I've been fucking this woman's boyfriend for the last month

I've been fucking this woman's boyfriend for the last month.

Doubles decides what New Year's message I send her.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck you bitch ate your boyfriend's cock

>Anonymous 12/31/16(Sat)10:12:35 No.71
Send her a photo of you cock.


are user or femanon?

Send it at exactly 11:57 pm exactly, give her enough time to check her phone before the count down and blow her lid and ruin the count down for all involved where ever she may be


Pretty much the plan.

Got pics with/of the bf?

Tits or gtfo then

maybe act like you meant to send it to the dude. Idk, can we get a little more context??

This, maybe 11:55 for ample time to react

Oh, not much context. I feel bad for her now, because she's done so much for him, but not enough to stop in a mature way and I'd be far more amused by shit hitting the fan.

That may give her time to pull the man aside and flip out on him in private, we're going for maximum damage here

Gotta send it at a time when she's not going to too distracted to check her phone but close enough to where leaving wherever she is isn't an option

Whatever is sent also has to be shocking enough to invoke an immediate reaction, multiple pics, texts from the bf, etc. Gotta go hard or go home

Also if you feel sorry for her, send all the info with a message like "sorry, I just learned of you myself, your bf is a cheating asshole, hope this helps you decide how you want to ring in the New year

I can agree with this

This kind of dick move always has repercussions. Hope to blowback hits you just as hard

are you black?


Don't listen to this cuck op

>when OP is actually a fat desperate guy that wishes he could be with this girl but knows she has a boyfriend so OP made a fake Account as a women and is trying to sabotage their relationship but isn't creative enough to sabotage it on his own

I'm v sorry

I'm sorry for what I did, I'll leave him alone now

"guess who's leaving you in 2016? your boyfriend"

I'm always ready to see new pair of tits. So, please follow the rule m'lady

So literally your first act of 2017 will be acting like a bitch to someone? To multiple people? Why? Just tell her now or don't. But if you like the guy at all, don't fuck up new years. Cuz he'll just dump your ass, too.

Send her photos of her BFs cock.

ohhh boiiii imma give him the succ real good

Hey your Bf should eat morepineapples

boooooooorrrriiiing! you bunch of newfag whiteknights seriously,


only one user said it...

Happy new years eve from me...go fuck your ex gf tonight or even your sister with this tool i found....use it before it gets patched lol and have a banging 2017 - snap-leak-cf

don't you wanna be alone on new year's eve? a lot of horny girls of your city would get fucked on twitts.fr/u/07h1


Tits or gtfo

Hi Diana!
i have realized that i am a useless piece of shit and i suicided at midnight.

Happy new years eve from me...go fuck your ex gf tonight or even your sister with this tool i found....use it before it gets patched lol and have a banging 2017 - snap-leak-cf

don't you wanna be alone on new year's eve? a lot of horny girlz of your city on twitts.fr/u/07h1

I can tell you, in my 56 years of life I have seen this backfire 100% of the 5 or so times I have seen it happen.

I did it once (with far less malice than OP) and it remains one of my top 5 life regrets.

I'm sure you're too edgy to listen, but you will almost certainly be part of this collateral damage. Cut ties and quietly walk away.

Hey I think we should talk about what's going on between us...

Ff vague suspenseful texts

I'm really sorry but I don't think curls are your thing. It was Sooooooo early 2000's. It's 2017 get with it or I get with him. Thanks doll!


Dubs don't lie, Felicia

3 minutes to midnight send he a message that you've tasted her cunt when you sucked off her boyfriend. Immediately follow that message with proof. Enjoy your last act of evil in 2016, begin New Year fresh.

and enjoy your new girlfriend for 2017