Just had sex on Hogmanay

Just had sex on Hogmanay.

Ask me anything.

WTF is Hogmanay?

Thats what inbred englanders (scottish) call new years eve

Why would they use a dipshit term like that on a English speaking board?


Oh, right.

>OP fails this hard while trying to brag

nice work

mah gurl hogmanay

Who the fuck is Hogmanay? Why did you have sex on her and not with her?

Jesus, you stupid Yanks. I just wanted to talk about hot sex, not about how much your schooling sucks.

Not our fault your country is so irrelevant.

Im european and have a masters degree in english. Ive never, ever heard about hoogmoogook

Was the sex with another willing adult person?

This the girl you fucked? (How was it m8?)

don't encourage him, user

You calling Hunter Thompson an inbred Englishman? Bollocks! He was from Kentucky. Nothing inbred there.

i think Hogmanay comes from ol' scottish being drunk af, unable to pronunce new years eve and just babbling hogmanay, try it yourself, it works

>sex with another willing adult person?
Nae, the Scots only fuck sheep.

ok , OP.
1. is the pic related ?
2. if not, put a related pic.
3. if yes, why you are not doing it, again?

What a lovely culture they have

this was her

Just how hot was the sex then? Did you know your partner from before? Male or female? Two legs or four?

good for you.

Who is this lovely creature?


oh God pls let there be sex video. Pls!!!

You can't steal our welsh tradition

Did she consent? Saying baaaa doesn't count

There was a point where I had sex nearly every night with a girl friend of mine. Big whoop bragging about sex is pretty stupid because, when you have a partner it is normal.


This time it was before she got turned into haggis.

Trips of truth

I don't know why I laughed so hard at this, but I did.