the ass aint ugly
>these obvious fucking jews
They don't even try anymore to hide it
nvm i found it myself
prove it
she also associates with niggers
>they don't even try anymore to hide it
What? Is it common for people to try and hide what race they are?
>google a picture for me
im good
Well yeah
She's married to Jordan Peele....
i agree with you op
everything is what other people say it is
she is a totall dog
That one boy who plays Arya in GoT
come on i need part 2
both of these women are beautiful
She's pretty cute desu
Mischa Brooks is that you?
Nasty woman, i was so fucking confused this entire show, in no period of time would she be considered not disgusting, let alone attractive
She's Italian she can't help it
Heh. But Ashkenazi Jews have a lot of health problems specificaly because they only bred within their own circles for so long. I know, because I am one.
thats only the ultra orthodox who all marry their cousins
damn that bitch looks like a crackhead.
I disagree. I think she's really pretty. I think you're gay, and not in the homo sense. You're gay in the lame sense.
my cousins are some of the hottest women i've ever met, though. and my aunt, is still very attractive too.
Absolutely wrong, men are horny as shit. A woman who's a 4 can almost always find a 6 to date or marry. Guys need to be wealthy to do that.
if think she's anything more than a 4/10 you need to get your head checked
I need to get my head checked
Jews can be any race
When did she go on a rant? I just remember her Godwin-ing over a caricature.
So Lena Dunham and Mindy Kaling are no longer on shows, right?
get the FUCK off of this board
she looks inbred :)
5/10 in the face
6/10 with those nice tiddies
Would bang
>Jew has black stepmom
Wew lad
If the tits are nice enough, nothing else matters.
I dunno, I think that pedo Jew (apologies for the redundancy) Dunham looks alright.
these bitches ain't got no alibi
I agree. There's something attractive about her, although, I wouldn't call her pretty.
you start, op. chelsea is queen.
this bitch
>its another pol circlejerk thread
how's the bukakke taste, gentlemen?
She's not ugly desu.
>it's a thread where Sup Forums is out of touch with realistic beauty standards
by a jumbo?
Even worse, a jewish Scientologist
Xenu H. Hubbard that is a fug face.
>OP is "ugliest people on television"
>user out-fags OP
OP pic is Italian.
I find her strangely attractive, not actually that funny however. Would still hit it.
50 replies
Do you think the Sup Forums neckbeards in this thread could get a woman period, nevermind a slim one?