At what point is it cheating?

At what point is it cheating?

I am very conservative when it comes to this and i often find that i am alone in my point of views

Please elaborate

I find heavy flirting to be cheating. I got cheated on early in life so maybe I am over sensitive.

It's cheating if you show romantic interest. Asking someone out for dinner can be completely harmless or cheating, depending if you do it with the intention of getting into a relationship with them. Of course kissing, sex and so on are always cheating.

Committed relationships are for pussies. Fuck bitches and leave.

>texting the guy who was coming on to me hard for serveral weeks is not cheating, im just trying to be friends with him even though he is pretty clear on what he wants

i can give you literally a million examples

>sex and so on are always cheating
Not if it's an open relationship

pretty sure everyone can agree that this is special circumstances

Once we hit heavy and obvious romantic interest, she is fucking dropped.

I cheat on my fiance though, not like all the time but if a slut rolls in my way Im not going to say no.


yeah guy cheating and girl cheating is different get fucked homos.

>open relationship
Why even call it a relationship at that point

>guy cheating and girl cheating is different
Please elaborate.

Men and women just work differently, girls dont typically show any interest in other partners unless they are thinking about upgrading/moving on.

Usually once a girl cheats its over, she doesnt really have romantic interest in you anymore. It has to do with the way mating works.

Men on the other-hand usually will fuck if somethings available not because they are looking to replace their actual mate.

now there are exceptions to be sure but generally that will hold true.

i acutally have to agree with this to a certain extend

its the same explanation i give people with the topic is prostitutes

Men fucking prostitures are gross
Women having one night stands are free

Its basicly the same thing, the only diffrence is that im paying for the hookers make up rather than her drinks

What if the relationship is over?

Not formally over, you didnt break up, but you both know that its over

If you both know its over why aren't you breaking up?

When you make it a game that they have a chance of winning

sometimes shit just needs time to completely die out i guess

but i dont fucking know dude, im the one asking for advice on Sup Forums

Pretty much whenever you're romantically interested in someone.

I've been cheating with my ex pretty much ever since she started dating her new boyfriend and he has no idea. I don't feel bad about it in the least.

Ask yourself; Is it really wrong, and why do you care.

I would say that differencs lies moreso in the difference between attracting someone and buying someone when it comes to reception from others. Don't think man/woman makes much of a difference here

Idk not to be some whiteknight fag but I've never really been about frequently fucking someone whos in a relationship. Golden Rule, eh. I would hate if it happened to me, why do it to someone else

wot. Pretty sure cheating at its smallest is and form of sexual conduct, whether it be pics or even sexts. There is an exception for cucks and swingers and shit, basically it just comes down to what both parties in the relationship agree on.

It becomes cheating when the focus of the potential cheater shifts from their partner to the other person, causing time and energy that should be spent on the partner to be spent on the other person.

ie, Telling your partner you don't want to do some activity together so you can text the other person while the partner is gone.

another persons genitals in your/their body

Emotional cheating is not really cheating in my opinion because I'm not going to accidentally catch herpes from someone talking with someone else. Sure it's hurtful or whatever but you can get out so much easier than finding out you've been fucking a girl who's banged some other dud in the past week.

>Emotional cheating is not really cheating in my opinion

This varies from person to person

I've known people who were more devastated by the emotional aspect than by the physical.

"It's bad enough that he fucked her, but what really hurt was he said he loved her too..."

What about sending nudes / sexual flirting? It's not physical but it definitely isn't loyal.

Semi Random Image Bump

>flirting and sending clearly romantic signals
>send nudes
>literally do things for the express purpose of causing arousel in the other party

yes thats cheating.

In my opinion, it's cheating when the partner feels betrayed by the cheater

if she does something that would trip me out if i did it i would consider it cheating

Im not in a relationship unless im 100% commited to it, including disbanding relationships/friendships if i have to

Heavy flirting/romantic interest/sex.
Attractiveness is fine, gf tells me when she finds a guy hot, I tell her when I find another girl hot, but anything anything romantic is off tables.

My family has never cheated and always have tried to work out their problems. People today whenever they fucking have even the slightest problems just jump ship and sleep with others. It's fucking stupid.m

betrayal of trust

that's literally all it is

What is cheating and what is masturbation (with a little help)?

>masturbating with a little help
You mean cheating?