How is Sup Forums celebrating new years?

How is Sup Forums celebrating new years?

Checking dubs

eating a cheeseburger... by myself...

I'm not, too broke.

I'll be on the beach watching fireworks with a dog

been barely eating today and im by myself

lucky you

Throwing a party, let's fucking go.

By working because I work in a bar and some Cunt got themselves purposefully got themselves fired so they can go out

You're not in Michigan are you?

too bad, feel you

Broke as a joke, barely had anything to eat, masturbate,play vidya, go to sleep when i get tired

Got pic related with some good herbs to keep me company.

Ordered a pizza, burger and some fries to eat.

Watching movies or series.

GF is at her parents and i missed my train to them after i overslept because a certain pushy friend of mine rang me out of bed this morning

In less than a month I've lost my job, my car broke down, my friends deserted me, and I'm dangerously low on money. So I'm "celebrating" with a $1 cheeseburger

Alone at a bat with more vodka at home and maybe play some drunk vidya

Getting high enough to not feel shit


Cry more faggot

Nah Buckinghamshire uk

Not crying, just eating a burger

Alone in a hostel with a bottle water

>two bottles of red label

Good taste.

>hurr durr im 3dgy im i a m3mb3r of 4chin naow?


Damn where?


Bottle of cider and Mein Kampf.


Frankfurt, germany.
I'll flight to New Zealand tomorow.

Spirtytus and polish beer.

catching up on shitty TV shows and gettin drunk. It's only 3:30 pm, I got lots and lots of drinking to do.

I'm thinking about the night club but idk


last year I got food poisoning

this year I can't go out of the house

I don't know which is worse

by myself. split up with gf a week ago, brother has been invited to a fancy party in london, cant go with him. whole family went to a house party. never got invited

Watching a movie, serie @home, i party all year on ( student) . Now i m just @home, to fucking cold outside.