Gonna kill myself right before midnight AMA

Gonna kill myself right before midnight AMA

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=SZjBCQAAQBAJ&pg=PT20&lpg=PT20&dq="Now, listen. If you have ever believed a depressive wants to be happy..."&source=bl&ots=bLnklSBcQD&sig=t2J0PrYC411LKl_kkd5KTzcP_NA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjP36iJ3Z_RAhXr54MKHYsHDmsQ6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q="Now, listen. If you have ever believed a depressive wants to be happy..."&f=false

Why and how??

What is that pic from? That speaks some real shit

do it just after, be the first an hero of the new year

Could you stream it for me?

lost everything in the past four months, hanging

found it here one time and saved it

no, I wanna be part of the 2016 fallen

I don't know, I don't want to be a meme

Join the army or the kurds and go kill shitskins. Make yourself useful.

Upload suicide1.jpg OP

Betty White will die on January 19th, 2017.

Fair enough.
May you find peace, hero.

Greentext Story??

No fuck you. Don't you dare take betty away!


"Reason's to Stay Alive" by Matt Haig

>Rape someone
>Kill someone
You could do both on the same person tho, idk about the order

Permanent solution to a temporary problem. Don't do it. If nothing else think of the hurt it will bring your family.

What's your deepest, darkest secret?
What's your biggest regret?

I hope you don't do it op :/ Hopefully you can find someone to talk to.

How do I know you're not lying to me?

OP won't deliver

No, my country is not at war

It's a Suicide album cover, not a page from the book

It must happen, user.

There are so many cooler ways to go my dude. If I were in your position I'd go wrestle an animal at a zoo.

Fuck yeah, this guys gets it

So 19 days left to fuck her?

Better hurry.

What are your sexual fetishes? What anime do you watch?

Yup, I'm sure when people in the future discuss the deaths of 2016, it will be Prince, Bowie, George Michael and that virgin from 4chins.

Be quick.

You know nothing about OP's problems, shit-heels. Some problems are permanent.

>be me, be 29
>be making 130K a year
>be married with best wife you could find
>live in best apartment complex in the city
>have amazing friends
>have great relationship with mom
>one day decide to cheat on wife
>get caught
>wife leaves
>get super depressed, stop showing to work
>sell two of my business, give her the money
>give one of my business away
>been drinking every day since September 14th
>tried going away on a trip
>tried priests
>tried psycologist and psychiatrists
>every day is worse
>first couldn't sleep, now I sleep until 5-6 PM
>can't bare the pain
>lost friends cause they don't understand depression, I'm "a bummer"
>wife won't pick up the phone
>mom lives in the other side of the world
>spent 90% of my money on booze, gambling and going out
>I am useless
>My best friend since I am 3 yo said I was "a toxic person"

It's not a bad idea, OP, and it's a very natural way to go. Niggers been getting eaten by large animals forever. Give it some thought and stream it.

I don't want to hurt anybody. I am in fact very worried about hurting my wife and mom with my actions

>Gonna kill myself right before midnight AMA

Me too man, I'm strongly considering doing the same. My son died, my dad and now my wife has left me

darkest secret, stole more than 200K from my family when I was like 24

biggest regret cheating on my wife

No reason to do it, I don't know you

Tried priests eh? What a monumental shock that that didn't work.

Why not be the first suicide of27?

Sounds like shitty friends fam

haha that'd be amazing, but very painful I'm guessing.

I wanted to rent a Ferrari and crash the Eiffel Tower but then lost my passport and most of my money

Hey OP. I hope you'll change your mind. Seriously. If not, I hope there's a good afterlife of some kind.

I don't have any. I just really like getting my dick sucked but I don't think counts as a fetish.

I have never seen anime in my life

And get the animal shot. You retard

You're a selfish asshole if you kill yourself on a holiday of sort like New Years. It'd ruin the day thats suppsoe to be special going into a new year, and your family will dread that dad every year for ever. Instead of looking forward to a new year, its the anniversary to your death. Asshole.

OMG that's terrible, I am very sorry

STFU, Mrs Lovejoy

I don't know whether to give you some pathetic words like "It gets better" just to get you through the day or to tell you to do it just so you can be free of that situation.
Just know that whatever choice you make, no one can say it was the wrong one.

I was/am desperate

Will you write a suicide letter, OP? How do you plan on killing yourself?

I hope there is not, cause I'd be on the bad side of it

If you've been on the piss for months like you say, then you probably owe it to yourself to sober up for a few weeks so that you can make the decision with a clear head.

I'm also feeling very guilty because Jan 1st is my mom's birthday

You're criticizing a man on a cross because he's bleeding on you.
Unless you've known his pain, don't tell him that's it's not really that bad.

So it's better for OP to be miserable and in pain for the rest of his life because what? His parents' happiness is worth more? It wasn't OP's choice to be born so you can fuck off with that selfishness bullshit.

If you're still alive get your left over money and move to a new country, any country, don't think about how your going to live there just let it happen, live on the street if you have to.

I will, for my mom and wife.
Regular stationary hand written

Exactly. What a sanctimonious poser.


OP here

I saw this on Facebook the other day, do you think it's real. It's the only thing I'm looking forward to really

Why before? Why not right as the clock strikes 12?

Brains splattered on a wall don't play back anything.

>Captura de pantalla
¿De dónde eres OP?

Depends on how you die.
If your brain is destroyed almost immediately, you won't experience a thing.
But seeing how common "life-review" is in near-death experiences, it's certainly a possibility.

Live stream?

Why must you turn this image board into a house of lies?

live stream it faggot

Hanging is not your best option unless you know exactly what you are doing. You may well end up twitching and asphyxiating slowly instead of breaking your neck. Narsty.

Maybe natural cause of death but not isis victims.

What book you reading OP, curious.

I made a promise to myself. Get my shit together by year's end of gtfo. It's year's end


True, maybe they're talking about natural dead

I don't want to be a meme like I said before. Not for me, but for my family

And it started this same year, right?
Even I think that's too little time to fix your shit.

I've been reading about it. Supposedly you pass out at around 13 seconds

I was depressed as fuck for years. Now I'm not. Glad I stuck around.

Amazing feeling when I was able to walk down the street without the crushing weight on my shoulders for the first time in years.

Not my image, someone posted it here a while back

story time on stealing the 200k, that sounds like an impressive feat

>greentext maybe?

Must be nice.

I've been depressed for 17 years. But this year I had it all, happiness for the first time in my life and I fucked it up

What is google?
books.google.com/books?id=SZjBCQAAQBAJ&pg=PT20&lpg=PT20&dq="Now, listen. If you have ever believed a depressive wants to be happy..."&source=bl&ots=bLnklSBcQD&sig=t2J0PrYC411LKl_kkd5KTzcP_NA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjP36iJ3Z_RAhXr54MKHYsHDmsQ6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q="Now, listen. If you have ever believed a depressive wants to be happy..."&f=false

>be me
>know where grandma's safe key is
>open it
>steal gold coins
>go to pawn shop
>get around 211K USD

>gardener tells on my months later
>get kicked out of the house

dude, I got sober 4 years ago and I would highly recommend getting your ass to an AA meeting, like, right now. There are meetings around the clock in NYC, don't know where you are.

Getting sober for even a day or two will change your perspective.

It's not easy but it is doable, there are tons of people who have done it.

The worst part about being lonely all the time is that when you finally find someone who's willing to get to know you, you just realize that forgotten how to relax and have a good time. It's like the entire time you're talking to them you really just want to hug them and tell them they can't leave you.

So basically you want to an hero because you can't assume the consequences of your acts?

So this thread is just attention seeking then.....

what'd you do with the $?

Stream it on Twitch and link

I could stop drinking today if I wanted, I only do it because it's the only way I can sleep nowadays.
IF she came back I could put my life together in a second.

It sounds pathetic but I did make my life work and put it in order for her, cause she deserved a good future.

I am assuming the consequences by an hero

nothing really worth it, when I got kicked out of the house I lost like 30K that I was keeping in a backpack, and most of it I just flew bitches around the world, get drunk, party, buy random shit, clothes, nothing really impressive tbh

did you give Islam a go

>bought and smoked pounds of medically processed poop
Gets you high as shit nigger
>tons of 60 oz of the same alcohol
Southern Comfort cause I'm a faggot
>lots of gay dudes i had gangbangs off craigslist
Cost around 12k in all, anus is still sore tho

like I said, go to an AA meeting and get sober for a few days.

if you can do it without the meeting, that's fine - although meetings are full of people who have been through hell and made it back out so they have a lot of technique for this, which is hard to learn on your own.

you'll be in much better shape to deal with your shit without the booze, I guarantee you.

you can be useful to other people and do some good in the world, although I'm sure you don't feel like that now.

i wasted tons of money on hookers and blow, lost a business, can relate.

took years but i'm in a good place now, it is doable

who said hes gonna be miserable an in pain for the the rest of his life?

Before you kill yourself, why not exhaust all of your options? If they don't work you can always just go through with it.

I got really into blow during college. Ended up dropping out and spending every cent of my savings on it. I was planning on killing myself before the semester ended so I wouldn't have to face my parents and tell them I dropped out of school (and consequently lost my 20k scholarship). My girlfriend at the time noticed something was up with me days before I planned to go through with it and called the police to do a wellness check on me. I broke down and told them everything. One of the counselors at the hospital told me to try NA (narcotics-anonymous) and rehab. That was the best thing that ever could have happened to me.

You hear horror stories much like yours, some completely different but equally as sad. Everyone is supportive in each others recovery. It's a way to talk and not feel judged. It's a way to build a support network.

New Years Eve is one of the biggest relapse days for alcoholics. I guarantee you they have meetings tonight. Please attend, you don't even have to talk. Start with baby steps.