Sum up tv in one image

Sum up tv in one image

it's a black male thing *toots*

I like women's feet


Wait context for this pic?




They were dating during the filming of chuck

she's attracted to him so she presented him with her sexual, naked foot. it's part of the heterosexual mating process.

who /earthrocker/ here?


Reporting in

Is this the guy that spams cuck porn on Sup Forums because of how much the mods trigger his autism?





a meme too short lived desu baka

who the hell is andrew stranberg anyways?
besides being an earth rocker of course

Sup Forums is retarded. Jar jar could have been the main character and it still would have made a billion.

Got anymore "Sup Forums being retarded" screencaps?

Sup Forums no but I have plenty for /pul/




fuck it dump em brah, it would be most sppreciated


That pizza looks dope. I knew Gordon was a hard man to please but damn.