Ask a guy who knows the word economy anything

Ask a guy who knows the word economy anything.

What other words do you know?

Ethics, Quarantine, and substantial.

Where should I invest my money and when should I sell?
Also, how long do you think the inevitable economic crash here in America will last? We've held off the natural cycle for a while so I'm expect it to bottom out bad.

Shit man I don't know. Try investing in McDonald's. They seem legit.

invest in Neurofunk, sell 2018.5, 9 years, the menstrual cycle is a pain in her bottom yes

Lumber, is it in or out?

Dude. Look at that picture. It's outside.

Dude, look at the room your in, it's inside too.

Good point.

Lumber is everywhere... We're surrounded and we cannot escape it... If we didn't have fire, it would have over taken us by now.

Should...should I be afraid?

you should buy valentine cards stocks since it is at its lowest right now but will surge late january early february


Yup. Ask away.

What kind of soup is in this gif?


That's not soup.

Bouillabiasse with French truffles.

I don't believe it's a sauce. It would be too overbearing. Definitely looks more like a soup considering the visible rosemary and lemon slice.

Why doesn't the "I before E except after C" rule actually work for all words?

Probably has to do with how english is the bastard of French's one night stand/rape of anglo saxon.

Which should I invest in - "bigly" or "yuuge" this year, and why?

Nither "Not gonna believe it."

I've been thinking about moving my 410k into a 501(c) this year.

I feel that now is the time for moving up in the alphabet market.

Good move or not?

If 410K is the bottom and 501(c) is better why not go 611(a) ?

Too risky for me at this time.

I wouldn't know whether to say it affected or effected my retirement fund if the market dropped out.