/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Guitar And Bass Edition

How do I start learning guitar?

Suggested Practice Routine:

Guitar chords and inversions

String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):

Music theory:

Hal Leonard's Bass Method:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout

Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick

Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar

Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene

Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav

old thread

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Anyone else here build and play cigar box guitars? I've been doing it in my spare time for fun and extra money. Whenever the GF and I go hiking I carry one with me.

If I put jaguar pickups on my jazzmaster will I die of being gay?

i hate really ornate guitars with all those layers but thats kinda a beaut

It would be extremely painful.

What would be the best pickups to install in an Epiphone Les Paul to make it better?

What kind of aftermarket pickups do professional musicians use on les paul guitars?

>go to talent show tryouts at my high school today
>School hired a professional sound engineer to set up a huge speaker system
>4 stage monitor, 6 4x12 vertical PA speakers, and a 4 Subwoofer/woofer speakers
>Guy plugs my 6505mh in with the straight to PA XLR output and EQ's everything to perfection
>Entire fucking gym shakes when I palm mute and the fucking leads sound insane
>I've literally never played anything other than my 2x12 in my bedroom until now

It was amazing lads, It was like playing Wacken. I think tomorrow is going to be fun

>talent show tryouts at my high schoo

Les pauls look nasty and rocking yet classy and beautiful

i have literally never seen a person with even the slightest sense of style play a les paul before